
  • 网络supplementary insurance;supplemental insurance;Medigap
  1. 国家鼓励用人单位根据本单位实际情况为劳动者建立补充保险。

    The State encourages employers to establish supplementary insurance for their workers in the light of actual conditions .

  2. 最后提出可以加快事业单位养老保险改革,统一企事业单位养老保险制度,并通过企业年金作为补充保险的方式缩小企事业单位养老保险差异。

    Finally the paper put forward the suggestions of speeding up the endowment insurance reform of institution , providing annuity and occupational pension as supplementary insurance so as to reduce the discrepancy of endowment insurance between the supplementary insurance .

  3. 军人基本保险与补充保险比较研究

    A study of the basic insurance and complementary insurance of ARMYMAN

  4. 职工互助补充保险受诸多因素影响,存在一些难点问题。

    The workers ' supplementary mutual-aid insurance scheme is effected by many factors .

  5. 加快发展互助补充保险为职工构建保障网

    Speed up Development of Mutual Replenishment Insurance and Structure Insurance Network for Staff and Workers

  6. 个人储蓄养老与基本养老保险、与企业单位补充保险挂钩;附加性联合短语初探

    The system is combined with the basic old - age insurance and enterprise additional insurance ; On Additional Combinative Phrases

  7. 本部分着重讨论了支撑成都市大病医疗互助补充保险委托保险公司经办的依据。

    This section focuses on the basis of support Chengdu serious medical mutual aid supplement insurance , commission insurance company managers .

  8. 首先,立法中应确立民事赔偿制度、补偿制度及强制保险制度相结合原则;确立医疗责任保险第三人的赔偿请求权及补充保险竞合处理原则。

    First , the combination of the compulsory insurance system and civil compensation system should be established in legislation ; as well as third party compensation claims establishing .

  9. 企业年金计划是我国社会保障制度改革的方向,企业应积极完善年金制度,并可考虑由商业保险承担起发展补充保险的重任。

    Setting up corporation pension plan is the trend of reform of social insurance system of China , the corporations must ameliorate the annuity system and commerce insurance should do the complementary function .

  10. 第二步,由国家、企业、个人共同参与的社会基本长期护理保险和商业长期护理保险相结合,商业长期护理保险作为补充保险的模式;

    Step two : having the government , employers , and employees involved in a combination of social basic long term care insurance and supplementary commercial long term care insurance that strengthens one another ;

  11. 巨灾保险风险证券化的本质是把巨灾风险分散到资本市场上来,利用资本市场的强大容纳力,补充保险市场对巨灾风险的承保能力。

    In the essence , catastrophe insurance risk securitization disperses the catastrophe risk to the capital market , making use of the strong capacity of capital market to supplement insurance capacity of catastrophe risk .

  12. 根据国情和借鉴国际经验,我国的社会保险基金投资管理宜采用政府集中型,全国社会保障基金和补充保险基金宜采用适当集中型。

    According to the national condition and using the foreign experience for reference , our social insurance fund investment control should follow with the government centralization , our social insurance fund and additional insurance fund should follow the appropriate centralization .

  13. 发展企业年金计划应该是我国社会保障制度改革的方向,但是,从目前的情况来看,我国企业不具备充分发展企业年金计划的条件,应该由商业保险承担起发展补充保险的重任。

    Setting up corporation pension plan is the trend of reform of social insurance system of China , but now corporations in China has no ability to set up corporation pension plan , and commerce insurance should do the function .

  14. 补充保险是指除了国家基本保险外,用人单位根据自己的经济承受能力及其他因素,自愿为劳动者建立的一种保险。

    Compensatory insurance is to point to be sure basically besides the country outside , unit of choose and employ persons bears according to his economy ability etc element , it is a kind of insurance that laborer establishs of one 's own accord .

  15. 论职工补充医疗保险的发展与规范

    On the development and regulation of worker 's supplementary medical insurance

  16. 正是在这一难题的压力下,我国养老保险制度进行了不断的改革和完善,政府大力鼓励发展企业补充养老保险计划。

    At present corporate supplementary insurance is encouraged to develop greatly .

  17. 论中国补充养老保险基金运营立法的完善

    The Completion to Legal System of Supplementary Pension Fund in China

  18. 补充医疗保险保费测算方法研究

    The Premium Calculation of Supplementary Plan to Social Health Insurance

  19. 论企业补充养老保险的建立

    The Research of Building up Enterprise Supplementary Retirement Pension Insurance

  20. 论城镇职工大额补充医疗保险的市场化发展

    The Research on Commercialization of Large-amount Supplementary Medical Insurance for Urban Workers

  21. 补充医疗保险的需求研究虾青素营养补充保健食品研究

    Demand for Supplementary Health Insurance Research on astaxanthin nutraceuticals food in Japan

  22. 我国企业补充养老保险模式的选择

    Selection of Compensatory Pension Insurance Mode of Chinese Enterprises

  23. 对推进企业补充医疗保险的思考

    Thinking on promotion of supplementary medical insurance by enterprise

  24. 企业年金是指企业为员工举办的补充养老保险。

    The enterprise annuity is a kind of enterprise guarantee system for employees .

  25. 纵观全球各国的养老保险体系,大多数实行市场经济的国家都推行了企业补充养老保险。

    Most of market economy countries develop occupational pensions .

  26. 城镇职工补充医疗保险的组织与筹资研究

    Organizing and financing urban employees ' supplementary medical insurance

  27. 企业补充养老保险计划精算模型

    The Actuarial Model of Enterprise - complemented Pension Scheme

  28. 福建省商业补充医疗保险情况分析

    Analysis on commercial supplementary medical insurance in Fujian

  29. 企业补充养老保险支柱得到一定重视,但缺少管理;

    Endowment insurance pillar at enterprise account is regarded , but lack of management ;

  30. 冶金行业如何建立补充养老保险

    How To Create Compensative Insurance for Old Aged