
wǔ liánɡ yè
  • famous spirit distilled from five kinds of grain
  • Wuliangye(spirit)
五粮液 [wǔ liáng yè]
  • [Wuliangye(spirit)] 以五种粮食为原料酿的酒,产于四川宜宾

  1. 贵州茅台和五粮液投资价值比较分析

    The Comparison and Analysis of Investment Value between Maotai and Wuliangye Companies

  2. 五粮液五种粮食自然发酵的食品

    Nature ferment food of five K in DS of foods

  3. 从五粮液酒厂谈工业建筑环境艺术

    Environmental Art of Industrial Buildings of Wuliangye Distilled Spirit Factory

  4. 多粮浓郁型中国名酒&五粮液与饮者健康

    Chinese Famous Liquor & Wuliangye and Drinker 's Health

  5. 五粮液的一些酒窖已成国宝。

    Some cellars in Wuliangye have become national treasure .

  6. 成熟末期公司财务政策的协调&以五粮液公司为例

    Financial policy coordination in Company at Ripe latter stage

  7. 五粮液公司营销战略分析

    Study on the Marketing Strategy of Wuliangye Group

  8. 四川宜宾五粮液集团十里酒城的环境建筑艺术入选本次大会的企业环境建筑艺术作品。

    The environmental and architectural art of the ten-star alcohol city of Wuliangye Group Co.

  9. 在高端产品方面,五粮液、茅台、水井坊等均销售较好。

    In the high-end products , Wuliangye , Maotai , Jewelry sales so good .

  10. 我国权证及标的证券日内交易模式研究&以五粮液为例

    China warrant and target security trading mode research & take Wulian spirits as example

  11. 五粮液包包曲中微生物区系变化及其理化因子演变

    Change in Microflora and the Evolution of Physical and Chemical Factors in Wuliangye Wrapped Starter

  12. 作为白酒行业高端市场的龙头,五粮液公司的成长,见证了中国白酒行业的迅猛发展。

    As the faucet of the Liquor Industry of China , Wuliangye witnesses the development .

  13. 然后以五粮液股份有限公司为分析对象,进行案例分析。

    Then take the Wuliangye Co. , Ltd as an analyzing object to study the case .

  14. 一维谱图分析表明,五粮液在1727cm-1附近有明显的酯羰基峰,含有较多的乳酸和酯类物质;

    Wuliangye Alcohol contain lactic acid and ester , with apparent carbonyl peak at 1727 cm-1 ;

  15. 以宜宾五粮液集团有限公司发展工业旅游的例子,分析目前五粮液工业旅游的开发现状。

    The development of industrial tourism by Yibin Wuliangye Group Company Ltd is taken as an instance .

  16. 基于竞争力模型的企业财务分析&以茅台和五粮液为例

    Enterprise Financial Analysis Based on Competitiveness Model & Taking the Example of Mao Tai and Wu Liang Ye

  17. 本文用GC/FID对糖蜜酒精及优质名酒五粮液进行了研究。

    Alcohol from discard molasses and high-grade famous spirit Wuliangye were studied by means of GC / FID .

  18. 组织文化对国有企业效能影响的调查研究&以五粮液集团有限公司为个案

    The investigation of the influence of organization culture to state enterprise efficiency & An example of Wuliangye Limited Company

  19. 五粮液的出口存在很多障碍,从根本上看,还是品牌资产建设的问题。

    There are many barriers to the export of wuliangye . Basically speaking , the problem is brand equity building .

  20. 五粮液被指定为国宴饮料。国际饮水和环境卫生部长级会议

    Wu Liang Ye liquor has Been assigned for state Banquets . International Ministerial Conference on Drinking Water and Environmental Sanitation

  21. 第三部分是五粮液公司案例分析。从内部控制环境视角出发,对会计信息失真问题存在的原因进行分析。

    The third part introduces case about , analyzing its reasons of distortion of accounting information based on the internal control environment .

  22. 本文从经济收入与利润、品牌价值、社会反响三个角度评价了五粮液与茅台两品牌战略的得失。

    This thesis from Wuliangyei & Maotai s economic rent , brand value , and mass reverberation and evaluated their branding strategy .

  23. 今年秋拍,情况似乎从量变达到了质变,以茅台、五粮液为代表的中国白酒成为名副其实的拍场黑马。

    It seemed to change this fall as Chinese liquors such as Moutai and Wuliangye became the dark houses on the auctions .

  24. 在借鉴国外先进理论与司法实践的同时,本文还通过我国五粮液案件提出了相关立法建议。

    Learn from foreign advanced theory and the judicial practice , through our country wu liang ye case puts forward relevant Suggestions .

  25. 五粮液的财务状况虽然整体不错,但在一些指标上,五粮液和贵州茅台相比还有一定的差距。

    Although the overall financial position of Wuliangye good , but on some indicators , Wuliangye and Maotai , there is still a gap .

  26. 从整体上看,五粮液的国际市场份额还很少,换句话说,五粮液国际化还处于初级阶段。

    Generally speaking , wuliangye has few international market shares . In other words , the international market of wuliangye is still in its infancy .

  27. 五粮液公司由于在改革之初很快融入市场经济,抓住了机会而迅速发展,成为了一线白酒品牌。

    Wuliangye company since the beginning of reform quickly into the market economy , seize the opportunity and quickly developed into a first-line liquor brand .

  28. 虽然五粮液声称,预计价格上涨可能会影响它今年的销售,但分析家对它在2010年的业绩持乐观态度。

    Although Wuliangye said it expected the price rise to affect its business this year , analysts are optimistic about the company 's performance in2010 .

  29. 在我国存在成长性和盈利性较好的上市公司不派现的问题,比如五粮液公司。

    In our country , there are some listed companies with high growth and profitability not sending cash dividend , such as Wu Liang ye corporation .

  30. 本文在分析五粮液集团工业旅游开发资源,区位及市场条件的基础上,展望其发展工业旅游的前景。

    This article tries to preview the prospect of the industrial tourism development of WuLiangye Group based on the analysis of its resources , geographical position and market expansion .