
  • 网络sovereign credit rating;sovereign rating
  1. 信用评级机构标准普尔(SandP)早些时候把西班牙的主权信用评级调降了两级,再次打击了人们对西班牙的信心。标普预测,西班牙今年已经开始的经济衰退将持续到2013年。

    Standard and Poor 's , the credit rating agency , earlier delivered another blow to Spanish confidence by cutting the country 's sovereign credit rating by two notches , predicting that a recession already under way this year would continue into 2013 .

  2. 标准普尔最近还因宣布将美国主权信用评级由AAA下调至AA+而处于风口浪尖。

    And S & P has lately been in the news for its decision this August to lower the United States ' sovereign credit rating from AAA to AA + .

  3. 但《财富》杂志(Fortune)经回顾发现,标普和穆迪其实经常在主权信用评级上产生分歧。

    But a review by fortune shows that the two agencies regularly disagree over sovereign credit ratings .

  4. 标准普尔由于把美国主权信用评级从AAA调低为AA+而备受政界人士批评。

    S & P is under fire from politicians for downgrading the United States from AAA to AA + .

  5. 本周,惠誉国际评级(FitchRatings)称,日本若继续提高债务水平,惠誉将重新评定其主权信用评级。

    This week Fitch Ratings said it may review Japan 's debt rating if the government issues substantially more debt .

  6. 标准普尔今天称,该机构确认其对美国的“AAA”长期主权信用评级和“A-1+”短期主权信用评级。

    Standard & Poor 's Ratings Services said today that it affirmed its'AAA'long-term and'A-1 + 'short-term sovereign credit ratings on the U.S.

  7. 去年,大公发布了50个国家主权信用评级的报告,其中排名最低的是厄瓜多尔,评级为ccc。

    Last year , when Dagong published a list of 50 sovereign ratings , the lowest ranked country was Ecuador on CCC .

  8. 根据主权信用评级、信贷违约互换息差以及40%的回收率,德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)估计,未来两年希腊发生信贷变故(违约或重组)的可能性为46%,未来五年的可能性为72%。

    Deutsche Bank puts the likelihood of a credit event ( default or restructuring ) in Greece at 46 per cent within two years and 72 per cent within five , based on sovereign credit ratings , credit default swap spreads , and a 40 per cent recovery rate .

  9. 因此,2.1万亿至2.4万亿美元的减赤协议,并不能阻止不断攀升的债务,而且也不能保证美国顶级的3A主权信用评级。

    As a result , the deal 's $ 2.1 trillion-2.4 trillion in deficit savings will not only fail to halt the climb in the debt , but may not preserve America 's AAA credit rating either .

  10. 西方银行体系的失败,以及让欧洲仅存的自命不凡感荡然无存、让美国失去AAA主权信用评级的主权债务危机告诉了我们,在现今这个世界,西方已不再是全球化的主宰者。

    The failure of the western banking system and the sovereign debt crises that stripped Europe of its remaining pretensions and the US of its triple A rating have shown us a world in which the west is no longer the master of globalisation .

  11. 你有没有给标普的主权信用评级团队雇保镖?

    Have you invested in bodyguards for your sovereign debt rating team yet ?

  12. 上周,私人所有的大公国际资信评估公司发表自己的主权信用评级排名。

    Last week , privately owned Dagong published its own sovereign credit ranking .

  13. 对相关欧元区成员国主权信用评级构成的风险才是最大的问题。

    It is the wider risk to the eurozone members ' sovereign credit ratings .

  14. 主权信用评级为垃圾级的国家只有作为改革计划的一部分才有资格参与。

    Nations with junk ratings would only qualify if they were part of a reform programme .

  15. 就其本身而言,主权信用评级没有太大关系:它没有披露什么新信息,而且基本上应当在人们的意料之中。

    Sovereign credit ratings are per se irrelevant : they reveal no new information and should largely be foregone conclusions .

  16. 目前,希腊的主权信用评级已达世界最低,落后于厄瓜多尔、牙买加、巴基斯坦和格林纳达。

    Greece is now the lowest-rated sovereign in the world , having fallen below Ecuador , Jamaica , Pakistan and Grenada .

