
zhí jiē ɡuǎn zhì
  • direct control
  1. 政府管制可以分为两种类型:间接管制和直接管制。

    The government regulation may divide into two kinds of types : Indirect control and direct control .

  2. 政府的职能从直接管制逐步向监管和服务转变;

    To shift the role of government from direct control to a combination of supervision and service .

  3. 这是完全不同的文化,CBA由政府直接管制,对于本土文化的保护非常强烈。

    Its a different culture , and with the CBA managed by the government , the protection of their culture is foremost .

  4. 公用事业政府直接管制定价的效率分析

    Research on the Effectiveness of the Direct Regulation Pricing Methods of Public Utility

  5. 相比较而言,直接管制是系统的。

    Direct regulation , by contrast , is systematic .

  6. 除直接管制外,收费是国外机场环境管制中应用得最多且最有效率的经济管制方式。

    Besides direct regulation , charging is the most efficient way of airport environmental regulation overseas .

  7. 深入研究并部分扩展了公用事业的直接管制定价方法;

    Deeply researches on and partly extends the direct regulation pricing methods of public utility goods .

  8. 产业政策法以间接诱导手段、直接管制手段和行政信息指导手段作为保障措施。

    The safeguards of industrial policy law are indirect guiding method , direct controlling method and administrative information guiding method .

  9. 传统的如庇古税、政府直接管制和补贴等方法,由于各自存在着不小的缺陷,效果不尽如人意。

    The traditional resolutions such as tax , government direct regulation and subsidy , are not effective due to the their limitations .

  10. 中国汽车产业管制改革的目标是建立可竞争性市场结构,最终取消产业政策等直接管制措施。本论文共六章,遵循了从理论到实践、从一般到特殊的研究思路。

    Setting up the structure of contestable Market is the goal of the reformation of the Chinese industry of automobile 's regulation .

  11. 基准利率直接管制效应明显,但传导市场缺乏统一。

    The direct control of the benchmark interest rate has more obvious effects , but transmission market is lack of a uniform .

  12. 环境管理中占主导地位的是直接管制手段,直接管制手段就是政府行政管理机构以指令控制的方式向污染排放者下达法令或提出具体的标准。

    Direct regulating is a usual way in the environmental management . To realize direct regulating , governments issue regulations and detailed standards .

  13. 直接管制在环境管理中取得了很好的成绩,但在环境和经济的协调效率上还不够灵活有效,显示出相当的局限性。

    Although the direct regulating has made great achievements on environmental management , however , it shows its inflexibility and limitation on environmental management .

  14. 根据它们的不同功能,大体可分为三种:支出-调整政策、支出-转换政策和直接管制。

    According to their different functions , it can generally be divided into three types : Expenditure-changing policy , expenditure-switching policy and direct control .

  15. 利用博弈理论与不完全合同理论研究了公用事业直接管制定价法的有效性;

    The effectiveness of the direct regulation pricing methods of public utility goods is discussed using the means of game theory and imperfect contract theory .

  16. 许多人相信,他们处在当前体制下确认财产权,直接管制,津贴法比处在排放收费体制下日子要好过些。

    Many believe they are better off under the present system of property rights , direct regulation , and subsidies than under an effective charge system .

  17. 运用实物期权方法构建自律选择的决定模型,可以表明直接管制将降低银行加强自律管理的收益,增加银行的冒险动机。

    Furthermore the real option model may indicate that direct regulation can effectively reduce the efficiency benefit of strengthening self-regulation and increase the incentives of risk-taking .

  18. 对经营主体可采取直接管制和基于市场的策略,通过设计诸多政策对资源开发的条件、过程和结果进行规制,尽量将开发限定在合理的限度内;

    We can adopt different strategies to manage the operation main body , such as the strategy of directly management and the strategies building upon the market .

  19. 可以代替直接管制的另外一个方法是津贴法。恶人作了义人的赎价。奸诈人代替正直人。

    One alternative to the regulatory approach is the use of subsidies . The wicked become a ransom for the righteous , and the unfaithful for the upright .

  20. 能够使经济活动外部不经济性内部化的法律手段包括两种:直接管制手段(行政命令控制手段)和间接管制手段(环境经济手段)。

    Law methods which make economy activities exterior diseconomy interior include direct regulatory measures ( administration order control measures ) and indirect regulatory measures ( environment economic measures ) .

  21. 而解决成员自私性行为和负外部性制约因素的机制可分为以下三种:政府补贴机制、直接管制和社会准则。

    For the selfish behavior of members and the negative externalities , the government can solve the problems in three ways : direct government regulation , the social norms , the government subsidy mechanism .

  22. 分析了公用事业的组织方式及其成因,综合研究了公用事业政府直接管制定价方法。主要是静态与动态的成本加成定价法;

    This paper analyzes the industrial organization of public utility and its cause and synthetically researches government direct regulating pricing methods of public utility , mostly the static or dynamic cost mark-up pricing methods .

  23. 另一种由于没有政府的直接管制,在危机后消极的市场形势下,为谋求生存,任用有能力的家族后代充分发挥优势,维持着传统的家族制。

    Businesses in sectors that are free from the direct intervention of the state , that seek survival in negative market situations , and have trusted and competent offspring to harness the advantage of the family enterprise have maintained family rule .

  24. 政府解决信息不对称引发的负内部性制约因素和逆向选择制约因素的机制可以分为以下两个方面:一是提供公共信息,二是直接管制虚假信息行为。

    For the resolution mechanism of the constraints of negative internal resistance and adverse selection which are caused by the information asymmetry , the government can intervene in two ways : provides the public information and directly controls the false information behavior .

  25. 中国大约80%的领空处于军方的直接管制之下相比之下,美国逾90%的领空留作民用中国空军在主要城市上空强制设置了禁飞区。

    Around 80 per cent of Chinese airspace is under direct military control in contrast to the US where more than 90 per cent of airspace is reserved for civilian use and the Chinese Air Force enforces no-fly zones over the main cities .

  26. 政府的主要控制手段包括直接管制及借助市场激励,政府制定环境管理策略的关键因素是惩罚的力度与激励的强度。

    The key factors for the government to establish the environment management system are the strength of punishment and incentives . This paper discusses two factors : punishment and encouragement , which are the basic factors for the government establish its environment management policy .

  27. 本章紧接着论述了开放经济下的宏观经济政策工具,一般而言,为了实现内外均衡,一国政府所能采取的政策手段包括财政政策、货币政策、汇率政策以及直接管制等。

    This chapter then discussed macroeconomic policy tools under an open economy , in general , in order to achieve internal and external balance , a government can take the policy measures including fiscal policies , monetary policies and exchange rate policies , as well as direct control .

  28. imf的报告还指出,直接资本管制不能替代针对资本快速涌入的宏观经济对策,例如收紧财政政策、降息以及允许本币汇率走高。

    The IMF continued to argue that direct capital controls were not a substitute for macroeconomic responses to rapid inflows , including tightening fiscal policy , cutting interest rates and letting the exchange rate rise .

  29. 在实践中,直接价格管制政策(以最低限价为例)的实施效果并不理想。

    In practice , directly price control ( showed as lowest price constraint ) can hardly reach the expected aim .

  30. 当新兴市场经济体面临热钱迅猛流入时,降息和收紧财政政策可能比直接资本管制更有效。

    When an emerging market is facing a precipitate inflow of hot money , cutting the interest rate and tightening fiscal policy can be more effective than direct controls .