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  1. 欧盟(EU)的主权债务危机和社会动荡此起彼伏。

    The European Union is faced with a rolling sovereign debt crisis and social unrest .

  2. 拿不出一套整体解决方案,打消投资者对银行的忧虑,欧盟(EU)是无法解决其主权债务问题的。

    The European Union cannot fix its sovereign debt problem without a holistic solution that quells investors ' concerns about banks .

  3. 当前在利率和主权债务CDS价格大涨之际,希腊违约将具有灾难性后果。

    A Greek default at this time , with interest rates and CDs prices leaping , would prove calamitous .

  4. OECD探讨了由欧元区主权债务无序违约而引发的下行前景。

    The OECD explores a downside scenario that starts from a disorderly sovereign default in the eurozone .

  5. 之后欧洲央行(ECB)也如法炮制,以类似手段应对希腊及其他欧盟(EU)国家的主权债务危机。

    Afterwards , the European Central Bank did the same in response to the sovereign debt crisis in Greece and other EU states .

  6. 新兴国家已经怀疑欧元区将imf用作应对自身主权债务危机的“储蓄罐”。

    The emerging world already suspected the eurozone of using the IMF as a piggy bank for its own sovereign debt crisis .

  7. 为履行其职责,IMF需要能够应对在某个大型经济体爆发的主权债务危机。

    To do its job , the Fund needs to be able to address a sovereign debt crisis in a large economy .

  8. wto表示,贸易放缓集中在发达经济体,尤其是欧洲,似乎表明与欧元区主权债务危机有关。

    The WTO said the slowdown in trade was concentrated in the advanced economies , particularly Europe , suggesting that it was related to the sovereign debt crisis in the eurozone .

  9. 在经济增长缓慢、失业率高达9%和主权债务评级调低的大背景下,周一,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)就削减赤字问题发表了讲话。

    Barack Obama delivered his deficit reduction speech on Monday against a background of slowing growth , 9 per cent unemployment and a sovereign debt downgrade .

  10. 主权债务担保计划将提供防火墙,以稳定市场,并提供一个临时的保护伞,让欧盟(eu)及其成员国实施它们的财政计划。

    The sovereign guarantee programme would provide the firewall to stabilise the market and provide a temporary umbrella to allow the EU and members states to implement their fiscal plans .

  11. IMF内部的政策制定机构承诺,欧元区国家将采取一切必要措施解决欧元区主权债务危机。

    The body that sets policy at the International Monetary Fund promised that eurozone countries would do whatever is necessary to resolve the euro-area sovereign debt crisis .

  12. 国际货币基金组织(imf)警告称,美国经济反弹速度快于预期,但面临着欧洲主权债务问题影响的威胁。

    The US economy has rebounded faster than expected but faces the threat of contagion from sovereign debt problems in Europe , the International Monetary Fund has warned .

  13. 在主权债务市场重现不确定性之际,那段“以邻为壑”的时期能给20国集团(g20)的政策制定者提供什么教训呢?

    What are the lessons of that beggar-thy-neighbour period for group of 20 policymakers meeting at a time of renewed uncertainty in sovereign debt markets ?

  14. 伯恩斯坦研究公司(bernsteinresearch)估计,这些未出售房屋需要5年时间才能消化,而考虑到西班牙存在高失业、主权债务威胁和移民减少等问题,5年可能还显得太乐观了。

    Bernstein research estimates that these unsold houses will take four to five years to clear , and even that may be too optimistic given high unemployment , the threat of a sovereign-debt crisis and fewer immigrants .

  15. 然而,希腊发行的个别债券仍将被评为“ccc”级全球最低的主权债务评级。

    Its individual bond issues , however , would continue to be rated as CCC the lowest sovereign rating in the world .

  16. 作为国际货币基金组织(IMF)第一副总裁,安妮•克鲁格(AnneKrueger)于2002年提出了一份有关主权债务重组机制的建议。

    As first deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund , Anne Krueger advanced a proposal for a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism in 2002 .

  17. IMF的增资请求,不应被诠释为只是为了稳定欧洲主权债务市场,也不能与这方面的努力联系起来。

    The request for more funds for the IMF should not be presented as simply intended to stabilise European sovereign debt markets , nor can it be tied to such an effort .

