
  • middle and senior manager
  1. 中国东方航空公司(chinaeasternairlines)董事罗祝平表示,东航中高层管理人员的薪水将削减10-30%。

    Luo Zhuping , a director of China Eastern Airlines , said salaries for middle and high-level executives would be cut by 10-30 per cent .

  2. 这位特工参加的是凯洛格商学院自2003年以来专为fbi开设的培训课程,目前已为fbi培训了约3000名中高层管理人员。

    The special agent was attending a programme that the business school has run for the FBI since 2003 , which has now trained roughly 3000 senior and mid-level managers .

  3. 华蓥山发电公司中高层管理人员绩效管理研究

    Hua Yingshan Generates Electricity in the Company the Management Achievements Management Research

  4. 能力素质模型研究更多关注点是企业经营者、中高层管理人员、核心员工等。

    It is the enterpriser , middle-level managers and core employees that pay more attention to the model .

  5. 北京德达公司中高层管理人员流失严重,尤其是一些能力强的管理人员。

    In Beijing Data Company , phenomena of brain drain is very serious , especially some administers with strong ability .

  6. 目的中高层管理人员、一般管理人员职业紧张常模、应用表、分级标准研究。

    Objective A study of the occupational stress norm and its application for the executive group and administrative support group .

  7. 第四部分针对IT企业内部不同类型员工的特点为中高层管理人员、销售人员、技术人员的薪酬体系分别进行了设计,并构建了我国IT业薪酬体系设计的理论模型。

    The forth part designed salary system for administrators , salespersons and technical personals according to the characteristic of different staffs .

  8. 在制定绩效考核体系的设计目标的同时选定了平衡计分卡作为中高层管理人员的绩效考核方法,选定评级量表法作为基层员工的考核方法。

    Then it selected the appraisal methods , using the Balanced Scorecard for managers and using the Rating table for basic staffs .

  9. 授课对象:人力资源经理,员工关系主管,公司总经理或其他中高层管理人员。

    Target audience : Human resource manager , Employer relations supervisor , General manager , Depatment manager or the top and middle .

  10. 通过统计问卷调查结果并分析整理访谈资料,总结出衡阳有线网络公司在中高层管理人员激励中存在的问题。

    Through the statistical survey results and analysis of interview data , summed up the Hengyang cable network companies in senior management personnel incentive problems .

  11. 其次,针对衡阳有线网络公司中高层管理人员,设计了薪酬绩效调查问卷,并进行了抽样访谈。

    Secondly , according to the Hengyang cable network in the senior management of the company , design the salary performance questionnaire , and the sampling interview .

  12. 中高层管理人员作为企业的改革者、组织者和领导者,他们所组成的管理队伍决定着企业的核心竞争力强弱。

    Senior management staff of the enterprise as a reformer , organizer and leader , they made up of management team decided to the core competitiveness of the enterprise strength .

  13. 一位发言人说,搬出香港的人们需要有很大的载货空间,据公司的理解,这意味着他们属于中高层管理人员。

    The folks moving out have needed lots of cargo space , which the company has interpreted as meaning they 're mid - and senior-level executives , a spokeswoman said .

  14. 另外,中高层管理人员的支持以及建立合格和公正的实施监督体系也有助于保障企业激励机制的持续运作。

    In addition , the support of the middle and senior management personnel and establish a competent and impartial implementation of the system of supervision also help to ensure the continued operation of corporate incentives .

  15. 同时企业管理者还可以借鉴这种人格类型分析方法,指导企业中高层管理人员的招募、选拔,并可以通过企业人格塑造创建团结合作、积极向上的企业文化。

    Simultaneously the enterprise superintendents may also profit from this personality type analysis method to instruct the recruitment and selection of the managers . And they can build up the positive enterprise culture by shaping the enterprise personality .

  16. 要系统设计中高层管理人员培训体系,首先需要转变观念,提高对管理人员培训的认识;创建良好的企业文化、建立健全培训制度。

    To system design senior management training system , first of all need to change the idea , and improve the management personnel training to know , To create a good corporate culture , establish and perfect the training system .

