
  1. 保险合同争议及其防范

    Disputes on Insurance Contract and Their Precautions

  2. 面对纷繁复杂的保险纠纷,特别是当保险人与投保人、被保险人或者受益人对保险合同条款有争议时,如何很好的解决保险纠纷,促进保险市场的繁荣就成为一个问题。

    How to resolve disputes between insurers and the insured or the beneficiaries of the disputed contracts and promote the prosperity of the insurance market has become a pressing problem .

  3. 保险合同纠纷非诉讼解决机制是指在民事诉讼制度以外,通过调解等非诉讼方式处理保险合同争议的程序和制度的总称。

    Insurance contract alternative dispute resolution mechanism means the procedure and institutions to settle the insurance contract dispute through mediation or arbitration instead of litigation .