
  • 网络mainstream media
  1. 主流媒介对妇女关切问题关注不够;

    The attention of mainstream media is insufficient to issues concerned deeply by women , either .

  2. 从《东方时空》看主流媒介的性别平等意识

    The Gender Equality Awareness of the Mainstream Media as Seen from the " Oriental Horizon " Program

  3. 与此同时,网络越来越呈现出社区化发展趋势&据DCCI数据显示,2008年网络社区已成为继门户网站之后的又一主流媒介,影响到超过七成的互联网用户。

    At the same time , the network is showing an increasing trend of community-based development . According to data from DCCI , in 2008 , network virtual community has become one of the most important media , affecting more than 70 % of all Internet users .

  4. 电子媒介作为现代社会的文化主流媒介,影响和制约着审美文化的发展。

    As mainstream medium in modern times , electro-medium influence and restrict the developing of aesthetic culture .

  5. 女性在主流媒介上得不到充分报道,她们的角色和身份也不尽合理和平衡。

    In some women ' report , women ' role and status are not reasonable and balanceable .

  6. 深刻地关注和记录社会上正在发生和形成的历史是主流媒介的境界与追求。

    The ultimate aim of the mainstream media is focusing and recording the developing and forming history of society .

  7. 那些陈旧的关于是否是网络降低了新闻业的标准和放缓了主流媒介的脚步的言论现在变得没有任何意义了。

    Those ancient debates about whether the Internet lowersjournalistic standards and drags the Mainstream Media into the slimehave become irrelevant .

  8. 从《东方时空》这个窗口,可以使人了解到目前我国主流媒介对社会性别平等意识的认知程度。

    Through this pro-gram , people can gain an insight into our mainstream media 's understanding of the gender equal-ity consciousness .

  9. 书籍是旧的商业模式的最后堡垒&也是仅剩的唯一没有拥抱数字时代的主流媒介。

    Books are the last bastion of the old business model & the only major medium that still hasn 't embraced the digital age .

  10. 香港的主流媒介在市场经济的主导下,言论与新闻逐渐分道殊途,记者普遍服膺专业主义的精神,包括恪守新闻的客观公正与伦理道德。

    Hong Kong 's mainstream media are oriented toward the market and its journalists committed to the norms of media professionalism including journalistic objectivity and ethics .

  11. 南方多媒短片盛典,提供了一种很好的跟主流媒介结合的可能性,它的主题性也给短片提供了标准。

    Southern Pocket Film Festival creates a great chance to connect with the main steam of media ; and its thematic design establishes standards for short-film making .

  12. 从纸质媒介到电子媒介的主流媒介转变中彰显着后现代品质,这种品质思维映射到体育传媒中,引起了体育报道内容和形式上的多元化格局。

    The alternation of mainstream medium from paper to electronic media displays post-modernism quality . In the field of sports disseminator , a diversified pattern is formed on content and form of sports reports .

  13. 电子媒介成为人类社会的主流媒介,各种新技术已经或正在成为图书情报工作的重要研究课题与技术基础。

    Electronic media has become the main stream of human society , all kinds of new technology has been or is being important on the list of research projects and technological basis in the library intelligence work .

  14. 图像化的景观扑面而来,网络媒介传播成为主流的媒介文化形式。

    The graphic view landscape comes at us every day . Network media communication becomes mainstream media culture form .

  15. FCoE之所以重要,是因为它将主流的网络媒介与主流的企业存储协议连接起来。

    FCoE is important because it joins the most-dominant enterprise storage protocol with the most-dominant networking medium .

  16. 随着网络的普及,网络广告的盛行,很多商家都对网络广告寄予了希望,网络逐渐成为主流的传播媒介之一。

    With the popularity of the network and the prevalence of online advertising , many businesses hope advertising online , Network has become one of the mainstream media .

  17. 因此,这两种主流理论不能对媒介全球化的历史进程以及国家在此过程中所扮演的作用提供系统的解释。

    Accordingly , they cannot provide a systematic account of the historical process of media globalization and the role of the nation-state .

  18. 随着网络技术的巨大发展以及互联网使用者的不断增加,互联网已经成为主流的信息发布媒介之一。

    With the tremendous development of network technology and the increasing of Internet users , the Internet has become one of the mainstream media of information issuing .

  19. 因此有必要进一步强调将对社会性别问题的反省意识纳入媒介主流,以达到媒介传播为促进男女平等做贡献的目标。

    So for the goal that media contribute more to promote the gender equality , bringing the meditate on society gender issue into media mainstream must to be further emphasized .