
wǔ jiǎo dà lóu
  • the Pentagon;Pentagon Building;Penta
五角大楼 [wǔ jiǎo dà lóu]
  • [Penta;Pentagon Building] 因美国国防部大楼外形为五角形,用作美国国防部的代称

五角大楼[wǔ jiǎo dà lóu]
  1. 一群人在五角大楼四周围成一圈。

    A group of people made a circle around the Pentagon .

  2. 五角大楼称恶劣天气妨碍联合空袭。

    The Pentagon says bad weather is hampering the allied air raids

  3. 五角大楼发言人威廉斯说那些会谈进展得相当顺利。

    Pentagon spokesman Williams says those talks are coming along quite well

  4. 航天飞机执行一项绝密使命,使军用酬载由五角大楼控制。

    The space shuttle undertook a topsecret mission with a military payload under Pentagon control .

  5. 五角大楼的所有废弃不用技术的集合,其资料已经数年无人购买了(b哈珀)

    An aggregation of every orphan technology at the Pentagon , stuff that 's been around for years that nobody would buy ( bHarper 's )

  6. 五角大楼已经开始正常使用机器人飞机,被称为无人飞行器(UAV)。

    The Pentagon already routinely uses robotic aeroplanes known as unmanned aerial vehicles ( UAVs ) .

  7. 下面是CNN记者芭芭拉·贝内特从五角大楼发回的报道。

    Here CNN at pentagon correspondent Bennett Barbara Star .

  8. CNN新闻,芭芭拉·斯塔尔,五角大楼发回的报道。

    Barbara Starr , CNN , the Pentagon .

  9. 本世纪初,美国制造商出于税收原因曾试图迁往海外,却引发了激烈的反对情绪,因为在世贸中心(WorldTradeCenter)和五角大楼遭受恐怖袭击之后,美国人爱国主义热情高涨。

    The backlash against US manufacturers that tried to move offshore for tax reasons in the early 2000s was fierce , as patriotism surged after the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon .

  10. 五角大楼(Pentagon)有自己的网络战士,美国的情报机构也是如此。

    The Pentagon has its own cyber warriors , as do America 's intelligence agencies .

  11. 五角大楼顾问团国防科学委员会(defensescienceboard)正在进行一项研究,测定在美国军事技术中应用外国软件对国家安全的影响。

    The Defense Science Board , a Pentagon Advisory Group , is conducting a study to determine the national security implications of the use of foreign software in US military technology .

  12. 2007年,中国军方黑客曾渗透进五角大楼(pentagon)内供美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)使用的电脑网络。

    In 2007 , Chinese military hackers penetrated the Pentagon computer network serving Robert Gates , the US defence secretary .

  13. 而实际上,这出自美国五角大楼(Pentagon)的一份备忘录,内容是全球气候变暖可能带来的影响。

    In fact , it is from a Pentagon memo on the possible consequences of global warming .

  14. 一位CNN的记者宣称说根本没有证据能够证明波音757客机撞上了五角大楼。

    CNN Reporter at the scene states that there is no evidence that a757 hit the Pentagon .

  15. 尽管美国五角大楼(Pentagon)正在大幅削减总体军费预算,但它花在网络安全上的开支却有增无减。

    The Pentagon has committed to spend more on cyber security even as it slashes its overall budget .

  16. 在1971年的“纽约时报公司诉合众国”案(NewYorkTimesCo.v.UnitedStates)即五角大楼文件案(PentagonPapers)中,美国最高法院权衡的正是这样一个个问题。

    The Supreme Court of the United States considered this issue in New York Times Co.v.United States ( 1971 ), often referred to as the Pentagon Papers case .

  17. 举例来说,五角大楼被称为国防部,减税叫做税务优惠,教育补助金券(vouchers)叫做机会奖学金(opportunityscholarships)。

    For instance , the Pentagon is called the Department of Defense , tax cuts are called tax relief , and vouchers become opportunity scholarships .

  18. 亚洲安全事务分析人士和前任五角大楼中国要闻的领导AbeDenmark声称此次访问是重要的。

    Abe Denmark , an Asia security analyst and former head of the Pentagon 's China desk , says the visit is significant .

  19. 航空巨头欧洲宇航防务集团(EADS)对英国宇航系统公司(BAESystems)的大胆收购其实只有一个目的:从五角大楼(Pentagon)拉到生意。

    The bold attempt by European aeronautics giant eads to acquire British defense company BAE Systems is all about one thing : Pentagon access .

  20. 安全分析人士、前五角大楼官员石明凯(MarkStokes)指出:我们目前在华盛顿的对台政策,有时候与北京方面太过协调一致了。

    We now have a policy in Washington towards Taiwan that sometimes seems too much co-ordinated with Beijing , said Mark Stokes , a security analyst and former Pentagon official .

  21. 随着美国国防工业沿着全球化道路继续前进,五角大楼(pentagon)正不得不面临一系列新的挑战和机遇。

    The Pentagon is having to face a new set of challenges and chances as the defence industry continues along the path of globalisation .

  22. 美国参议院拨款委员会(SenateAppropriationsCommittee)要求五角大楼迅速对中国火箭项目进行评估,并找出那些签约使用中国发射设备的非中国公司。

    The Senate Appropriations Committee has asked for a swift Pentagon study assessing Chinese rocket programs and'identifying non-Chinese companies which are contracting to use Chinese launch vehicles .

  23. 嬉普士随心所欲持有的异议并不像气象员革命派(20世纪70年代活动于美国的一武装革命组织成员——译注)轰炸五角大楼(Weathermen’sbombingofthePentagon)那么有颠覆性。

    The hipster 's laissez-faire dissent is not quite as subversive as the Weathermen 's bombing of the Pentagon .

  24. 据了解五角大楼(pentagon)一份核安全防范报告的政府官员称,美国军方目前无法确定数百件敏感的核弹头导弹部件的去向。

    The US military cannot locate hundreds of sensitive nuclear missile components , according to government officials familiar with a Pentagon report on nuclear safeguards .

  25. 不过,奈不仅是一位知名的学术分析家,也是一位爱国者和前五角大楼(Pentagon)高官。

    However , as well as being a leading academic analyst , Nye is also a patriot and a former senior official in the Pentagon .

  26. 对此表示怀疑的McCain说,如果Carter不成功的话,他希望五角大楼考虑除F-35以外的其他选择。

    A sceptical Mr McCain says he wants the Pentagon to examine alternatives to the F-35 , should Mr Carter not succeed .

  27. 但五角大楼发言人布赖恩惠特曼(bryanwhitman)表示,中国在最后时刻拒绝了此次访问,并且未作解释。

    But Bryan Whitman , Pentagon spokesman , said China had denied the visit at the last minute with no explanation .

  28. ChuckArmentrout,军事力量政策分裂的在五角大楼。

    Chuck Armentrout , chief of the military force policy division at the Pentagon .

  29. 五角大楼承认,当时关闭了部分为美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)办公室服务的计算机系统,但拒绝表示他们认为谁是此次攻击的幕后人物。

    The Pentagon acknowledged shutting down part of a computer system serving the office of Robert Gates , defence secretary , but declined to say who it believed was behind the attack .

  30. 五角大楼表示,其正在检查约翰艾伦(JohnAllen)将军与吉尔凯利(JillKelley,她在佛罗里达州坦帕市的一个军事基地做志愿工作)之间的邮件往来。

    The Pentagon said it was examining email contacts between General John Allen and Jill Kelley , who does volunteer work at a military base in Tampa , Florida .