
yìng zhuó lù
  • hard landing
硬着陆[yìng zhuó lù]
  1. 我们采取的措施既利当前、更惠长远,有能力防范出现大的起伏,更不会发生“硬着陆”。

    As the economic aggregate to fluctuations . The measures we have taken are good both for now and for longer-term interests , and will therefore enable us to prevent major fluctuations and make a ' hard landing ' even less possible .

  2. 中国将于今日公布第三季度国内生产总值(gdp)数据,从而显示经济是否面临硬着陆。

    China will indicate today whether its economy faces a hard landing when third-quarter gross domestic product figures are announced .

  3. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)对逾1000家机构投资者所做的一项调查显示,在金融市场上,中国经济出现硬着陆是威胁性最被低估的一种风险。

    The danger of a hard landing in China is the most underpriced risk in financial markets , according to a survey of more than 1,000 institutional investors by Barclays Capital .

  4. 中国经济的硬着陆可能导致一个“显著”的双损,美林的ChuaHakBin说。

    China hard landing could cause " significant " portfolio losses , BofA-Merrill 's Chua said .

  5. 美国纽约大学斯特恩商学院(SternSchoolofBusinessatNewYorkUniversity)教授鲁里埃尔?鲁比尼(NourielRoubini)在会上指出,为了实现这一目标,中国需要面对经济硬着陆的短期风险。

    In trying to get there , it confronts the short-term risks of a hard landing , as Nouriel Roubini of the Stern School of Business at New York University pointed out at the conference .

  6. 鲁比尼认为,为了避免中国经济在2013年发生所谓的“硬着陆”,中国应减少储蓄、削减固定投资、减少净出口额占GDP的比重,同时着手推动国内消费。

    To avoid a so-called hard landing after 2013 , Roubini thinks China needs to save less , cut fixed investment , reduce net exports ' share of GDP , and start boosting domestic consumption .

  7. 同年,波士顿的投资公司GMO的爱德华•钱思乐和独立经济学家谢国忠也开始预言中国经济将出现硬着陆。

    Edward Chancellor at GMO in Boston and independent economist Andy Xie also began predicting that year that China would soon stumble .

  8. 2001年世界经济陷入了30年来最严重的衰退。这次衰退是继多年经济繁荣后的硬着陆,衰退导致世界经济增长曲线呈现U字型。

    In 2001 , world economy ran into the deepest recession since the latest 30 years , which was " hard landing " after boom for many years and led to the " U " type curve of world economic growth .

  9. 摩根士丹利(morganstanley)经济学家王庆表示,中国国务院公布的措施,是“政策制定者为刺激经济增长、防止经济硬着陆而采取的系统性举措的开始”。

    Qing Wang , economist at Morgan Stanley , said the measures announced by the State Council were " the beginning of a systematic approach adopted by policy-makers to boost economic growth and prevent an economic hard landing " .

  10. 美联储勇敢的新主席保罗沃尔克(paulvolcker)将联邦基金利率提升至惊人的水平,带领美国经济挺过了痛苦的硬着陆,才平息了结构性通胀的争论。

    It took a new , courageous Fed chairman , Paul Volcker , to put the structuralist inflation argument to rest by driving up the federal funds rate to extraordinary levels and putting the economy through a wrenching hard landing .

  11. 这些公司的业绩急剧下降。自今年年初以来,一个追踪美国的中国借壳上市企业的彭博(Bloomberg)指数暴跌44%,对中国内地经济硬着陆的担忧加剧了跌幅。

    A Bloomberg index tracking Chinese reverse merger stocks in the US has plunged 44 per cent since the start of the year , a decline exacerbated by fears that the mainland economy is hitting a rough patch .

  12. Markit信贷分析师加万诺兰(GavanNolan)表示:货币收紧所引发的中国经济硬着陆,是金融市场面临的主要风险之一。

    A hard landing for the Chinese economy , triggered by monetary tightening , is one of the main risks facing the financial markets . said Gavan Nolan , credit analyst at Markit .

  13. 瑞银(UBS)经济学家汪涛表示:中国经济硬着陆的表现或与2008年第四季度以及2009年第一季度的经济形势类似,当时出口严重萎缩,工厂没有订单,数以千万计的农民工被解雇。

    A hard landing in China would look like the fourth quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009 when exports collapsed , factories had no orders and migrant workers were laid off by the tens of millions , says Wang Tao , an economist at UBS .

  14. 惠誉估计,如果北京方面着力解决房地产过度供应问题,使住房空置率从当前的28%回落到2008年的水平,那么GDP增长可能降至4%左右的水平——这已符合大多数人对“硬着陆”的定义。

    Fitch estimates that if efforts to reduce an oversupply of real estate brought the number of vacant properties back to 2008 levels from its current level of about 28 per cent , it would haul GDP growth back to around 4 per cent - in line with most people 's definition of a " hard landing . "

  15. FathomConsulting的经济学家劳拉伊顿(LauraEaton)表示,中国硬着陆的风险在过去几年逐步增长,并补充称:中国还没有爆发全面的银行业危机,但我们现在显然处在山脚下。

    Laura Eaton , an economist at Fathom Consulting , says the risk of a hard landing in China has been creeping up over the past few years , adding : There is not a full-blown banking crisis in China yet , but we are certainly in the foothills .

  16. 硬着陆对区域发展使命可能带来毁灭性的打击。

    A hard landing could prove devastating to regional development imperatives .

  17. 一个金融危机将为引发全球性的硬着陆。

    A financial crisis could trigger a global hard landing .

  18. 因此,中国经济硬着陆并非不可避免。

    A Chinese hard landing is not inevitable , then .

  19. 第二个潜在威胁是中国经济硬着陆可能通过金融纽带影响其他地区。

    Financial links are a second area of potential vulnerability .

  20. 货币过剩增加了中国经济出现硬着陆的风险。

    That increases the risk of a hard landing for the economy .

  21. 不过一旦这一天来临,那就将是一场硬着陆。

    When it does , the fall will be hard .

  22. 那么,中国如何才能防止硬着陆呢?

    So how can China prevent a hard landing ?

  23. 越来越大的中国经济规模和越来越近的硬着陆危险

    Chinese Larger Economy Size and Clearer Hard Landing Risks

  24. 目前,最新数据并未显示出硬着陆的迹象。

    The latest data are not indicative of a hard landing at present .

  25. 强大的财政和贸易顺差,是“硬着陆”的缓冲垫。

    Strong fiscal position and trade surplus are cushions against a hard landing .

  26. 硬着陆的可能性像以往一样大。

    A hard landing is as likely as ever .

  27. 但他表示,对硬着陆的担忧是“夸大的”。

    But he said fears of a hard landing were " overplayed " .

  28. 中国经济如果硬着陆,将成为一场灾难。

    A Chinese hard landing would be a disaster .

  29. 如果无所举措,印度将不可避免地迎来经济“硬着陆”。

    If something is not done , then a hard landing will become inevitable .

  30. 与衰退一样,硬着陆给整个迷局中增添了新的担忧。

    A hard landing , like recession , adds new fear to the mix .