
  1. 明代重农抑商政策的演变重农抑商与中国商人的地位

    The Policy of Emphasizing Agriculture while Restraining Commerce and the Status of Chinese Merchants

  2. 清前期重农抑商政策及其法律思想

    On stressing agriculture and business suppression policy in early period of Qing Dynasty and its legal thought

  3. 浅析重农抑商政策的历史作用

    Analysis of the historical function of the policy of " stress - ing agriculture and limiting commerce "

  4. 中国古代专卖制度与重农抑商政策辨析

    The Distinction between Ancient China 's Sale Monopoly System and the Policy Emphasizing Agriculture at the Expense of Commerce

  5. 文章试图通过从制度、制度环境和明中期出现的社会现象入手,对明王朝的重农抑商政策和举措进行分析,以探究其政策的内在逻辑和演变规律。

    The article probes into the inherent logic and the law of change of the policy by analysing the policy and actions of Ming Dynasty .

  6. 唐律对市场的设置有严格的限制,用严厉的刑事法规对市场进行管理,这是中国古代传统的重农抑商政策在唐律中的反映。

    The laws of Tang dynasty strictly stipulated the outlay of market , using the penal code to administrate , which was the reflection of the favour of agriculture over commercials .

  7. 本文针对当前学术界普遍对重农抑商政策持否定态度这一情况,提出不同的见解。

    The author of this paper puts forth a different viewpoint on the negative attitude toward the policy of " Stress agriculture and limit commerce ", which commonly existed in the todays academic circle .

  8. 重农抑商政策下的禁榷、官工业等制度安排暗示了洋务运动中的企业制度和技术激励制度的内容;

    The " ban of monopolization ," " officials-run industry " under the policy of " stressing agriculture , restraining business " implied enterprise 's system and technological incentive system in the Westernization movement ( 1861-1894 );

  9. 推行重农不抑商政策,表明经商是受政府鼓励的。

    And to practice the policy paying attention to agriculture and not restraining commerce indicated that trade was encouraged by the government .

  10. 第四,这一时期的赋税征收体现了重农抑商的政策精神。

    Fourth , the tax levy for the period reflects the spirit of the farmers when business policies , tax used for political services ;

  11. 在以自然经济为主体的农业社会,政府干预商业或商品经济的发展很大程度上是在重农抑商的政策导向下实行的。

    In the agricultural society with the natural economy as the main composition , the government intervenes in business or the development of commodity economy under the orientation of the policy of valuing agriculture and restraining commerce .

  12. 并且宋代一改对商人重农抑商的政策而转变为不抑兼并,出台法律保护商人的利益;从军事背景来看,政府为了应对中央财政对军费的供给不足而发展工商业。

    And Song of the business changed , " Restraining Commerce " into the policy of " no annexation ", the introduction of legal protection of the interests of businessmen ; from the military background , government spending in response to central finance insufficient supply of industrial and commercial development .

  13. 在蒙元政府重农而不抑商的政策下,元代东南地区的商业经济呈现出了空前的繁荣。

    Under the policy of " assisting agriculture without restraining commerce " by the Mongol central government , the commercial economy in southeast China took on a prosperous sight .