
  • 网络active microwave remote sensing
  1. 主动微波具有卫星数据空间分辨率高的特点,随着携载主动微波器的一系列卫星的发射,主动微波遥感土壤湿度将受到重视。

    With launch of a series of satellites with active microwave sensors , active microwave remote sensing of soil moisture will be emphasized .

  2. 根据矩阵耦合法(MatrixDoubling)和改进的积分方程模型(AIEM),实现了一种用于植被主动微波遥感的高阶辐射传输模型。

    A model based on matrix doubling algorithm and advanced integral equation method was implemented for active remote sensing of vegetation .

  3. 因此,全天时、全天候、不依赖于光照条件,具有高重复覆盖率的主动微波遥感器-合成孔径雷达(SAR)被认为是这些地区农作物监测的最重要的信息源之一。

    Therefore , the active ware of microwave communication-SAR ( Synthetic Aperture Radar ), which is timely , independent of illumination and high rate repeating coverage , has been considered as one of the most important information sources of agricultural inspection in these areas .

  4. 主动微波遥感土壤水分观测中的最优雷达参数选择

    Optimum Radar Parameters for Mapping Soil Moisture

  5. 主动微波遥感空间分辨率较高,但对土壤粗糙度和植被敏感;

    Active microwave can provide high spatial resolution but is sensitive to soil rough and vegetation .

  6. 主动微波遥感观测的后向散射系数与地表介电常数关系密切,为土壤水分的反演研究提供了可能性。

    Backscatter coefficient observed by active microwave remote sensors , has high relation with surface dielectric constant , which makes it a possible data resource to retrieve soil moisture .

  7. 冻土遥感研究进展&可见光、红外及主动微波卫星遥感方法高级微波水汽遥感器

    Overview of the Satellite Remote Sensing of Frozen Ground : Visible-thermal Infrared and Radar Sensor advanced microwave moisture sensor

  8. 主动式海洋微波遥感探测原理和应用

    The Probing Principles and Applications of the Active Marine Microwave Remote Sensing

  9. 无论是主动还是被动微波遥感,在估算土壤水分时都需要考虑地表粗糙度和植被覆盖的影响,并设法将这些影响加以消除。

    The effect of surface roughness and vegetation cover must be considered and managed to eliminate in soil moisture estimation no matter to the active or passive remote sensing .

  10. 主动和被动的微波遥感技术可以全天候、全天时地观测,能探测地球表层、几千米深的浅表层乃至大气电离层。

    Active and passive microwave remote sensing technology , with all-weather , and all-time observation capability , can detect the Earth surface , subsurface and ionosphere .

  11. 遥感技术是地球空间信息获取的重要手段,由于光学遥感应用的局限性,主动方式的微波雷达遥感技术在特定地区发挥重要作用。

    Remote sensing technique is the important means of acquiring space information of the earth , active way of microwave radar sensing technology plays an important role in specific areas , due to the limits of application of optical remote sensing .

  12. 由于主动微波观测受地面高程、地形和夏季冰雪融化等因素的影响比较大,主动微波遥感在大面积估算冰雪厚度还有一定困难,有待将来作进一步的深入研究。

    Using the ASAR data to estimate snow depth still has a certain difficulty in a large-scale , therefore , a thorough study is necessary in the future .