
The article discusses the characteristics of risk management for the engineering construction projects , the method of the project management , the distribution of the resources and the engineering insurance contract .
Parties ' right and duties are the core elements of the insurance contract .
The main terms of D & O insurance contracts includes insurance coverage , insurers ' exclusive liability and the distribution of insurance premium .
Otherwise , the theme generalize the main content of the PSD 's Professional Liability Insurance contract , such as the insurer , insurance liability , insurance coverage , time of commencement of insurance liabilitys , coverage and the pleading obligation and so on .
Clauses is the main content of insurance contract , set the right of insurance contract party and obligation directly , have sanction to insurance contract party , it is the basis that insurance contract is able to fulfill and condition .
The incontestable clause is compulsorily applicable that even the insurer does not bring this clause into the contest of the insurance contract , the law will also make it become a part of the contract applicable universally .
Any explanation or promise made by the agents or the employees of the insurer that is conflicting with the contract is deemed null and void .
Fulfil demonstrative obligation , ask the underwriter is in namely conclude when insurance contract , show the clausal content of insurance contract to policy-holder .