
  • 网络Magazine Media
  1. 而与此同时,杂志作为传统媒体,却面临:加入WTO后,国际竞争加剧;新兴网络媒体发展突飞猛进,冲击杂志媒体市场;以及杂志自身经营管理与市场化进程不同步等现实问题。

    Meanwhile , as a traditional media , the magazine must meet : the international competition became sharper after our country took apart in WTO ; the magazine media market is impacted by the new and rising internet media ; the actual problems in the management and the non-synchronous marketization .

  2. 随着受众生活方式的改变,户外广告在世界各地被广告商及消费者认同,户外媒体增长速度大大高于传统电视、报纸和杂志媒体,将成为21世纪最具成长性和发展潜力的优异媒体。

    Along with changing in life style , the outdoor advertisement has been recognized by the advertising agent and the consumer all over the world .

  3. 身为本土平面杂志媒体,外部环境所带来的危机与转机催生这场主动和被动的转变之役。

    As a local financial magazine , its own conditions and external environment brought about by the birth of this crisis and turn all the changes of active and passive Battle .

  4. 上周二,Snapchat推出了一种名为Discover的服务,Vice、CNN和《人物》杂志等媒体可通过它在Snapchat发布视频内容。

    Snapchat on Tuesday launched Discover , a section of its app where media outlets including Vice , CNN andPeople magazine can publish video content within Snapchat .

  5. 这个29岁的女演员已经被许多杂志和媒体描绘为“好莱坞最火名流之一”。

    The 29 years old actress has been portrayed by many magazines and media as one of the hottest celebrities in Hollywood .

  6. 利用电视和杂志等媒体进行被动吸烟对健康危害的宣传,加强人群主动避免被动吸烟的意识,是控制人群吸烟、降低人群被动吸烟率的可行性措施之一。

    Propagandizing the serious harm of passive smoking by medium and strengthening the consciousness of avoiding passive smoking were one of feasible measures to lower the rate of smoking and passive smoking .

  7. 然而,《尤金纪事卫报》自己并没有提供艾莫斯网站的链接,只是在文章末尾添上了《Slate》杂志和其他媒体相关报道的链接,而且这些也差不多是后来才加上去的东西。

    The register-guard , however , did not provide a link to the site , and added links to slate and other media outlets ' stories only at the bottom of the article , almost as an afterthought .

  8. 书籍、杂志和其它媒体都被列在同一个名单上。

    Books , journals and other media are all included in the same list .

  9. 相关文章不断见诸于各种报刊杂志和网络媒体。

    Related articles appear constantly in various newspapers , journals , or on the Internet and other media .

  10. 今日的杂志和其它媒体让我们感觉,只要你有冲劲、

    It 's made to feel , by magazines and other media outlets , that if you 've got energy ,

  11. 一般通过杂志与数字媒体,让消费者产生共鸣,他们的反应就是出手购买。

    It resonates with our customers , usually through magazines and digital media , and they respond by buying into it .

  12. 英国时装杂志作为大众媒体的一员,在普及时装知识、宣扬时装文化、推广时装作品等方面起到了举足轻重的作用。

    British fashion magazines as a member of the mass media play an important role in popularizing fashion culture and promoting the fashion works .

  13. 目前,互联网已经超越广播、电视、报纸、杂志等传统媒体,成为消费者获取旅游信息的主要渠道。

    Currently , the Internet has surpassed radio , television , newspapers , magazines and other traditional medias , becomes main channel that tourist gets travel information .

  14. 随着中国国力的增强以及与别国合作交流的增加,越来越多的含有中国特色的英语表达逐渐出现在了报刊杂志等新闻媒体。

    With the enhancement of Chinese overall cooperation and exchange with other countries , more and more English expressions which with Chinese characteristics have gradually appeared in the newspapers and magazines .