  17. 但主权信用评级作为世界投资者主要的决策参考,对于一个国家吸引外部投资意义重大。

    But sovereign credit rating as the main decision-making reference to investors , for an international to attract external investment is significant .

  18. 然而宽松也不是万能的,没有那个和政治政策,日本的主权信用评级可能面临降级。

    While easing is not a panacea , without that and policy moves Japan 's sovereign credit rating may face a downgrade .

  19. 大公最近发表了自己的主权信用评级排名,该公司称,此举在非西方的评级机构中尚属首次。

    Dagong recently published its own sovereign credit ranking , in what it said was a first for a non-Western rating agency .

  20. 他们担心,在上周五惠誉降低希腊的主权信用评级后,市场可能再次推高对希腊债券的收益率要求,这位顾问说。

    There are fears that markets may drive up yields again following Fitch 's downgrade of Greece 's sovereign rating on Friday , the adviser said .

  21. 这意味着,西班牙失业人口达到逾560万人(也就是24.4%的劳动人口),接近1994年创下的历史最高纪录。这些数据发布前不久,西班牙主权信用评级再次遭到调降。

    That means more than 5.6m Spaniards - or 24.4 per cent of the workforce - are unemployed , close to a record high set in 1994 .

  22. 由于主权信用评级下调之后将是企业信用评级下调,其中一些债务将不得不支付更高的利息或者提前偿还。

    As the sovereign downgrade will be followed by corporate downgrades , some of this debt will bear higher interest or will have to be repaid early .

  23. 与此同时,由于对斯里兰卡公共债务不断攀升的担忧,评级机构标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)将该国的主权信用评级调降一级。

    Standard & Poor 's , the rating agency , meanwhile , cut its sovereign rating for Sri Lanka by one notch , on worries about rising public debt .

  24. 周一,希腊主权信用评级被降至接近“违约”的一级,导致希腊10年期国债收益率逼近欧元时代新高,还引发各方更加担忧欧元区健康状况。

    Greece was downgraded close to default on Monday , sending 10-year bond yields near to fresh euro-era highs and prompting more worries over the health of the eurozone .

  25. 即使提升了债务上限,但信用评级机构称如不能达成实质性的缩减赤字方案,则美国主权信用评级仍将面临降级威胁。

    Even if the debt limit is increased , the credit raters suggested that without a substantial deficit reduction plan , the US sovereign rating was still at risk of a downgrade .

  26. 该信用评级机构昨日表示,由于这些国家的巨额经济及金融救市计划导致预算赤字激增,这些国家的主权信用评级将面临压力。

    The credit ratings agency said yesterday that sovereign debt ratings were coming under pressure because of huge economic and financial rescue packages announced by governments that have led to spiralling budget deficits .

  27. 在美国主权信用评级遭到下调之后,投资者仍然像往常一样,抛售股票等高风险资产、买入美国国债等较为安全的资产。

    Following the downgrade of the US sovereign credit rating , investors continued to do what they had been doing : selling riskier assets , such as equities , and buying safer ones , such as treasuries .

  28. 第二,对如何合理看待和利用主权信用评级,使其对我国经济发展产生有益的影响。

    Second , the debt reorganization , analysis of the impact of sovereign credit rating changes on the currency market , rational view and use the sovereign credit rating , which provide a reference for the economic development of our country produce beneficial effect .

  29. 在一片对美国未来预算赤字规模的恐慌中,标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)昨日维持了美国主权信用的AAA评级,减轻了美国国债持有者的忧虑。

    Amid fears over the future size of the US budget deficit , Standard & Poor 's yesterday upheld the triple-A sovereign credit rating on the US , alleviating concerns for holders of Treasury debt .

  30. 我国在经济总体上保持较快发展,由于受欧盟国家主权债务危机,以及美国主权信用评级下调等因素影响,导致经济运行带有一定的复杂性和不确定性。

    Due to the influence of such factors as sovereign debt crisis in some EU countries and the lowering of the sovereign credit rating of USA , etc. , our economic operation has certain complexity and uncertainty .