
  • 网络debt structure
  1. 资本结构和债权结构对股利政策产生影响。

    Capital structure and debt structure have the influence to the policy of dividend distribution .

  2. 在此基础上对两类银行不同的所有权结构以及相同的债权结构的治理效应再分别作以分析。

    Second , analyzes the governance effect of the equity structure and the debt structure of the two kind commercial banks .

  3. 另一类是衡量股份制商业银行债权结构的指标,即应付债券比例。

    The other is a measure of the debt structure of joint-stock commercial , that is , the proportion of bonds payable .

  4. 首先从股权结构、董事会结构、债权结构三个层面分析了公司治理的关键环节;

    At first , it analyzes three critical aspects of corporate governance , which are share structure , board structure and debt structure .

  5. 发达国家的企业治理经验表明,如何安排股权结构和债权结构对提高公司治理的效率是必不可少的。

    According to the developed country 's experience , the arrangement of equity structure and liability structure is very important to improve corporate governance .

  6. 先以八家商业银行财务报表提供的数据为基础,分别分析两类银行不同的所有权结构特征和基本相同的债权结构特征;

    First , on the basis of the eight banks ' financial statements , analyzes the different equity structure and the similar debt structure of the two kind commercial banks ;

  7. 资本结构中股本结构与债权结构之间的适当平衡,将形成最优资本结构,此时公司的财务绩效水平最高。

    The adequacy equation between equity structure and debit structure in capital structure will form the best capital structure . In this time the level of financial performance is the best .

  8. 针对我国上市公司股权结构,债权结构在公司治理中存在的问题,本章提出调整股权,结构和债权结构的诸多措施以优化我国上市公司的治理结构。

    As to the problems of listed companies ' stock and debt structure in governance . This chapter puts forward the countermeasures to adjust stock and debt structure and improve corporate governance .

  9. 然后对我国上市公司资本结构现状进行了分析,分析了我国上市公司资本结构中的股权结构和债权结构的特点,并说明了其不合理性。

    Second it analyses capital structure present situation of corporation gone on the market in our country including in capital structure 's and capital stock 's character of corporation and discusses the unreasonable aspects .

  10. 而本文在进行实证研究时,采取股权结构与债权结构的相关指标一并考虑,研究它们对经营绩效的影响,能够起到综合分析的作用。

    While conducting this empirical study , the relevant indicators of ownership structure and debt structure are considered together to study their impact on performance , which can play a role in a comprehensive analysis .

  11. 提出了优化银行资本结构的对策,具体有:我国上市商业银行股权结构的优化,上市银行实行债权结构的优化,改善银行内部管理。

    Put forward to optimize the countermeasure of bank capital structure , specifically : China s listed commercial banks to optimize ownership structure , debt structure optimization of listed banks , improve the internal management of the bank .

  12. 本文将权益结构界定为相关人员或组织对企业资产享有的各种权利构成比例关系,具体包括资本结构、股权结构以及债权结构三方面内容。

    This paper will define the rights structure as different right constitution proportional relationships which relevant persons or organization enjoy to the enterprise assets , including its capital structure , ownership structure and debt structure these three elements .

  13. 二是由于我国资本市场并不完善,在实证分析中能够代表股份制商业银行债权结构的应付债券比例对治理绩效有正面影响,但不显著。

    Second , in the empirical analysis of the impact of the debt structure on the performance of the joint-stock commercial bank , there is no significant linear relationship between the ratio of bonds payable and the governance performance .

  14. 文章利用我国72家上市公司组成的样本对该模型揭示的关于债权结构、资产波动与信用风险关系的两条结论进行了检验,由此分析该模型对我国的适用性。

    Using a sample of 72 listed companies from China , the paper makes an empirical study on the two basic hypotheses about the relationship among debt structure , asset volatility and credit risk which are derived from Merton model .

  15. 本文探讨了上市公司融资结构与公司治理的关系,在此基础上应用这一一般理论,分别从股权结构和债权结构两方面来分析上市公司治理结构,指出其中存在的问题及原因。

    This paper makes an inquiry into the relationship between financing and corporate governance , and employs this general theory to discuss listed companies governance in China respectively from stock and debt structure , and points out the existed problems .

