
  • 网络Crime of Breach Trust;breach of trust
  1. 背信罪研究

    A study on the Crime of Breach Trust

  2. 背信罪是为许多国家刑事立法所规定的一种财产犯罪形式。

    As a type of infringment of property rights , the Crime Of Breach Trust is fixed in the Criminal Law in many countries .

  3. 三星集团董事长李健熙(LeeKun-hee)表示,他愿通过立即辞职,为上周因逃税及背信罪而被起诉一事承担全部责任。

    Lee Kun-hee , the group 's chairman , said he would take full responsibility for his indictment last week for tax evasion and breach of trust by resigning immediately .

  4. 昨日,被判犯有逃税和背信罪的韩国三星(Samsung)前董事长李健熙(LeeKun-hee)获得总统特赦,此举旨在提升韩国成功申办2018年冬季奥运会的机率。

    South Korea yesterday granted a presidential pardon to Lee Kun-hee , the former Samsung chairman convicted of tax evasion and breach of trust , in an attempt to boost the country 's chances of hosting the 2018 Winter Olympics .

  5. 第三部分,我国增设背信罪的必要性及立法构想。

    Part ⅲ, the necessity of an additional breach of trust and legislation .

  6. 第一部分:增设背信罪的必要性。

    Part one is on the necessity of legislation about the crime of breach of trust .

  7. 背信罪是违背信任侵犯财产的犯罪。

    Breach of trust is the crime of breach of trust and infringement of property rights .

  8. 但是,该法庭认定郑梦九犯有挪用公款和背信罪。

    However , the court upheld his convictions on the charges of embezzlement and breach of trust .

  9. 而日本则是仿效德国的立法,直接在其刑法典中单独设立了普通背信罪。

    Japan is modeled on the German legislation , directly in its Penal Code in separate ordinary breach of trust .

  10. 我国刑法中犯罪类型设置的检讨&从背信罪的设立入手

    Examination of " Crime Type Set-up " in the Criminal Law of Our Country & Starting from the Set-up of Perfidious Crime

  11. 通过对中外一些刑法关于背信罪的规定的比较,揭示背信罪的犯罪特征。

    Compared with different regulations about breach of trust in Chinese and foreign criminal law , the characteristics of breach of trust are revealed .

  12. 相比之下,国内学者目前对于背信罪的基本概念却仍然存在着一定的误解,应当正确把握背信罪的基本概念。

    In contrast , domestic scholars for the basic concepts of breach of trust but there are still some misunderstanding , it should correctly grasp the basic concepts of breach of trust .

  13. 在修正案通过之前,虽然有许多学者建议增加金融从业人员背信罪,但《刑法修正案七》并不是典型的金融从业人员背信罪。

    Before the amendment is approved , quite a few scholars advise to add the crime of breach of trust for financial professionals , but the amendment is not typical crime of breach of trust for financial professionals .

  14. 这一部分主要介绍了大陆法系国家、英美法系国家以及我国港澳台地区背信罪相关的立法情况,并对我国背信罪的立法现状及前景做出相关分析。

    This section introduces the civil law countries , common law countries , and Macao region of China on legislation related to breach of trust , and the Crime of breach of trust status and prospects to make correlation analysis .

  15. 虽然我国在立法中对于背信罪相关罪名已经渐渐有所体现,但是理论研究和司法实践不能很好的衔接仍然构成我国背信罪研究过程中面临的最大难题。

    Although the legislation of the relevant charges for breach of trust has been gradually reflected , the theory and judicial practice , still can not be well constituted during the study of the breach of trust , which is the biggest problem .

  16. 这一部分结合我国市场经济现状论述了单独设立背信罪的必要性,并提出了相关的立法构想,以期为我国将来的刑法体系完善提供一些建议。

    This section discusses the status of market economy combined with a separate need for the establishment of Breach of Trust , and proposed legislation related to the concept of the future of our country in order to improve the criminal law system to provide some suggestions .

  17. 这一部分简要的论述了背信罪的概念与背信罪本质的学说,并对背信罪的构成要件进行了简要分析,以期为设立我国背信罪提供理论基础。

    This section briefly introduced the concept of breach of trust and breach of trust theory of the nature of the crime , the crime of breach of trust and a brief analysis of elements in order to provide for the establishment of the theoretical basis of breach of trust .

  18. 因为如果我们认识真理之后,还故意犯背信的罪,就再没有另一个赎罪祭了。

    For if we sin wilfully after having the knowledge of the truth , there is now left no sacrifice for sins .

  19. 主要内容包括问题的提出、背信犯罪的立法史考察、德日刑法中的背信罪和德日刑法中背信罪的异同。

    Main elements of the problem and breach of the legislative history of criminal investigation , criminal law in Germany and Japan , and the German-Japanese criminal breach of trust breach of trust in the similarities and differences .