
  1. 该文讨论了工程建设项目风险管理的特点、项目管理的方法、资源分配以及工程保险合同等内容。

    The article discusses the characteristics of risk management for the engineering construction projects , the method of the project management , the distribution of the resources and the engineering insurance contract .

  2. 当事人的权利义务向来是保险合同的核心内容,因此本部分亦为全文的重点内容之一。

    Parties ' right and duties are the core elements of the insurance contract .

  3. 董事责任保险合同的主要内容包括保险责任范围、除外责任、保费的负担等。

    The main terms of D & O insurance contracts includes insurance coverage , insurers ' exclusive liability and the distribution of insurance premium .

  4. 并对国际上医师责任保险合同的主要内容进行了高度概括和比较分析,包括:被保险人、承保范围、保险金额、保险责任基础及保险人的抗辨义务。

    Otherwise , the theme generalize the main content of the PSD 's Professional Liability Insurance contract , such as the insurer , insurance liability , insurance coverage , time of commencement of insurance liabilitys , coverage and the pleading obligation and so on .

  5. 保险条款是保险合同的主要内容,直接规定保险合同当事人的权利和义务,对保险合同当事人具有约束力,是保险合同得以履行的依据和条件。

    Clauses is the main content of insurance contract , set the right of insurance contract party and obligation directly , have sanction to insurance contract party , it is the basis that insurance contract is able to fulfill and condition .

  6. 不可抗辩条款具有法律强制适用的性质,即使保险人并未将该条款纳入保险合同内容,法律也强制使该条款成为合同内容的一部分,具有适用的普遍性。

    The incontestable clause is compulsorily applicable that even the insurer does not bring this clause into the contest of the insurance contract , the law will also make it become a part of the contract applicable universally .

  7. 保险人的雇员、代理人的任何与书面保险合同所载内容不一致的解释、说明或承诺,均属无效。

    Any explanation or promise made by the agents or the employees of the insurer that is conflicting with the contract is deemed null and void .

  8. 履行说明义务,就是要求保险人在订立保险合同时,向投保人说明保险合同的条款内容。

    Fulfil demonstrative obligation , ask the underwriter is in namely conclude when insurance contract , show the clausal content of insurance contract to policy-holder .