
  • 网络Variable Annuity Insurance;JVA;ACVA
  1. 变额年金保险保单连结多个投资账户的,保单账户价值应当将保单在各个投资账户中的价值加总计算。

    Where a variable annuity insurance policy is linked to two or more investment accounts , the account value shall be the sum of values of all investment accounts .

  2. 所幸中国保监会已于2011年5月5日公布变额年金保险之试点办法,开启了年金保险新纪元。

    Fortunately , The China Insurance regulator has published a variable annuity guideline meaning China has entered into a new annuity insurance era .

  3. 长期均衡关系方面,本研究发现存款余额与变额年金保险保费或利率变动型年金保险保费皆呈现正向关系。

    For the long-term equilibrium relationship , the study finds the following results : 1 . There is a positive relationship between bank deposits balance and the premium of variable annuity and interest-sensitive annuity .

  4. 此外,股价指数与变额年金保险保费呈现正向关系;但与利率变动型年金保险保费呈现负向关系。

    Furthermore , there is a positive relationship between the stock index and the premium of variable annuities . However , there is a negative relationship between the stock index and the premium of interest-sensitive annuities . 2 .