
  • 网络Miyagi;Miyagi prefecture;Miyagiken
  1. 桥本还表示,宫城县、福岛县和静冈县已决定当地奥运场馆可接待观众为场馆容量的50%,最多1万名观众。

    Miyagi , Fukushima , and Shizuoka prefectures have decided that venues can be filled to 50 % of capacity with a maximum of 10000 spectators , added Hashimoto .

  2. 公共支出主要与福岛县、宫城县以及岩手县的清理和净化活动有关,这三个县在去年的地震和海啸中受创最重。

    Spending was led by clean-up and decontamination in Fukushima , Miyagi and Iwate , the three prefectures hit hardest by the earthquake and tsunami last year .

  3. 录像拍摄的宫城县小镇MiniamiSanriku现在已经夷为平地。当局表示,现在有10000居民失踪。

    The town where the video was taken , Miniami Sanriku on the coast of Miyagi prefecture , is now ed. Authorities say 10000 of its residents are missing .

  4. 目前还不清楚这只2岁大的狗如何与她的主人分开,但是Kessenuma位于宫城县,这个县3周前受到灾难的袭击。

    It 's not clear how the2-year-old mixed breed Ban and her master were separated , but Kessenuma is located in Miyagi prefecture , which was virtually wiped out by the disaster three weeks ago .

  5. 宫城县新学期正式开学。

    It 's the official opening of the new semester in Ishinomaki city .

  6. 宫城县的核辐射量约0.5微西弗,是东京的一半。

    Radiation levels in Miyagi are around POINT ZERO FIVE micro-sievert , half that of Tokyo .

  7. 早些时候的报导说,宫城县附近的女川核电厂发电机组发生火灾。

    A fire was also reported earlier in the turbine building of the Onagawa nuclear plant in Miyagi .

  8. 日本宫城县一名中学生说:“只有一两间教室给我们用。”

    Middle School Student , Ishinomaki , Japan , said ," Only one or two classrooms are left for us . "

  9. 在隔壁的岩手县和宫城县,海啸吞没了整个社区,军队在沙滩上发现了数百具尸体。

    Troops are finding hundreds of bodies along the beaches where tsunamis swept out to sea entire communities in Iwate and Miyagi prefectures .

  10. 从日本宫城县所造成的破坏出发,分析了日本先进的建筑抗震技术及其对我国的启示。

    From the damaged condition of Miyagiken earthquake in Japan , this paper analyzed the Japanese advanced seismic technology and its enlightenments to our country .

  11. 为了引发变异,阿部知子博士用碳离子轰击发芽的种子30秒,然后将其种入宫城县稻田中。

    To induce the mutations , Dr Abe bombarded germinating seeds with carbon ions for 30 seconds . She then planted them in fields in Miyagi .

  12. 中国驻日使馆宣布,将协助本国公民撤离海啸破坏最严重的四个地区宫城县、福岛县、茨城县和岩手县。

    The Chinese Embassy offered to help evacuate its citizens from four of the areas worst hit by the tsunami Miyagi , Fukushima , Ibaragi and Iwate .

  13. 除了宫城县,青森县、岩手县和福岛县也感觉到强烈震动。东京的建筑物持续摇晃超过一分钟。

    Besides Miyagi , the prefectures of Aomori , Iwate and Fukushima also experienced strong shaking . Tokyo 's buildings continued to sway for more than a minute .

  14. 据报道,日本宫城县石卷市的很多居民称自己遭遇活见鬼,大约1/5的海啸遇难事故都发生在这附近。

    Numerous reports of ghost sightings have reportedly been made by residents in the city of Ishinomaki in Miyagi prefecture , home to nearly a fifth of all tsunami fatalities .

  15. 福岛已经表达了想作为2020奥林匹克运动会一个部分的渴望,同时还有2011年三重灾难的最严重受损地区&东北区的岩手县和宫城县。

    Fukushima has already expressed a desire to be part of the 2020 Olympics , along with Iwate and Miyagi , the two other Tohoku region prefectures that were the worst hit by the 2011 triple disaster .

  16. 根据他们的估计,30年内,宫城县海岸附近发生8.0级大地震的可能性为99%,而茨城县海岸附近的几率则为90%。

    By their reckoning , there was a 99 % chance of an earthquake of magnitude 8.0 occurring off the Miyagi coast , and a 90 % chance of one off Ibaraki prefecture , within the next 30 years .

  17. 日本的海外游客数量一直在增长,但是由于日本大东海地震以及2011年3月宫城县、岩手县和福岛县等沿海地区发生的海啸,日本东北六县的旅游业一直停滞不前。

    Overseas traveler numbers have increased around Japan , but tourism in the six Tohoku prefectures has remained stagnant since the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami hit the coastal regions of Miyagi , Iwate and Fukushima prefectures in March 2011 .

  18. 第六篇文章以1923年著名的关东大地震和1978年宫城县近海地震为例,介绍了日本城市型地震灾害的特点,以及当前所采取的城市防灾对策。

    The sixth paper provides a brief description of the characteristics of earthquake disasters in Japanese urban areas and the current countermeasures of earthquake disasters in cities by taking the noted the 1923 Kanto earthquake and the 1978 Miyagi-Ken-Oki earthquake as examples .