  16. 资本结构中的股权结构和债权结构对公司具有治理效用,并通过公司治理结构影响着财务绩效,他们之间形成一条逻辑链关系,企业的业绩与价值对资本结构的形成具有反作用;

    Capital structure including equity structure and debit structure effect governance of companies , they decide financial performance of corporation through corporation governance structure , they will form a relationship of logical chain , and performance and value is counteractive to the forming of capital structure .

  17. 债权期限结构影响因素的文献综述

    Review of the Determinant Factors of Firm 's Debt Maturity structure

  18. 第四部分,通过财富效应、资金成本效应、财富资源的分配效应、债权债务结构变化效应和社会效应,分别分析股市泡沫对社会经济生活的影响,并进行实证分析;

    The fourth chapter analyzes empirically the impact of stock market bubble on social economy from the perspectives of wealth effect , fund cost effect , wealth resource ' distribution effect , the effect of structure change of creditor 's rights and debt .

  19. 债权融资期限结构对企业价值影响的实证分析

    An Empirical Study of the Influence of Maturity Structure of Debt Financing on Enterprise Value

  20. 现代物权法理论,已经发展到了对物权、债权二元结构产生怀疑的阶段。

    Property Law modern theory has been developed to a state , which claims dual structure of the doubt stage .

  21. 首先通过储蓄缺口和居民、企业部门的债权及债务结构,对我国储蓄&投资转化的现状作了具体分析,发现其转化效率极其低下;

    Firstly , it analyzes the situation of the transforming mechanism in detail in terms of " saving gap ", the credit and debt structures between residents and enterprises sectors .

  22. 企业对债权融资期限结构进行选择,目的是为了降低债权融资成本,提高债权融资的收益,最终促进企业价值最大化的实现。

    A proper selection of maturity structure of debt financing is for enterprises to reduce the cost and boost the revenue of debt financing in order to maximize the enterprise value .

  23. 第一章首先对债权让与之逻辑结构以及利益平衡之必要性等基本问题进行了界定。

    Chapter one firstly establishes the logic structure of assignments and the necessary of the balancing of interests .

  24. 财产权、人身权的两分法以及物权、债权的二元结构,是传统财产权制度体系构建的基本范畴。

    The division of right to property and right to person and the dual structure of property and debt are basic concepts in traditional property system .

  25. 负债比率偏低,融资方式单一,债权约束软化是我国上市公司债权结构的主要特征。

    Low rate of debt to capital , simple financing methods and soft constraint are main characters of debt structure .

  26. 所以,高质量公司应该选择债券融资,低质量的公司应该选择银行拥有短期、优先债权,一般债权人只拥有次级、长期债权的混合融资结构。

    Therefore , the high quality firms should choose bonds finance ; the poor quality firms should choose mixed finance with the bank owning senior and short-term debt , the common creditor only possessing junior and long-term debt .

  27. 选择了上市公司2001~2004年作为数据窗口,共4816个公司的混合数据样本,对银行债权治理的现金流效应、代理成本效应、以及银行债权期限结构的治理效应进行了分析。

    The authors select a sample contained 4186 listed corporations , to analyze bank credit govern - ance in terms of cash flow , agency cost , and the structure of credit maturity .

  28. 物权债权化,从形式上来讲是传统的物权、债权二元结构不能满足现实经济社会的需要而作出的一种适应方式,但是这种适应方式却不能导向一个确知的目标。

    First , property claims of debt , speaking from the traditional , is that the dual structure can not meet the needs of economic and social reality and to adapt to a way , but this approach has not oriented to a known target .

  29. 首先介绍了债权中债券与银行在公司治理中的作用,然后对比两种治理模式下债券与银行对公司治理的关系,最后对我国目前上市公司债权结构与治理结构的现状进行了分析。

    It first introduces the function of bond and bank in governance , and compares the relationship between bond . bank and governance , then analyzes the present situation of debt and governance structure in our country .