
zhǔ quán ɡuó jiā
  • sovereign power;a sovereign state
  1. 新加坡脱离马来西亚联邦成为一个独立的主权国家。

    Singapore seceded from the Federation of Malaysia and became an independent sovereign state

  2. 论文艺复兴时期主要思想家的主权国家观念

    On the Sovereign State Concepts of Major Thinkers in the Renaissance

  3. 立陶宛和亚美尼亚在维尔纽斯签订条约,承认彼此为独立主权国家。

    Lithuania and Armenia signed a treaty in Vilnius recognising each other as independent sovereign states

  4. 国家不是企业(除非是苹果(Apple)这种在一些方面比很多主权国家都大得多的公司)。

    Countries are not companies ( unless they are Apple , considerably bigger on some measures than many sovereign states ) .

  5. 它将发行自己的债券&欧元区债券,由少数依然是AAA评级的主权国家承销,最主要是德国和法国。

    It would issue its own bonds – eurozone bonds – underwritten by the few remaining triple A-rated sovereigns , most importantly Germany and France .

  6. 我对由人建立的货币体系和金融监管的限制性并不抱有任何幻想,也不奢望有哪位imf总裁能获得主权国家的授权,可以在税收、货币和监管问题上做出关键决定。

    I have no illusions about the limits of human-built currency systems and financial regulations . Nor do I imagine any IMF Managing Director will be empowered by sovereign states to make crucial decisions over tax , currency and regulation .

  7. 主要危机处理工具向陷入困境的主权国家放贷的欧洲金融稳定工具(efsf)的不足之处,在两次用上该工具时都暴露出来。

    The inadequacy of the main crisis management tool a European financial stability facility that extends loans to troubled sovereigns was exposed both times its help has been called on .

  8. 要制定任何新的架构,就必须赢得选民和投资者的信心,同时还应承认,强迫欧洲央行(ECB)充当欧洲主权国家的最后贷款人,会带来切实的货币风险。

    Any new structure must win the confidence of voters and investors alike . It should also acknowledge the real monetary risks of the European Central Bank being coerced into acting as a sovereign lender of last resort for the entire region .

  9. 在这座妥协的天平上,一端是GATS成员方所要追求的多边服务贸易自由化的目标,另一端是各个主权国家要竭力维护的特定国内公共政策目标及其背后的国家利益。

    On the scale of this compromise , one side is the target of liberalization of multilateral trade in service chasing by all GATS members , on the other side is the definite national public policies and hidden national interests endeavoring to persist by all sovereignties .

  10. 它包含了四个地位平等的主权国家。

    It contains inside of it four co-equal and sovereign nations .

  11. 到目前为止,欧盟只是一个有着某些超国家因素的主权国家联合体,欧洲联合的道路漫长而又复杂。

    The road of European integration would be very long and complicated .

  12. 其次,我们必须阻止危机向其它主权国家蔓延。

    Second , contagion to other sovereigns must be stopped .

  13. 这个国家是个主权国家,而不是其它国家的附庸国。

    The country is a sovereign state , not a dependent state .

  14. 主权国家要共用一种货币,就需要团结和纪律。

    For sovereign states to share a currency demands solidarity and discipline .

  15. 每个主权国家都会干预外贸出口业务。

    Every sovereign state would intervene in its foreign trade .

  16. 传统的国家安全观主要关注的是主权国家行为体。

    Sovereign state actor is the object of study in traditional national security .

  17. 主权国家体系的制度生成及其思想基础

    The Development and Ideological Base of Sovereign State System

  18. 主权国家决不会违约的原则是无法接受的。

    The principle that sovereigns never default is unacceptable .

  19. 所有的国家机器都是同一类型的变种,那就是主权国家。

    All States are varieties of a single type , the sovereign State .

  20. 2010年,欧元区的主权国家就充当了那些易碎的盘子。

    In2010 the fragile plates were the sovereign countries of the euro zone .

  21. 而即便是在公共部门,他们也过于依赖主权国家的自我监管。

    Even there , they relied too heavily on self-policing by sovereign states .

  22. 国际刑事法律冲突是因各主权国家对国际性犯罪适用刑法而产生的冲突,其种类和表现形式纷繁多样,但解决办法概而言之可归纳为三个方面。

    The tyre and expression of conflicts among international criminal lows are various .

  23. 借钱给主权国家的特点就是缺乏抵押品。

    The salient characteristic of lending to sovereigns is the absence of collateral .

  24. 非主权国家行为体在环境外交中的参与度和重要性越来越不可忽视,同时也不能报以过高的期望。

    The participation degree and importance of non-state actors becomes more and more unneglectable .

  25. 但欧元区并非主权国家。

    But the eurozone is not a state .

  26. 主权国家的边界变得模糊了。

    The boundaries of sovereign nations are blurred .

  27. 主权国家是构成当代国际社会的最基本单位;

    Sovereign state is the most fundamental unit for the composition of modern international society .

  28. 如果这种信心消失,流动性就会枯竭,主权国家就会被迫违约。

    If this confidence disappears , liquidity dries up and sovereigns are driven into default .

  29. 英国是一个主权国家。

    Britain is a sovereign country .

  30. 用袭击一个主权国家来保护。

    By attacking a sovereign country .