
  1. 信息技术和MSS应用对企业中层管理人员决策工作上产生影响。我们从管理支持技术特征和决策模式等方面,探讨MSS对企业组织中管理决策工作影响。

    We discuss with the impact of MSS on the managerial decision works in the firms from the attribute of managerial support technique .

  2. 企业中层管理人员培训评估体系研究

    Research of training effect evaluation system for the corporate middle manager

  3. 企业中层管理人员胜任特征初探

    The Study on the Competency Model of Middle-level Managers in Enterprises

  4. 企业中层管理人员甄选的定性模拟方法研究

    Qualitative simulation of the selection of middle - level manager in enterprises

  5. 企业中层管理人员绩效评估模型建构

    Construction of the Model of Performance Evaluation for Middle-level Managers in Enterprises

  6. 生产制造型企业中层管理人员激励因素研究

    Study on Incentive Factors of Middle Managers in Manufacturing Enterprises

  7. 企业中层管理人员培训的思考

    Thinking on Training of Management of Medium Level in Enterprise

  8. 国有企业中层管理人员薪酬体系构建研究

    The Study on Compensation System Construction of Middle-level Managers in State-owned Enterprises

  9. 企业中层管理人员执行力手册式管理方法

    Middle Management in Execution of Corporate-style Management Practices Manual

  10. 企业中层管理人员工作应激源研究

    The Identification of Work Stressors among Enterprise Middle Managers

  11. 转型期国有企业中层管理人员胜任力的研究

    Research on the Competencies of the Mid-level Managers of State-owned Enterprises in the Transition

  12. 企业中层管理人员工作自主性及其与工作绩效关系研究

    Research on Middle-level Business Managers ' Job Autonomy and It 's Relationship with Job Performance

  13. 油田企业中层管理人员绩效考评研究

    Research on Performance Evaluation of Enterprise 's Middle Administrative Staff 's Performance of Oil Field

  14. 在此基础上对培训内容进行整体设计,指出针对此类培训应采用的培训方式和评估方法。以期对企业中层管理人员的培训起到一些启发和借鉴作用。

    On this basis , designed training content , put forward method of training and evaluation .

  15. 文章第二部分为企业中层管理人员心理素质测评要素体系的初始设计。

    Part two : the developing of the system of mid-managers psychological quality testing and assessment elements .

  16. 该部分主要说明选取中小企业中层管理人员非物质激励这个论题的原因、研究意义。

    This part mainly explains the reasons for the selection of topic , and the significance of the research .

  17. 以此为基础编制了企业中层管理人员培训转化影响因素的调查问卷,以验证相关影响因素。

    Based on it , prepare the training transformation factors questionnaire of corporate middle managers to verify the relevant factors .

  18. 以分析企业中层管理人员培训的现状为突破口,阐述了中层管理人员培训需求分析的思路和方法。

    Taking it as a breakthrough to analyze training status of medium level management in enterprise , illustrated analysis ideas and methods for its demand .

  19. 企业中层管理人员作为中坚力量,其工作态度和业务素质对企业的运营管理和经济效益具有深远的影响。

    Corporate middle managers as the backbone , work attitude and professional quality of the operation and management of enterprises and economic benefits have far-reaching effects .

  20. 运用行为事件访谈和问卷调查法建立了企业中层管理人员胜任能力素质模型和具体的招聘测评指标,并且运用模糊综合评价方法对应聘候选人的能力素质进行测评。

    Behavioral event interviews and questionnaire survey is used to establish a corporate middle-level management competency model , and then evaluating the competence of employees with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation .

  21. 在文献分析、访谈和开放式问卷调查以及专家评价的基础上,我们初步提出企业中层管理人员心理契约结构模型,确定问卷内容,用自编预测问卷进行预测。

    Through literature analysis , interviews , open-ended questionnaire surveys , and expert evaluation , we proposed the psychological contract structure model , and pre-tested using self-compiled pre-test questionnaire .

  22. 企业中层管理人员是提升企业竞争力的中坚力量,是企业战略实施中的具体执行者,在企业发展中发挥养着重要的作用。

    Enterprise middle managers are the backbone of the enterprise competitiveness , is the concrete executor of enterprise strategy implementation , in the development of enterprises play an important role .

  23. 最后结合泰州邮政企业中层管理人员绩效管理的实际状况,设计符合邮政实际的中层管理人员绩效管理方法与对策。

    At last , postal enterprises in Taizhou middle managers the actual state of performance management , designed to meet the actual postal middle management performance management methods and measures .

  24. 企业中层管理人员的绩效决定着企业的整体绩效,而要提升中层管理人员的绩效,必须有科学的绩效考核。

    The performance of the middle-level managers determines the performance of the overall enterprise , and a scientific performance assessment is necessary to develop the performance of the middle-level managers .

  25. 但是本文所构建的企业中层管理人员素质测评体系还存在很多的不足,比如:部分指标不是很客观、指标不能量化等,需要更进一步的改进。

    But the construction of middle-level management personnel quality evaluation system has many shortcomings , for example : some indicators is not very objective , index can not be quantified , needs further improvement .

  26. 对企业中层管理人员的绩效考核不仅为企业战略目标的实现提供巨大支持,而且也加深了中层管理人员对自身职责和目标的了解,有助于促进他们的成长和发展。

    The performance assessment for middle-level managers not only provides support to achieve the strategic goal of the enterprises , but also deepens their understandings of their responsibilities and objectives , which administer to their growth and progress .

  27. 通过对问卷所得数据的分析,验证了文章中提出假设,之后进行了个人统计变量对企业中层管理人员培训转化影响因素的差异性分析。

    Tested the hypotheses made in the paper , through the analysis of data collected from the questionnaire . In the end , calculated the variance analysis of personal statistical variables on corporate middle managers training transformation factors .

  28. 企业中层管理人员作为企业战略实施的中坚力量,在企业运营和发展中有着极其重要的地位和作用,他们的绩效表现对企业的经营成败起着非常重要的影响。

    Enterprise mid-level managers as core force of enterprise strategic implementation make a very important position and function in the operation and development of enterprise , whose performance is put on very important side for success of enterprise operation .

  29. 在文章的最后,本文根据影响企业中层管理人员培训转化的相关因素,提出了提升企业中层培训转化途径,以期对将来对企业培训工作有一定的帮助。

    At the end of the dissertation , according to factors which was verified , the dissertation proposes the way which could enhancing the training transformation for middle-level manager , and it will be helpful for enterprise training in the future .

  30. 研究结果表明:企业中层管理人员的胜任特征包括团队管理与领导、影响力、组织洞察力、正直诚信、个人驱力、分析与概念思维能力、人际洞察力、创新、沟通、适应性与灵活性十个方面。

    Through investigating nearly 1,000 workers in various enterprises , ten competencies are identified which are Team management and leadership , Influence , Organizational awareness , Ethics , Personal driving , Analytical Conceptual thinking , Interpersonal understanding , Innovation , Communication , Adaptability Flexibility .