
  • 网络crime of insurance fraud
  1. 第二部分对保险诈骗罪的特殊形态进行了研究。

    The second part studies the special forms of crime of insurance fraud .

  2. 第三部分对我国及国外的保险诈骗罪的立法进行了分析及比较研究。

    The third part analyzes and compares Chinese and foreign legislation of crime of insurance fraud .

  3. 第一部分概述保险诈骗罪。

    The first part is the summary of the insurance-swindle crime .

  4. 在此基础上介绍了该罪未遂形态的存否之争,得出保险诈骗罪存在犯罪未遂形态的结论;

    Then introduces the debate whether this crime has abortive form .

  5. 保险诈骗罪的同类客体是社会主义市场经济秩序。

    The kindred object of insurance defraud is socialist market economy order .

  6. 保险诈骗罪的学理研究

    Study on theory of the swindle offence in the insurance

  7. 保险诈骗罪的客体是简单客体,不是复杂客体。

    The object of insurance defraud is simple object other than complex one .

  8. 应提高保险诈骗罪的法定刑;

    The legal punishment of it should be enhanced ;

  9. 保险诈骗罪的立法缺陷及完善建议

    The Flaws in the Legislature and Some Suggestions about the Crime of Insurance Fraud

  10. 因此,对保险诈骗罪的现状及原因的研究显得尤为必要。

    So it 's necessary to study the actuality and reason of the insurance defrauding .

  11. 保险诈骗罪实行行为研究

    Study on implemented act of insurance fraud

  12. 保险诈骗罪是发生在保险领域的一种特殊类型的诈骗犯罪。

    Insurance fraud is happened in insurance field of a special type of fraud crime .

  13. 这些问题均涉及保险诈骗罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪、一罪与数罪、共同犯罪等定性问题,对深化该罪理论研究以及司法实践均有意义。

    This paper is helpful to deepen theoretical researches on the crime and judicial practices .

  14. 保险诈骗罪的既遂和未遂形态刍议

    Accomplished and Abortive Form of Insurance Fraud

  15. 我国在现行刑法典中,单独以第198条规定了保险诈骗罪。

    The198th article of the Criminal Law of China prescribes the offense of insurance fraud independently .

  16. 保险诈骗罪若干问题之探析

    Aspects of Crimes of Insurance Fraud

  17. 虽然刑法第198条明确规定了保险诈骗罪,但理论界对法条内容的理解还存在一定的分歧,分歧主要集中在对保险诈骗罪构成特征的理解和该罪的具体认定上。

    Arguments are concentrated mainly on the comprehension of the constitutive characteristics and the juridical cognizance of insurance fraud .

  18. 保险诈骗罪的犯罪主体是特殊主体,即必须是投保人、被保险人或者受益人。

    The criminal subject of insurance defrauding is special one , which must be applicant , assured or beneficiary .

  19. 保险诈骗罪属结果犯,因此它存在既遂和未遂形态。

    The crime of insurance defrauding belongs to the result crime , so it has accomplished and attempted forms .

  20. 本文从法律适用的角度,对保险诈骗罪在司法认定中的若干相关问题作出了分析与探讨。

    This article is designed to discuss and analyze the related issues on crime of insurance fraud in judicial practice .

  21. 第四部分理解并讨论保险诈骗罪在将来的立法中应如何加以完善。

    The fourth part is about the analysis and discussion about how the insurance-swindle crime is perfected in the future legislation .

  22. 市场经济条件下,保险诈骗罪严重损害金融体制改革,破坏保险事业的健康发展。

    Under the market economy , this crime seriously infringes the reform of financial system , destroys the healthy development of insurance business .

  23. 在认定保险诈骗罪的罪数时,要搞清是一罪还是数罪。

    When the amounts of crime of insurance defrauding is believed , it should be clear that it is one crime or some crimes .

  24. 保险诈骗罪的主观方面只能是直接故意,并且具有非法骗取保险金的犯罪目的。

    Insurance defrauding only can be the direct intention in subjective side and has criminal purpose by the way of defrauding insurance compensation illegally .

  25. 对不同行为方式犯罪主体的认定、保险诈骗罪犯罪着手的认定、保险诈骗罪是否存在犯罪未遂的认定以及保险诈骗罪罪数形态的认定等问题做了探讨。

    Probes into the cognizance of main part of crime in different behavior , setting out of offence , inchoate crime and quantity of crime .

  26. 保险诈骗罪的一些特殊行为方式,应严格根据刑法第198条的规定来进行归类定性。

    Several particular performances of the offense of insurance fraud should be classified and characterized with the regulation of the Article198th of the criminal law strictly .

  27. 保险诈骗罪的直接客体是保险制度或保险秩序,具体而言,是保险合同关系或保险利益。

    The direct object of insurance defraud is insurance system or insurance order , that is to say , relationship of insurance contract or insurance interests .

  28. 保险诈骗罪是从普通诈骗罪中分立出来的新型经济犯罪,它保留了普通诈骗犯罪的一些共同特征,又表现出其自身的特点。

    The Crime Of Insurance Fraud is derived from the ordinary crimes of fraud , which shares some common features with the latter while the former bears characteristics of its own .

  29. 保险诈骗罪的主观罪过形式只能是直接故意,但在共同犯罪中,可能存在一方是直接故意,另一方是间接故意。

    Its subjective criminal from only can be direct intention , but in other common crimes , probably one side may be direct intention , and the other can be indirect intention .

  30. 随之讨论了保险诈骗罪的刑法适用,最后阐述了对该罪的证据收集、调查问题、以及相关的侦查,防范措施。

    This paper also includes the following parts : judicial maintenance , usage of the criminal law , proof collection and investigation , and how to be on guard on this crime .