
bèi lí
  • depart from;deviate from;diverge;derogation;desert
背离 [bèi lí]
  • (1) [deviate from]∶脱离原来的、通常的、正常的或公认的轨道

  • 明显地背离了传统道路

  • (2) [depart from]∶偏离常规、常轨、习惯等

  • 由于形势所迫,不得不背离自己的逻辑原则

背离[bèi lí]
  1. 要将规范熟记于心,如果要背离规范,需经过慎密的考虑后才可以这样做。

    Know the specifications by heart and deviate from them only after careful consideration .

  2. 经选择的或者不经意的实现将不可避免地背离设计,导致某种程度的架构降级(architecturaldegradation)。

    The implementation , by choice or by accident , will inevitably deviate from the design , resulting in some degree of architectural degradation .

  3. 他不可能背离他老板的强硬立场。

    He is unlikely to veer from his boss 's strongly held views

  4. 为什么在这个国家我们背离了教育上明智的选择?

    Why is it in this country that we have departed from good educational sense ?

  5. 证言会激怒陪审员,使他们背离案件事实。

    The testimony would inflame the jurors , and lead them astray from the facts of the case

  6. 多数党如果远远背离原先向选民立下的原则,那将是不明智的。

    The majority party would be unwise to deviate far from the principles it had laid before the electors

  7. 他一早就认为军事革命是必要的,并且从未背离过这一思想路线。

    From very early on he believed a military revolution was necessary and he has never deviated from that ideological path .

  8. 我想他们不是真的背离传统习惯。

    I can see that they are not ready to depart from traditional practice .

  9. 就其最一般的意义上说,舞弊就是堕落,就是背离准则。

    In its most general sense , corruption means the perversion or abandonment .

  10. 但是,遭离弃的情人或配偶无法相信她的心上人是自由地背离他的——因而他归咎于插足者心术不正或迷人有招。

    But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him — and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper .

  11. 这样与P2P设计的分布式的初衷相背离了。

    This departed from the original P2P design intention-distributional share .

  12. 纯音脉冲强度JND测试值与SPIN理论严重背离

    Intensity JND of Tonal Bursts : Severe Departure from SPIN Theory

  13. 结果的背离,说明了由光纤损耗系数的波长依赖性加重了SRS效应。

    This deviation indicates aggravation of SRS effect due to wavelength dependence of fiber loss coefficient .

  14. 这两位作家表示,Microsoft采用背离大多数西方公司的方式,迎向在中国市场创业的问题。

    Microsoft , say the authors , went at the problem of opening up the China market in a way that was a departure for most Western companies .

  15. 但是,这轮全球经济危机的爆发,极大的抑制了天津地区的电力需求,全社会用电量增长率与GDP增长率之间呈现出明显的背离。

    However , with the outbreak of the global economic crisis has greatly inhibited electricity demand in Tianjin , electricity consumption and GDP growth rate showed a significant difference .

  16. 尽管背离了趋势,没有产生潜在的OOS。

    Despite the deviating trends , no pending potential OOS situation occurs .

  17. 基于背离路径的Kth最短路径实用搜索算法

    A Practical Algorithm for Finding the Shortest Kth Path Based on Deviation Path

  18. 背离Lubrizol公司的建议,可能会使挤压质量受到不良的影响。

    Deviation from Lubrizol 's recommendations may result in poor extrusion quality .

  19. 然而,这种可移植性的缺少是与标准J2EE企业级应用程序相背离的,标准J2EE企业级应用程序(当根据规范构建时)可以部署到任何与J2EE兼容的应用服务器中。

    Nevertheless , this lack of portability was a deviation from standard J2EE enterprise applications , which ( when built according to spec ) can be deployed to any J2EE-compliant application server .

  20. 另一方面,中国股市呈现出了许多令人迷惑的现象,一方面,如与GDP增长率相背离,却与净出口、货币供应量等具有同步的特征。

    On the other side , there are many confusing phenomenon arising in Chinese stock market such as going opposite to GDP growth rate while growing in pace with net exports and currency supply .

  21. 我国证券市场上IPO的定价、抑价过高,股票价格与价值背离,使得新股在市场上的长期表现不佳,市场效率低下。

    In China stock market , the IPO pricing , underpricing and the stock price deviation from it 's value make the newly-issued stock 's long-run performance underperform the market and also make the market inefficient .

  22. MACD柱和价格顶和底的背离是技术分析中最强的信号。

    Divergences between peaks and bottoms of MACD-Histogram and price may be the strongest signals in technical analysis .

  23. 而且,这一规定也具有审慎例外的审慎性,构成成员方可以背离GATS义务和金融承诺的审慎措施。

    Moreover , this provision goes in conformity with the principle of Prudential Carve-out , according to which members can run counter to GATS obligations and commitments on financial services .

  24. 扩充后的字符数是原来的71倍,这项提议如获实施,则意味着每条推文将最多可以有2000个单词。此举也将成为自联合创始人杰克·多西去年回归CEO职位以来,该社交媒体背离初创原则的最新举措。

    The proposed 71-times increase in the limit , allowing tweets of roughly 2000 words in length , would be the latest departure from the origins of Twitter since the social network 's co-founder Jack Dorsey returned as chief executive last year .

  25. 那样,此次的流行率与先前的采用小口性的牙周检查的NHANES研究结果相背离。

    The prevalence rates were then compared against the results of previous NHANES studies which used a partial-mouth periodontal examination .

  26. 偶尔,MACD柱背离这样的可靠模式也会失败,这就是在价格跌破第2个底必须出场的原因。

    Even a reliable pattern such as a divergence of MACD-Histogram fails occasionally , which is why we must exit if prices fall below their second bottom .

  27. 当MACD柱跟踪到看跌背离时做空,也就是说,当价格上涨到新高,但是指标从低的顶峰开始下跌。

    Go short when the MACD-Histogram traces a bearish divergence , that is , when prices rise to a new high but the indicator ticks down from a lower peak .

  28. 当前我国金融运行中存在着银行流动性过剩的突出问题,其主要表现为存差持续扩大、超额准备金居高不下、M2与M1持续背离、货币市场利率持续走低等。

    A prominent issue in present China 's financial operation is that there exists excessive liquidity within banking industry , the main exhibitions of which are : Enlarging loan-deposit gap , high excessive reserve , deviated M2 and M1 , and decreasing interest rate of money market , etc.

  29. 这是对官方统一经学思想的背离。

    This thought deviated from the authority unifying thoughts of Classics .

  30. 论《法国民法典》与法国大革命精神的契合与背离

    Agreement and Deviation : French Revolution Spirit and French Civil Statute