  15. 在平面杂志等传统媒体受到新媒体冲击的时候,我们应该从整合营销传播的角度来重新审视以广告业务为主要赢利的媒体的发展之路。

    In traditional media such as print magazine by the impact of new media , advertising profitable media to re-examine the development of the road from the point of view of integrated marketing communication .

  16. 参加本展会,同时免费享有电视报纸主流媒体、杂志期刊平面媒体、网络媒体等多重资源多角度多层次宣传报导,影响力深而广,时间长达一年以上。

    Taking part in SLF , all the exhibitors can enjoy the main stream media , like TV , newspaper , magazine , internet , etc to cover themselves from different angles , multiple layers for over one year .

  17. 在中国DM杂志只占全国媒体收入的1%,仅仅约10亿美元。

    In chinese dm magazine of the media only 1 % of revenue , only about $ 1 billion .

  18. 问题固然存在,这是任何事物发展过程的必然,但优势和前景也不能被抹煞,我们不能否认DM杂志作为新兴广告媒体所彰显出来的强大生命力。

    The question exists with doubts , and this is necessary to the development process of anything . But the superiority and the prospect can not be obliterated , and we must to affirm the DM magazine being appearing formidable vitality , when it is as the emerging advertisement media .

  19. 包括西班牙名流杂志Hola在内的媒体报道,女公爵说话的时候有点困难并且走路时经常需要搀扶,为了减轻子女的担忧,她在七月初就将自己的财产分给了他们。

    The duchess , who appears to struggle to speak and often needs support to walk , allayed her children 's worries by dividing up her fortune in early July , reported media , including Spanish celebrity magazine Hola !

  20. 报纸或杂志形式的印刷媒体。

    Printed matter in the form of newspapers or magazines .

  21. 那些报导只不过是被用来增加杂志销售量以及其他媒体业绩的八卦传闻。

    They are only gossip reported to increase sales of magazines and other media .

  22. 不过,《壹周刊》杂志大卖,其他媒体不得不随之起舞。

    But when Next magazine is selling like hot cakes , other magazines will feel compelled to ape its style .

  23. 此外,两杂志中的中国媒体人也对国家命运进行了思考。

    Besides , Chinese media people who were on the " two magazines " thought about the fate of the nation .

  24. 日本实时报栏目的记者查阅了过去10年他出版的一些图书、发表的杂志文章、接受媒体采访时的言论以及有关其讲话的报道,从中选取了一些有代表性的言论。

    JRT has reviewed some of his books , magazine essays , media interviews , and reports on his speeches over the past decade .

  25. 电子杂志既有传统媒体的诸多优点,它的多媒体表现形式和即时互动传播特性又使它能够超越其他媒介,具有传统大众媒体所无法比拟的优势。

    E-magazine has many advantages of traditional media . It also transcends all the other media because of its multi-media expressions and real-time interactive communication features .

  26. 现在,食品和药品管理委员会提高了对直接药品广告的限制,报纸、杂志、电视大众媒体的广告也将被检查。

    And now that the Food and Drug Administration has lifted its restrictions against direct advertising , the public too will be assaulted with ad campaigns in newspapers , magazines and television .

  27. 在周二的一场新闻发布会上,北京市卫生局疾控科科长赵涛说:受电视、杂志和其他公共媒体以及环境因素影响,越来越多的青少年开始吸烟。

    " Influenced by television , magazine and other public media , and environmental factors , more and more teenagers are picking up cigarettes ," Zhao Tao , the disease control section chief of Beijing health bureau , said at a press conference Tuesday .

  28. 通过《人民日报》(海外版)、《北京日报》、《神州学人》杂志、《留学生》杂志等媒体解读政策。

    Policy explanations are published in People 's Daily Overseas Edition , Beijing Daily , China Scholars Abroad , and Overseas Educated Scholars .

  29. 本论文选择中国汽车杂志传媒发展为研究对象。重点研究汽车产业发展与汽车类杂志媒体发展之间的内在关系。

    The paper intended to choose Chinese Automotive magazines as the object to study the relationship of Chinese auto industry between automotive magazines .