
  • 网络consumption policy;Consumer Policy
  1. 文章强调了消费政策调整的必要性和迫切性。

    The necessity of auto consumer policy adjustment is stressed in this paper .

  2. 关于新时期汽车消费政策调整的探讨

    A Discussion of Adjustment of Auto Consumer Policy

  3. 70年代石油危机后美国的石油消费政策及其实施效果

    US 's Oil Consumption Policies and their Effects following the 1970s-Oil-Crises

  4. 中日汽车消费政策的比较研究

    The comparative analysis on automobile consumption policies of China and Japan

  5. 中国消费政策的历史回顾及其反思

    Historical Retrospections and Introspections of China 's Consumption Policies

  6. 调整消费政策,规范各种收费。

    We will also make adjustment in consumption policy and standardize fee-collecting practice .

  7. 中外消费政策的比较与启示

    Comparison and Implication of Internal and External Consumption Policies

  8. 滞后的汽车消费政策。

    The policy of automobile consumption lags behind .

  9. 刺激内需条件下的消费政策匹配:国际经验及启示

    Consumption Policy Matches in the Condition of Stimulating Domestic Demand : International Experience and Enlightenment

  10. 实行积极的汽车消费政策,可有效促进需求的增长。

    Active auto consumer policy can effectively bring about a great increase in auto production .

  11. 它们是在不同情况下统治阶级所采取的两种不同的消费政策。

    They are two kinds of different consumption policies that ruling classes adopt in different cases .

  12. 用经济计量学的方法就刺激消费政策对重庆经济影响做实证检验。

    With econometrical method , the effects the policies of consumption stimulating in Chongqing are tested .

  13. 消费政策的价值取向对消费政策的制定起着先导作用。

    The value orientation of consumer policy on consumption plays a leading role in policy formulation .

  14. 从财政政策、货币政策、消费政策、投资政策等方面论述了当前经济秩序混乱对宏观调控政策调控力度的抑制作用,最后提出了整顿和规范市场经济秩序的两条基本途径。

    At last , the article suggests two fundamental methods to readjust the market economy order .

  15. 消费政策;基本原则;消费公平;公平性;保障基本消费。

    Consumer policy ; the basic principles ; consumer fair ; equity ; guarantee basic consumer .

  16. 完善鼓励居民消费政策。

    Perfect the consumer policy .

  17. 其中,公平性原则是制定消费政策必须首先遵循的原则;

    Among them , the principle of equity in the formulation of consumer policy must follow the principle ;

  18. 从刺激消费政策的实践效果分析,政策失效的特征较为明显。

    From the practice effect of the stimulating consumption policy point , the character of disabled policy is obvious .

  19. 以限制为主的消费政策是汽车市场扩大的重大障碍。

    The consumer policy which takes the limit as the dominant factor is the great obstacles for expanding auto market .

  20. 4社会公共体育场所(设施)以及体育健身消费政策未充分考虑残疾人利益。

    Social and public sports facilities and Fitness consumption policy have not fully considered the interests of the disabled . 5 .

  21. 本文通过对中外消费政策的回顾与比较,为构建适合中国国情的有中国特色的消费政策体系提供了有益的启示。

    This article compared the internal and external consumption policies and provided useful inspiration for formulating consumption policies with Chinese Characteristics .

  22. 在扩大内需,促进消费政策影响下,扩大居民消费成为促进经济发展的一项重要措施。

    In influence of policy expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption , expanding consumption is an important way to develop economy .

  23. 中国通过实行正确的收入分配政策和消费政策,更多地依靠国内消费需求拉动经济增长。

    By implementing correct income distribution and consumption policies , China is relying more on domestic demand and consumption to promote its economic development .

  24. 通过消费政策的调整和正确的需求管理,积极扩大消费需求,必能促进经济的进一步增长。

    To expand consumer demand actively will be able to promote further economic growth by the adjustments of consumer policy and the right demand management .

  25. 主要的创新之处包括对消费政策的划分,以及提议建立起收入与消费联动的政策评估机制。

    The main innovations include the division of consumer policy , as well as the proposal to establish income and consumption linkage policy evaluation mechanism .

  26. 非收入因素主要包括,产品因素,价格因素,广告因素与消费政策因素。

    Thus , the low rate of increasing has greatly connected with it . Nonincome factor includes product , price , advertising and consumption policy .

  27. 决策者们开始担心国家为应对全球金融危机而慷慨解囊的政府刺激消费政策后劲不足。

    Policymakers have begun to worry that the country 's massive stimulus spending in response to the global financial crisis could run out of steam .

  28. 我们必须令经济复苏,解决我们的权利计划、消费政策、监管方式及税收体系长期面临的挑战。

    We must turn the economy round and address the long-standing challenges associated with our entitlement programmes , spending policies , regulatory approaches and tax systems .

  29. 随着社会经济的发展,各项拉动内需和刺激消费政策的陆续出台,机动车辆保险市场将迎来至关重要的发展机遇。

    As social and economic development , the means to stimulate domestic demand and consumption policy issue the motor vehicle insurance market will encounter an important development opportunity .

  30. 完善汽车消费政策,加快发展二手车市场和汽车租赁市场,引导和促进汽车合理消费。

    We will improve the policy on automobile consumption , accelerate development of markets for second-hand cars and car rental , and guide and promote rational spending on automobiles .