
  1. 前款规定的账簿、原始凭证及有关资料的保管期限,自保险合同终止之日起计算,不得少于十年。

    The books , original vouchers and related materials provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be kept for at least ten years starting from the date of the termination of insurance contracts .

  2. 本文欲从溯及力角度对保险合同终止与法定解除之间的关系作一逻辑清理,并在参考主要发达国家保险立法的基础上,提出若干立法建议。

    This article is to make a logical review of the relationship between termination and dissolution from the view of retroaction , and to make some rationalization proposals for legislation on the basis of referring to insurance legislation cases from the main developed countries and areas .

  3. 不论在保险费交付期,还是在养老金领取期,如被保险人死亡,则保险合同即告终止,保险人没有退还保险费或给付养老金的义务。

    Be in no matter insurance premium consign period , still get in annuities period , if insurant dies , safe the contract ends namely stop , the underwriter did not reimburse insurance premium or give the obligation that pays old-age pension .