  18. 恐慌性气氛是在欧洲市场休市后出现的,而欧洲央行(ECB)几乎未采取任何行动,来阻止投资者因担忧主权债务危机而逐渐信心崩溃。

    The febrile atmosphere came after European markets had closed and the European Central Bank had done little to halt the erosion of investor confidence fuelled by sovereign debt fears .

  19. 在欧元区主权债务评级为AAA级的国家中,法国有着最高的负债及财政赤字比,并且银行体系风险深度暴露于南欧各国。

    It has the biggest debt and deficit ratios among the euro zone 's AAA-rated countries , and its banks are dangerously exposed to southern Europe .

  20. 正如德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)所指出的,欧洲主权债务危机对欧盟的未来构成了威胁。

    As Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor , has pointed out , the European sovereign debt crisis poses a threat to the very future of the EU .

  21. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)重申美国必须立刻提高债务上限,否则一旦投资者对美国主权债务失去信心,将对全球其它地方产生严重影响。

    The International Monetary Fund reiterated the US must raise the debt ceiling rapidly , as a loss of confidence in US sovereign debt would have severe effects for the rest of the world .

  22. 与主权债务价值有关的资产投资者还是可以通过购买主权CDS来对冲掉他们的风险敞口,但是这种免税权适用于哪种财产尚不明确。

    Investors in assets that are correlated with the value of sovereign debt will still be allowed to hedge their exposure by buying sovereign CDSs but it is unclear to what assets that exemption applies .

  23. 新兴市场国家正致力于快速筹措资金,增强国际货币基金组织(imf)的有效火力,以期提升该机构在应对欧元区主权债务危机方面的作用。

    Emerging market countries are working on ways to contribute money rapidly to expand the effective firepower of the International Monetary Fund , with the aim of increasing its role in fighting the eurozone sovereign debt crisis .

  24. EFSF可以宣布,它将无限制买进国家主权债务,使它们的息差保持在一个协议上限之内&比如为10年期债券设定2%的上限。

    The EFSF could announce that it would make unlimited purchases of national sovereign bonds to keep their spreads under an agreed cap – say 2 per cent for 10-year bonds .

  25. EBA表示,各银行必须在交易账簿上对主权债务和金融机构债务采用按市值计价,并对价格做特别折减,以反映市场发展态势。

    For the trading books , banks have to mark sovereign and financial bonds to market , applying specific haircuts that reflect market developments , the EBA said .

  26. 两名知情人士透露,今日欧洲央行(ecb)在其管理委员会会议上宣布购买欧元区问题主权债务的计划时,将不会公布任何正式的国债收益率上限。

    The European Central Bank will refrain from publishing any formal cap on bond yields when it announces a plan to buy distressed eurozone sovereign debt at its governing council meeting today , two people familiar with the matter said .

  27. 对冲基金SLJMacroPartners的StephenJen认为中国已经从那些经营不善的国家购买了和欧洲中央银行所购买一样多的主权债务。

    Stephen Jen of SLJ Macro Partners , a hedge fund , thinks that the Chinese may have been buying as much sovereign debt from struggling states as the European Central Bank ( ECB ) has .

  28. 新制度纳入了经合组织(OECD)对主权债务的评级,可该组织目前仍将希腊划入风险最低的类别,尽管市场在定价时认为该国存在巨大的违约风险。

    The new system incorporates ratings for sovereign debt from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , which currently places Greece in its least-risky category even though the market is pricing in a substantial risk of default .

  29. 与此相反,OECD认为,经济增速逊于预期的主要原因并不是财政紧缩(处于主权债务危机早期阶段的欧元区或许是个例外)。

    Conversely , the OECD believes that – with the exception perhaps of the eurozone in the early stages of its sovereign debt crisis – austerity was not the main reason why countries did not grow as fast as expected .

  30. 它是英语单词“Greek”希腊和“exit”退出的合成词。希腊最终是否退出欧元区仍然是一个紧迫的问题,这个词让人们记住2015年上半年希腊的主权债务危机的严重程度。

    A combination of the English word for " Greek " and " exit , " it reminded people of the severity of Greece 's sovereign debt crisis during the first half of 2015 , as whether the country would exit the eurozone remained a pressing question then .