  17. 为了更系统地构建衡阳有线网络公司中高层管理人员激励机制和体系,本文对非物质激励途径以及与激励体系配套使用的约束机制也做了简要论述。

    In order to more systematic construction of Hengyang cable network in the senior management of the company and incentive mechanism and system , the non economic incentive approach and incentive system supporting the use of the restraint mechanism is also discussed .

  18. 接着,本文通过针对高新技术企业中高层管理人员、研发人员、一线生产人员和销售人员四类员工的特性、岗位要求、考核重点,构建了高新技术企业四类员工的绩效考核评价指标体系;

    Then , according the different characteristics and requirements , this text sets up four evaluation index system of performance inspection for the top management team , research and develop staffs , first line producer and sales in the new high-tech enterprise .

  19. 人力资源管理方面侧重于绩效考核及中、高层管理人员的薪酬改革。

    Human resource management focuses on the performance evaluation and salary reform of the managerial staff .

  20. 人力资源管理体系的规范和完善是解决后劲不足的重要环节之一,而在人力资源管理体系中,高层管理人员的长期激励机制显得尤为重要。

    To regulate and improve the HR management system is one of the important points to solve this problem .

  21. 裁员将涉及公司各个部门,既有销售代表,也有研发人员,其中四分之一将是中、高层管理人员。

    The layoffs will touch every part of the company , from sales representatives to researchers , and a quarter will be mid-and senior-level executives .

  22. 网络安全专家警告称,组织中的高层管理人员可能面临更大风险,因为黑客会推测他们有很好的信用评级,或者在远程工作时可以访问机密的工作文件。

    Senior managers and executives in organisations may be even more at risk , cyber security experts warn , as hackers will presume they have good credit ratings or perhaps access to confidential work files while working remotely .

  23. 第二,为什么WilliamChan内部晋升与外部聘用的经典模型并不能很好地解释经济发展过程中的企业高层管理人员调整的内在机制?

    Why the classical model by William Chan can not explain external recruitment of managers as a phenomenon during economic development ?

  24. 其测评主要针对的是组织中的中高层管理人员的选拔和诊断。

    LGD is used for the selection and diagnosis of the managers .

  25. 在泸天化考察调研期间,周院长给泸天化中高层以上的管理人员主讲了题为“企业战略与执行力”的学术报告。

    During the visit , Principal Zhou gave a speech " Business Strategy and Implementation " to the senior management of Lutianhua .

  26. 但在20世纪早期,一种新观念在美国公司中传播:高层管理人员应该监督员工,以保持高生产率。

    But in the early 20th century , a new idea spread in American companies : that top managers should watch their workers to keep productivity high .

  27. 近几年来,越来越多的企业特别是以咨询、IT等为代表的高知识型企业,普遍存在着激励手段匮乏、中高层管理及技术人员跳槽频繁的现象。

    In recent years , more and more enterprises , particularly in consulting , IT and other high representative for the knowledge-based enterprises , widespread lack of incentives , high-level management and technical staff quit frequent phenomenon .

  28. 第二,具体的薪酬设计中,对高层管理人员实行年薪制,这既可以增加高管人员的工作积极性,又能使他们更关注公司的长期发展;

    Secondly , according to the course of the concrete design , implement the yearly salary system to the top management team , not only can increase the senior executive 's working enthusiasm , but also can make them pay close attention to the long-term development of the company .

  29. 主要针对企业总经理、副总经理,以及企业中、高层非财务管理人员。

    General managers , vice general managers and seniors and mid-level non-finance manager .

  30. 在总体研究中发现我国民营股份制医药流通企业中不存在将高层管理人员的薪酬与企业业绩紧密挂钩的激励、约束机制。

    In the research as a whole , no stimulation and restraint mechanism in the close hook between CEO pay and the firm performance have been found .