
  • 网络Main labor market;primary labor market
  1. 社会资本有利于研究型大学毕业生降低就业成本、赢取就业机会,获得有利的信息、弥补信息不对称性、协助其进入主要劳动力市场。

    Social capital is conducive to research-oriented university graduates in employment to reduce costs , gain employment opportunities , access to favorable information , to make up for the asymmetry of information to assist their access to the main labor market .

  2. 笔者认为,起至关重要的作用的因素为大学生的心里预期、当前劳动力在两级市场上流动不畅以及大学生能够在主要劳动力市场找到工作的后续可能性等等。

    Therefore , I believe the key roles are related to the students ' expectations , the not smooth circulation for current labor market flowing in the two levels of market and the successive possibilities of students ' finding jobs in mainly labor market .

  3. “剩女”的问题主要就是劳动力市场和婚姻市场的矛盾。

    The issue of " Left-over women " is mainly the contradictions between the labor market and marriage market .

  4. 以往关于就业稳定性的研究主要以劳动力市场为主进行宏观层面研究,而从员工个体微观层面探究其就业稳定的极少。

    Previous researches about employment stability were mainly macro-level studies on the labor market . Micro-level studies on individuals were rare .

  5. 其原因主要是劳动力市场发育程度低、部门职业垄断和国有部门用人机制改革滞后。

    Its reasons are mainly the low development degree of labor market , the monopolization of jobs in departments and the state-run department 's employing mechanism reform lagged behind with the society .

  6. 贫富差距扩大的主要原因是劳动力市场的变化,即低技能工人比以往任何时候都更难以找到工作。

    The main reason for the increase in inequality was changes in the labour market , with low-skilled workers experiencing ever-greater problems in finding jobs .

  7. 在劳动力市场分割这一研究领域,实证研究主要集中在劳动力市场分割所带来的不平等问题方面,忽略了劳动力市场分割对经济增长的影响。

    In the field of labour market segmentation , little research has addressed the testing of the influence of the segmentation of labour market on economic growth so far .

  8. 第五章是社区矫正对象的社会支持不足的社会后果,主要体现在劳动力市场的就业排斥、社会交往方需求得不到满足、矫正对象的增权意识薄弱这三个方面。

    It mainly reflected in three respects : exclusion in the labor market , the needs of social interaction are not met , the awareness of empowerment is weak .

  9. 得出以下结论:(1)中国存在由户籍制度造成的劳动力市场分割特征,农民工主要处于次要劳动力市场。

    The following conclusions are drown : first , China has witnessed labor market segmentation because of the household registration system and transient rural workers are mainly in the secondary labor market ;

  10. 主要从中国劳动力市场非竞争性歧视的现状和问题、中国劳动力市场非竞争性歧视的成因和中国劳动力市场非竞争性歧视的效应分析等四个方面作了研究。

    Non-competitive labor market , mainly from China , the status quo and problems of discrimination , the Chinese and non-competitive labor market discrimination , the causes and non-competitive Chinese labor market effects of discrimination analysis were studied in four aspects .

  11. 而女性的收入差距主要决定于城乡劳动力市场的工资差别。

    For women , their income gap is mainly determined by the differences in returns to attributes .

  12. 英国对就业采取的促进政策主要包括积极的劳动力市场政策、产业发展政策、扶持中小企业政策和再就业培训政策等几个主要方面。

    The promoted policy to employment of England included : active labor market policy , industry development policy , SME policy and reemployment policy , etc.

  13. 家庭教育投资风险主要是来自于劳动力市场的系统性风险,其原因主要在于农村家庭所处的信息环境和劳动力市场的分割。

    The investment risk in education results mainly from the systematic risk of the labor market , the major cause being the information gap between the rural family and the labor market .

  14. 在人力资本禀赋给定的条件下,造成群体间差异的主要原因便是劳动力市场上不同群体受到差别对待引起的,在某种程度上可归结为劳动力市场歧视。

    Given the conditions of human capital , the main reason for differences between groups is that different groups was subjected to differential treatment . To some extent this effects can be attributed to labor market discrimination .

  15. 在此基础上对中国劳动力市场的特征进行详细分析,以前人的研究为基础总结出影响劳动力市场发展的主要因素和完善劳动力市场的政策方案。

    Carry on the detailed analysis to the characteristic of the Chinese labor market on this foundation , Take the past research as a foundation , We research the main factor that influence labor market development and the policy that improve our labor market .

  16. 农民工能否很好的在城镇就业主要取决于城镇劳动力市场对农民工的吸纳能力,也就是说农民工在城镇的就业空间如何。

    Peasant worker could very fine to is it depend on urban labor market to ability of absorbing , peasant of worker mainly to obtain employment in cities and towns , that is to say how the employment space in the cities and towns of peasant 's engineering is .

  17. 造成这种结构性差异的主要原因是北部湾地区劳动力市场分割背景下,硕士生对主要劳动力市场有明显偏好。

    And the main reason which causing the structural differences is the master students have obvious preference to the major labor market which the position is limited under the background of the labor market segmentation in Beibu Gulf area .