
  • 网络Direct Market
  1. 这种不爽在很大程度上导致了所谓的直接市场接入(dma)交易系统的日渐流行。

    That discomfort accounts , in no small measure , for the rising popularity of so-called direct market access ( DMA ) trading systems .

  2. 自去年11月,sfc一直在为算法交易(algorithmictrading)和直接市场接入(dma)如何在香港发展研究“指导方针”。

    The SFC has since November been working on " guidelines " for how algorithmic trading and " direct market access " ( DMA ) should develop in Hong Kong .

  3. 公司面临的直接市场因素的分析;

    The company faces direct market factor analysis ;

  4. 具体说来有两大类:直接市场价值法和替代市场法。

    There are two categories in details : direct marketing value method and substitutable marketing method .

  5. 可采用直接市场价值法和间接评估法对效益进行估算。

    The direct marketing value method and the indirect evaluating method should be adopted in the evaluation of the benefit .

  6. 在全美境内拥有七十多家分支机谈判五万多家恒久公司客户,为大型贸易公司及非红利团体供给名誉信息、危害办理和直接市场营销等办事。

    It now has more than seventy branch offices all over the US and provides services to more than fifty thousand long-term corporate customers nationwide .

  7. 评估这些效益的方法有直接市场评价法,揭示偏好与替代品市场法,陈述偏好法。

    Three types of methods were used to evaluate the wetland ecosystem service value : direct market evaluation , replacement market , and stating partiality method .

  8. 无论是直接市场激励还是间接市场激励,最终目标都是使技术创新主体的技术创新积极性、技术创新绩效和技术创新能力最大化。

    Whether by means of direct market stimulating or indirect market stimulating , the u1timate objective is to maximize the positivity , performance and capability of technology innovation .

  9. 以政府为经济主体的效益主要从经济效益、社会效益、生态效益三方面进行评估,采用直接市场价值法和间接评估法对效益进行估算,定性与定量相结合,研究宅基地置换的综合效益。

    To government , this paper adopts the direct marketing value method and the indirect evaluating method , combines qualitative and quantitative research to evaluate the economic 、 social and ecological benefit .

  10. 股改限售股造成的心理压力和直接市场压力被逐步淡化,而数量更大的首发限售股成为未来市场的重要扩容压力。

    While the psychological and direct market pressure caused by the reform restricted stocks is gradually been reducing , the greater number of IPO restricted stocks are becoming an important expansion pressure in the market .

  11. WTO框架下我国外商直接投资市场准入制度及其完善

    The Improvement of Market Access of FDI Law in China under WTO

  12. 我国现行的外商直接投资市场准入制度与WTO有关多边国际投资协议的规定存在不少差距,尤其表现在国民待遇原则、取消数量限制原则和透明度原则这三个方面。

    But there are still some conflicts between the Chinese market access of FDI law and WTO rules .

  13. 直接交易市场是债券的主要市场。

    The OTC market is a main market for bonds .

  14. 社会中的大多数成员开始直接从市场上获得社会资源。

    Most people gain social resources directly from the market .

  15. 它的发展得益于直接融资市场的逐渐完善。

    Its development profited from the consummation of the direct financing market .

  16. 融资市场中,由于信息不对称,中小企业在直接融资市场难以融资。

    As information are asymmetries , in direct financing market to finance SMEs .

  17. 中国企业境外直接投资市场进入战略研究

    The FDI Entry Strategy for the Chinese Enterprises

  18. 实行产品多元化,满足直接采购市场的需要,同时解决系统成本领先的问题。

    The product diversification can meet the market demand and solve the system cost-leading issue .

  19. 农村集体建设用地直接进入市场模式构建

    On the Construction of the Model of Rural Collective Building Land Directly Entering into Market

  20. 毕竟,就连不直接涉足市场的记者都能发现那些不当行为。

    After all , the misconduct was detectable to journalists not directly involved in the market .

  21. 最后,利用人工市场研究方法可以直接从市场最微观的因素&交易者入手来对股票市场进行研究,这是其它研究方法所不具备的一个主要优势。

    Finally , using this method we can study the most microcosmic factor-trader of stock market directly .

  22. 不论是我国直接融资市场还是信贷规模的变化都对我国的地域二元经济有着显著的影响。

    Whether our direct financing market or loans changes to our region has a dual significant impact .

  23. 国际直接投资市场准入阶段国民待遇法律问题研究

    Study on the Legal Issue of the National Treatment in the Market Admission Phase of International Direct Investment

  24. 随着社会经济体制的转型,使得大学直接面对市场竞争。

    With the transformation of economic and social systems , universities are directly faced with fiercely market competition .

  25. 经过实际的测试,该设备运行稳定,可直接用于市场的推广。

    After the actual test , the device is stable , and can be used directly or modified in market .

  26. 邮电分营后,中国电信面临着资产重组和机构调整,中国移动通信公司作为专业化公司直接面向市场,与中国联通及国外公司一起参与市场竞争。

    The China Mobile Communications Co. is a business rival of China Unicom and overseas companies in the telecom market .

  27. 但青岛,但这并不意味着它可以向直接进入市场的地位。

    But for Tsingtao , this does not mean that it can be made to the direct access market position .

  28. 中国农民参与农业产业化,直接面向市场,遇到了许多难以克服的困难。

    Chinese fanners encountered a lot of difficulties in their participation in the industrialization process with direct facing the market .

  29. 作为直接规制市场结构的手段,电信重组无疑会对电信业市场绩效产生直接或间接的影响。

    As a direct way of regulation , market reconstruction will undoubtedly affect market performance in a direct or indirect manner .

  30. 政府管制会直接影响市场结构和绩效,也会通过不同市场主体的策略性行为,以及产权等因素间接影响市场结构和绩效。

    Regulations affect market performance not only directly through market structure but also indirectly through some maneuver behaviors and property right .