
bèi shū
  • endorsement;endorse;repeat a lesson;endorse,indorse;recite a lesson form memory;recite a lesson from memory
背书 [bèi shū]
  • (1) [repeat a lesson;recite a lesson form memory]∶背诵读过的书

  • (2) [endorse,indorse]∶在票据背面签名或盖章

背书[bèi shū]
  1. 说V不得论背书连续

    To Discuss about V Bude The Continuity of the Endorsement

  2. 浏览新闻发布和背书视频请检查我们的ARIIX频道那里你会发现每周视频信息和更新!

    To view the press release and the endorsement video please check out our ARIIX Channel where you will find weekly video messages and updates !

  3. 领款人必须在支票上背书。

    The payee of the cheque must endorse the cheque .

  4. 该票据需要背书。

    The bill needs to be endorsed .

  5. v.背书可以麻烦你在支票背面签名背书吗?

    endorse Can you endorse the back of the check , please ?

  6. 2.endorsementn.支持,认可,背书,批注例句:Afterthe得到了本州的支持后,这个竞选者就到邻州游说去了。

    endorsement of his home state , the candidate campaign in the neighboring state .

  7. 作为“草案”发布并不意味着已经得到W3C成员的背书(支持)。

    Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership .

  8. 就连政府也为这种风扇致死理论背书。2006年,由政府资助的韩国消费者保护委员会(KoreanConsumerProtectionBoard)将“电扇和空调引发的窒息”列为夏季最常见的五类事故之一。

    Even the government has endorsed the lethal-breeze idea . In 2006 , the state-funded Korean Consumer Protection Board listed " asphyxiation from electric fans and air-conditioners " as one of the top five recurring summer accidents .

  9. 接下来的一年里,IMF在决定是否为人民币的官方储备货币地位背书时,中国金融改革的进展预计将成为一个关键判据。

    Progress on financial reform is expected to be a key criterion for the IMF 's decision within the next year over whether to endorse the renminbi as an official reserve currency .

  10. 请购单由制单人背书之后,转交给核质量保证工程师(NQA)或质量保证经理(QA)评审、核准和背书。

    PR will be endorsed by the originator , passed to NQA Engineer or QA Manager for review , approval and endorsement .

  11. 以可转让形式的保单或其证明,空白背书,投一切险,以cif价值的110%投保,注明由德国的保险代理进行调查及索赔。

    Insurance policy or certificate in assignable form and blank endorsed , covering all risks , for110 percent of cif-value , marked-premium agent in Germany responsible for survey and claim settlement .

  12. 之前Isaacs在制片人的选拔中为Zadan和Meron两位制片人背书,她表示她的首要工作就是和他们共同决定一位颁奖主持。

    She promptly endorsed the selection of the two producers and said her first order of business was meeting with them to decide on a host .

  13. Facebook联合创始人达斯廷•莫斯科维茨(DustinMoskovitz)表示,他在给民主党的各种竞选活动捐赠2000万美元,这是他和妻子卡里•图纳(CariTuna)首次给一位候选人背书。

    Dustin Moskovitz , a founder of Facebook , said he was giving $ 20 million to various Democratic election efforts - the first time he and his wife , Cari Tuna , have endorsed a candidate .

  14. 在联邦监狱服刑7年后,甘尼姆重回政坛并在2015年获布里奇波特警察工会和前任FBI特工(这名特工曾经参与调查其案件)的背书,参加市长竞选并胜出。

    After serving seven years in federal prison , Ganim started working towards rebuilding his political career , and in 2015 with endorsements from the Bridgeport Police Union and a former FBI agent who had worked to convict him , Ganim ran for reelection to his mayoral post and won .

  15. 请在支票上背书,并出示护照。

    Please endorse the check and let me have your passport .

  16. 汇票乃因背书人通融而承兑或开立。

    Where the bill was accepted or made for his accommodation .

  17. 本文第三部分探讨了背书伪造法律制度。

    The third part explores the legal system of indorsement forgery .

  18. 是否所有支票签发或背书支付给公司?

    Are all checks made or endorsed payable to the Company ?

  19. 试论逐次逼近法票据背书连续相关法律问题研究

    Research on Correlative Legal Problems of Negotiable Instruments Successive Endorsement

  20. 我们可以从理解票据质权人行使票据权利的性质入手,突破理论陈规,以票据质押构成要件的二元构造论解析了质押背书的性质。

    We analyses characteristics of endorsement of pledge based on dualistic requirement .

  21. 期后背书是票据法中的一个理论难点。

    Endoresment after date has been a difficult point in note theory .

  22. 它须为汇票全额之背书。

    It must be an indorsement of the entire bill .

  23. 论票据背书的效力萨班斯法案生效之后

    The Validity of Bill Endorsement After SOX Act took effect

  24. 丽丽念小学时常坐在这棵榕树的树根上背书。

    Lily often sat on the tangled roots reading in her childhood .

  25. 本实用新型特别适合于背书包的学生。

    The utility model is particularly suitable for the students carrying bags .

  26. 政府为在公众高速公路上高速驾驶的交通工具背书。

    Government endorsement of high-speed land vehicles on public highways .

  27. 你宁可我撤销对你教官职位的背书吗?

    Would you rather I pull my endorsement of your instructor position ?

  28. 提货时要求背书提单。

    Endorsement of bill of lading be required when take a delivery .

  29. 商业票据背书中易发生的问题

    Problems Likely to Arise in the Endorsement of Trade Bill

  30. 论背书禁止对票据流通性的限制

    On the Limitations to Negotiability of Instruments from Nonnegotiable Endorsement