
  1. 合作企业合并、分立和变更组织形式;

    Merger , split-up or change of organization from of the jv ;

  2. 尽管变更对于组织是有益的,但是个人将相信他们将遭受痛苦。

    While the change may be good for the organization , individuals may believe that they personally will suffer .

  3. 本文首先对组织合法性理论进行概述,分析了财务重述与组织合法性的关系,以及财务重述后高管变更对组织合法性起到的作用。

    This paper outlines the theory of organizational legitimacy firstly , and then analyzes the relationship between financial restatements and organizational legitimacy and the executives ' turnovers influence on organizational legitimacy after their financial restatements .

  4. 无限责任股东与有限责任股东,以全体之同意,变更其组织为无限公司时,依前项规定行之。

    When shareholders of unlimited liability and shareholders of limited liability unanimously agree to REINCORPORATE the company into an unlimited company , it shall be done in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph .

  5. 进行此变更的大多数组织发现,他们已经编写了许多自己的脚本来执行由一些UCM对象包含的功能。

    Most organizations making this change find that they have written many of their own scripts to perform functions covered by some of the UCM objects .

  6. 制定程序,规定客户合同的修改方法,保证合同变更在全组织得到沟通。

    Develop procedures which specify how customer contracts are amended , and which ensure that changes in contracts are communicated throughout the organization .

  7. 以往学者们研究了总经理变更在打破组织惯性、推动企业战略转型方面的积极作用。

    Previous scholars had done the research on the the positive influence of CEO Turnover to corporate strategic transformation , with the view that CEO Turnover helps to break the organizational inertia .

  8. 文章阐述了自然因素、施工人员、机械设备故障、材料采购及图纸变更对施工组织设计的影响,介绍了实践中的各种动态管理方法。

    This paper discusses the influence of natural factors , construction workers , breakdown of machines and other equipment , materials purchasing and change of drawing on the construction , and introduces several dynamic management methods in the practice .

  9. 解决这些问题要求进行变更,而如果组织变更,支持它的IT系统也必须变更。

    Solving these issues requires change , and as the organization changes , so must the IT systems that underpin it .

  10. 我们和他们探讨了当时敏捷社区中正热烈讨论的“组织范围的变更”和“组织训练”:为什么现在这个这么热门?

    We asked them about the shift in the Agile community toward talking about " organizational change " and " organizational coaching ": why is this happening now ?

  11. 对于已经拥有变更管理产品的组织来说,几乎业务的每个方面都可能拥有软件变更管理过程。

    For organisations that already have a change management product , nearly every aspect of a business is likely to have involvement with the software change management process .

  12. 所有这些变化使得国家、社会、市场三者关系面临重大的调整甚至变更,各类社会组织的功能也面临重新定位甚至分化。

    All this revolution make the relationship of state , society and market to face great change and adjustment , the function of all kinds of social organization also face redefine and differentiation .

  13. 变更控制作为软件项目管理中不可缺少的一部分,对软件过程的执行起着决定性的作用,不合理或失控的变更会严重阻碍组织完成既定的软件目标,甚至会直接导致软件项目的失败。

    As an essential part of software project management , change control plays an important role in the execution of software process , unreasonable or uncontrollable change will keep the organization far away from the established goals , even lead the project to the failure directly .