
  1. 持续健康和谐以科学发展观统领建筑业汪光焘部长部署2007年建筑业五大任务

    Sustainable Healthy Harmonious & Lead construction industry with scientific development concept

  2. 本文阐述了环境水利学的定义与内容,提出了环境水利学的五大任务,并根据每一个任务分别说明了在中国的发展情况。最后。

    The purpose of this paper is to describe the definition and the contents of the environmental hydro-science and to propose its five tasks .

  3. 另外“十二五”期间,重点将围绕推进做优发展空间、做大中心城市、做强县域经济、加强生态建设、着力改善民生这“五大任务”推进。

    During the twelfth-year plan , the city will also push other five tasks including district development , core area expansion , county economy promotion , ecology development and livelihood improvement .

  4. 城镇是民族地区小康社会建设五大战略任务的空间集合,抓住了城镇开发,就牵住了民族地区小康社会建设的关键。

    The five strategic tasks in the construction of well-off society in national regions express themselves in towns of national regions , therefore the development of towns is the key point in the construction of well-off society in national regions .

  5. 本文的第三部分,从科学内涵、六大基本特征、六大基本原则、五大主要任务等理论层面论述了这些理论元素、层次的逻辑联系,从而说明了笔者的结论并非主观臆断。

    The third part of this article has discussed the logical connections of these theory elements and levels , from such theory levels as scientific connotation , six major essential features and basic principles , five main tasks , etc. , to prove the conclusion is not subjective and groundless .

  6. 其次分析了与优先级反转相关的实时内核结构,包括μC/OS-Ⅱ实时内核的五大功能模块:任务管理模块、时间管理模块、内存管理模块、任务间同步与通信模块及与移植相关的模块。

    Secondly it analyses the structure of kernel which is related to reservation of priority , including five functional module of μ C / OS - ⅱ: task management module , time management module , memory management module , task synchronization and communication module , transplantation module .