
  • 网络Contract of indemnity
  1. 在时机成熟时,还可以采用德国的保险合同分类方法,将保险合同分为损害补偿性保险合同和定额给付性保险合同,有利于司法实践中的操作和减少纷争。

    When the time comes , German classification methods on insurance contract should be also taken , classifying insurance contract into damage compensatory insurance contract and quota payment insurance contract , which is beneficial to facilitate judicial practice and reduce disputations .

  2. 损失补偿原则是指在补偿性的保险合同中,当保险事故发生造成保险标的或被保险人损失时,保险人给予被保险人的赔偿数额,不能超过被保险人所遭受的经济损失。

    Loss compensation principle is to show the insurance contract that amending a gender is medium , when insurance accident happening causes insurance symptom or when insurant loss , the underwriter gives the compensation of insurant number , cannot exceed the pecuniary loss that insurant place suffers .