
  • 网络Insurance Contract;InsuranceContract;contract;insurance
  1. 保险合同双方当事人都应该尽到最大的善意并且相互披露所有的相关事实。保险范围写在基本保险单和各种险别条款里。

    Parties to an insurance contract are required to exercise the utmost good faith and disclose all relevant matters to each other . The coverage is written in the basic form and clauses .

  2. 购买一份cds合约与购买一份保险合同不同,但它的确可以降低买方的市场风险。

    Buying a CdS contract is not the same as buying an insurance contract , but it does reduce market risk for a buyer .

  3. 理论上,CDS的作用就像是保险合同。

    In theory , CDs work like insurance contracts .

  4. D.代位求偿权原则上只在财产保险合同中适用(但笔者认为保险代位求偿制度没有任何余地地只能存在于财产保险合同中的提法是不甚确切的);

    D. From principle the right can only be used in the contract of insurance .

  5. 美国国际集团的许多与次级债务抵押债券挂钩的不良保险合同都出售给了欧洲银行,以准许这些银行将所持证券视作AA评级。

    Many of AIG 's toxic insurance contracts linked to subprime CDOs were sold to European banks to allow them to treat the securities they held as double A rated .

  6. 而且,CEO可能每年或者每隔一段时间都要进行体检,目的是尽早发现重大疾病,具体如何执行则取决于保险合同。

    And , depending on the policy , a CEO might also be expected to get a physical every year or so , the hope being that any catastrophic illness would be caught early .

  7. Abacus的结构意味着,投资者可利用信用保险合同来豪赌次贷资产这就是它被称为合成CDO的原因。

    The CDO was structured so that investors could bet on subprime mortgage assets by using credit insurance contracts the reason it was a synthetic CDO .

  8. 保险合同语言陷阱初探存款保险性质解析

    The Analyze of the Insurance Contract On Property of Deposit Insurance

  9. 汽车消费贷款保证保险合同的性质及责任承担

    The Legal Character and Responsibility of Auto Loan Guarantee Insurance Contract

  10. 保险合同首要原则是最大诚信原则,保险合同双方都必须遵守这个原则。

    The first principle of insurance contract is utmost good faith ;

  11. 诚实信用在保险合同中的应用

    The Usage of the Honest and Credibility in the Insurance Contract

  12. 论保险合同订立时的信息披露义务

    Discuss " Information Disclosure Obligation " in Concluding an Insurance Contract

  13. 再保险是在原保险合同的基础上建立的。

    Reinsurance is built on the foundation of primary insurance contract .

  14. 人身保险合同常见条款研究

    Study on Common Provision in the Contract of Life Insurance

  15. 保险合同解除权的时效与溯及力

    On the Limitation and Retrospective Effect of the Dissolution of Insurance Contract

  16. 随机利率权益连结保险合同的局部风险最小化

    Local risk-minimizing for equity - linked insurance contracts with stochastic interest rate

  17. 人身保险合同中的保险利益之我见

    On the Insurance Benefit in the Contract of Life Insurance

  18. 再就是从保险合同解除的法律规定中,寻找其不足。

    It finds out the deficiency from the rescission of insurance contract .

  19. 本文研究不完全信息条件下含免赔额保险合同的确定问题。

    This paper examines the optimal deductible insurance contract under incomplete information .

  20. 伪造风险损失欺诈博弈与最优保险合同设计

    The Fraud Game of Forging the Loss and Optimal Insurance Contract Design

  21. 预约保险合同是一种简化的保险合同。

    Open cover is a kind of predigested insurance contract .

  22. 三是订立的保险合同是否有效?

    Third , is this insurance contract valid or not ?

  23. 湖北水稻区域产量保险合同设计研究

    Contract Design of Rice Area Yield Insurance in Hubei Province

  24. 试论保险合同的解释原则

    A Discussion of the Expositive Principle of the Insurance Contract

  25. 论人身保险合同的索赔期间

    On Research of Claim Period on Personal Insurance Contract

  26. 论保险合同的法定解除与终止

    On the Statutory Dissolution and Termination of Insurance Contract

  27. 保险合同是最大诚信原则的体现。

    The insurance contract is based on the principle of utmost good faith .

  28. 试论财产保险合同的几个疑难法律问题

    Some Legal Issues in the Contract of Property Insurance

  29. 论保险合同的有利解释原则

    On the Principle of Preferential Interpretation in Insurance Contract

  30. 略论保险合同主体信息不对称风险及其防范

    Analysis in Information Asymmetry Risk and Guard of the Insurance Contract Main Body