
zá jiāo yù zhǒnɡ
  • cross breeding;cross-breed;crossbreeding
  1. 分子育种技术(MolecularBreeding)继承和发展了杂交育种,引进了新的概念和方法,可以加速育种进度。

    Molecular breeding inherited and improved crossbreeding ; it accelerated the breeding-schedule by using new notion and method .

  2. 早菊杂交育种

    Crossbreeding of early Chrysanthemum

  3. 小麦杂交育种F1组合的量化选择方法

    Quantitative Methods for Selection from F 1 Generation in Wheat Cross Breeding

  4. RAPD技术在金针菇杂交育种中的应用

    Application of RAPD Technique in Crossbreeding of Flammulina velutipes

  5. 春石斛杂交育种及亲缘关系的AFLP分析

    Hybridization breeding and AFLP analysis of relative relationship of Dendrobium nobile

  6. Bt水稻杂交育种中转基因的遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis of Transgenes in the Progenies of Bt Rice Crossed to Conventional Rice Varieties

  7. 格里芬双列杂交育种方法2配合力分析的SAS实施

    SAS Programs for Combining Ability Analysis of Griffing 's Diallel-Cross Design of Method ⅱ

  8. 双列杂交育种法配合力效应估计及其显著性检验的SAS实施

    SAS Programs for Estimation of Combining Effect of Griffing 's Diallel Cross Design and Its Significance Test

  9. 鹅掌楸属(Liriodendron)杂交育种回顾与展望

    The Review and Outlook on Hybridization in Tulip Tree Breeding in China

  10. 可见,SSR分子标记技术能够将通过常规杂交育种手段选育的品种区分开,而且能较好地揭示品种间的亲缘关系。

    SSR markers could identify cultivars ( lines ) that were developed through conventional hybridization breeding method and study the genetic diversity of apple .

  11. 采用杂交育种与系谱选育相结合的方法,选择优良亲本材料。经3轮选择、互交和控制授粉后,从轮选群体中选择优良可育株(复交F1),进入系谱选育程序。

    We use both hybrid breeding and strain breeding to choose choiceness parent materials . The recurrent selection population was formed by mixing the hybrids equally from each backcross .

  12. 木麻黄(Casuarinaceae)杂交育种是木麻黄遗传改良的重要手段。

    The crossbreeding of Casuarinaceae is a very important method of Casuarinaceae genetic improvement .

  13. 为改良色稻AC,在杂交育种中应至少有一个亲本具有中等或低的AC,但在杂优利用中双亲最好都有中等AC。

    For the genetic improvement of AC in pigmental pericarp rice breeding , one parent should have low or middle AC in each of crosses , however , both maternal and paternal parents were better to have desirable AC in order to utilize heterosis .

  14. 4杂交育种以含Bar基因的抗除草剂小麦基因遗传工程体为基因供体,与安徽品种进杂交,获得的F1后代均为抗性植株。

    Through the hybridization of Anhui local wheat cultivated variety and the herbicide resistance variety which is including Bar gene by genetic engineering , the herbicide resistance F1 generation plant were obtained which was self-crossed or backcrossed with Anhui variety .

  15. 本文在Griffing单变元双列杂交育种统计分析法的基础上,首次系统地建立了多变元双列杂交育种系的统计分析法。

    Based on the Griffing 's univariate statistical analysis methods , a multivariate statistical analysis method has been systematically established for the first time in diallel crossing trials .

  16. 桃(prunuspersica)起源于我国,种质资源丰富,有多年的育种经验,但常规杂交育种终究存在很多弊端,很大程度上制约了资源的开发和利用。

    Peach ( Prunus persica ) originated in China . There is abundant germ resource and breeding experience here . But conventional intercrossing of peach have many shortcomings , which limited the using of resource .

  17. 对取自中国、日本、韩国和朝鲜等东亚地区的24个桔梗种质资源,利用RAPD-PCR标记方法,分析了其遗传变异和遗传关系,旨在为桔梗的品种鉴定和杂交育种的亲本选择提供理论依据。

    The genetic variation and genetic relationships among 24 samples of platycodon grandiflorum DC . cultivars collected from East-Asian area ( China , Japan , Korea and DPRK ) were analyzed by the method of RAPD-PCR markers .

  18. 按照G.c.a.效应大、S.c.a.方差小和显、隐性基因多寡筛选抗旱小麦杂交育种的优良亲本,长武131和84129分别属于源、库2个不同类型的优良亲本;

    Effect , smaller S. c. a. variance and the more recessive gene to select good parent are applied to cross breeding .

  19. 种质资源管理属植物杂交育种的一项重要工作,本文介绍了作者用dBASEⅢ编制的豌豆种质资源管理系统(PGMS)。

    Germplasm mangement is an important work for plant breeder . In this paper , a pea germplasm management system ( PGMS ) which was created by using dBAS - E ⅲ has been provided . ln the system , six functions which are ( 1 ) save data ;

  20. 所以,需要将染色法的测定结果和萌发法的测定结果综合比较,来指导选配亲本,提高杂交育种的成功率。

    It needs to be combined with the method of germination .

  21. 幼叶组织培养在小麦远缘杂交育种中的意义

    The Tissue Culture of Young Leaves for Wheat Distant Cross Breeding

  22. 杂交育种技术在海水养殖贝类中的应用及研究进展

    Application and Recent Research Advancement of Cross-breeding in Marine Shellfish Culture

  23. 花生亲和种远缘杂交育种研究从落花生到花生

    Distant Hybridization between Cultivated Peanut and Cross-compatible Wild Species in Arachis

  24. 大豆种间杂交育种技术的研究与应用

    Study and Utilization of Techniques of Soybean Interspecific Cross in Breeding

  25. 云南甘蔗有性杂交育种亲本选配研究

    Studies on the Parental Selection of Sugarcane Cross Breeding in Yunnan

  26. 细胞学方法在木兰科杂交育种早期鉴定中的应用

    The Application of Cytological Early Identification in Cross Breeding of Magnoliaceae

  27. 台湾的野生蔗及其在甘蔗杂交育种上的应用

    The Taiwan Wild Cane and its Utilization in Sugarcane Breeding

  28. 百合远缘杂交育种研究现状

    Advances in the Research of Hybridization Between Distantly Related Species of Lilium

  29. 作物化学杂交育种的实践与展望

    Practice and outlook of crop breeding with Chemical Hybridizing Agents

  30. 人们需要的性状可通过杂交育种引入植物体。

    Desirable characteristics are introduced into plants by cross breeding .