
  • 网络avic;Aviation Industry Corporation of China;Aviation Industry Corp. of China
  1. 思嘉伯集团还与国有的中国航空工业集团公司(AVIC)成立了一家合资企业,为西班牙零售商Cortefiel在中国运营着50多家店。

    Scarborough also has a joint venture with the state-owned Avic group , which operates more than 50 shops in China for Spanish retailer Cortefiel .

  2. 中国航空工业集团公司副总经理谭瑞松表示,研发基地的破土动工,是实现中国商用航空发动机产品产业发展的重要里程碑。

    Tan Ruisong , vice general manager of AVIC , said the ground-breaking ceremony marked a major milestone for China 's commercial aircraft engine industry .

  3. 新华社表示,设计制造AG600的中国航空工业集团公司(AviationIndustryCorporationofChina)迄今已取得17架意向订单。新华社指出,AG600在海洋资源开发和勘探方面将会非常有用。

    State-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China , which designed and produced the seaplane , had 17 orders so far , Xinhua added , noting that the aircraft would be " very useful in developing and exploiting marine resources . "

  4. 2008年11月,中国航空工业集团公司成立,拉开了我国军工集团专业化整合的序幕。

    The establishment of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China on Nov 6th , 2008 provided the prologue to the specialized integration of Chinese military industrial Groups .

  5. 航空工业体制改革取得重大进展,中航一、二集团合并重组为中国航空工业集团公司。

    Significant progress was made in restructuring the aviation industry , with the China Aviation Industry Corporations I and II being amalgamated into the Aviation Industry Corporation of China .

  6. 其中第一部分是对中国航空工业集团公司的经济增加值管理的现状进行了简单回顾,并以此做为本文研究的背景。

    The first part of the China Aviation Industry Corporation of the economic value added management of a brief review of the current situation and use it as the background of this paper .

  7. 国有飞机制造商中国航空工业集团公司近日宣布,其研发的水陆两栖飞机AG600预计今年上半年实现陆上首飞,下半年实现水上首飞。

    The AG600 amphibious aircraft is expected to take its maiden flight over land in the first half of 2017 and on water in the second half , said its developer , the Aviation Industry Corporation of China ( AVIC ) .

  8. 这就要求中国航空工业集团公司应当根据自身特点突破与企业经营管理脱节的文化理念体系的束缚,进行企业文化的创新,以适应集团公司内外部环境的变化。

    Thus , these require Aviation Industry Corporation of China to carry on the innovation of corporate culture in accordance with their own characteristics to break out the bound of culture ideas so as to adapt to the changes of the external and internal environment .

  9. 2005年中国航空工业第一集团公司与津巴布韦交通部签订了出口两架新舟60飞机的合同,这是新舟60第一次出口海外。

    In2005 , China First Aviation Industry Group and the Zimbabwe Ministry of Traffic signed a new export contract of two Xinzhou-60 aircraft , which is the first time to export this kind of aircraft .

  10. 中国航空工业第一集团公司(中航第一集团)是中国航空工业中承担军、民用飞机和相关设备以及民用产品的研制、生产、销售、售后服务等业务的大型企业。

    The First Group Corporation of China Aviation Industry ( AVIC I ) is an government-hold enterprise which is engaged in the development , manufacturing , sale and after-sales service of military plane , public plane , related equipments and other public products etc.

  11. 国有航空科研机构改革的政策分析&以中国航空工业第二集团公司六○五研究所改革为例

    The Policy on State-owned Aviation Scientific Research Institutes Reform & Case of reform in Institute 605 of the China Aviation Industry Corporation ⅱ

  12. 中国航空产业基金由中国航空工业集团公司和建设银行共同发起设立,是我国第一支投资于航空产业及相关应用领域的产业投资基金。

    The fund is set up by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China ( AVIC ) and China Construction Bank as China 's first investment fund for the aviation industry and related fields .

  13. 贝尔在中国面临激烈竞争,至少有9家竞争对手,包括国有巨头中国航空工业集团公司(aviationindustrycorporationofchina)和国际制造商中的大多数。

    Bell faces heated competition in China , with at least nine other companies , including state-owned giant China Aviation Industry Corporation and most international manufacturers , also present .

  14. 中国前十大国有防务集团——包括中国船舶重工集团公司(ChinaShipbuildingIndustryCorporation)和中国航空工业集团公司(AviationIndustryCorporationofChina)——已经有70多家子公司上市。

    where the top 10 state-owned defence groups , including China State Shipbuilding Corporation and Aviation Industry Corporation of China , have listed more than 70 subsidiaries .