
  • 网络China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing;CFLP;China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing;purchasing managers index
  1. 中国物流与采购联合会(CFLP)公布,5月份PMI由4月份的53.3,略微回落至53.1。

    The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing said the index pulled back slightly to 53.1 in May from 53.3 in April .

  2. 中国物流与采购联合会(cflp)宣布,其指数从前一个月的54.3升至55.2,这是该指数连续第八个月高于50这一表明经济增长的关口。

    The China Federation of logistics and purchasing said its index rose to 55.2 from 54.3 a month earlier , the eighth straight monthly reading above 50 , the threshold marking economic growth .

  3. 显示通胀明显抬头的数据,是中国物流与采购联合会(cflp)编制的采购经理人指数(pmi)购进价格指数,4月份该指数升至72.6,较3月份上升了7.5。

    The one suggesting an inflationary surge was the PMI purchasing prices index , compiled by the China Federation of logistics and purchasing ( CFLP ) , which rose to 72.6 in April , an increase of 7.5 points over the March reading .

  4. 中国物流与采购联合会副会长蔡进表示,非制造业采购经理人指数在未来几个月很可能延续增长趋势。

    Cai Jin , vice chair of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing , says the non-manufacturing PMI is likey to grow in the coming months .

  5. 国务院发展研究中心研究员、中国物流与采购联合会特约分析师张立群说:未来来看,随着内需增长加快,预计经济将继续保持回升势头。

    Looking ahead , with domestic demand growing more quickly , we can forecast that the economic recovery will continue , said Zhang Liqun , a researcher at the State Council 's Development Research Centre who comments on the official figure for the logistics federation .