
  • 网络Departmentalization;departmentation;departmentalize
  1. 在组织结构中最关键的两个维度是集中化和部门化。

    Two of the most important dimensions of structure are centralization and departmentalization .

  2. 山东省有得天独厚的交通、区位和产业优势,但是目前物流产业布局呈现出的是明显的区域化和部门化的特征。

    Shandong province has traffic , location and industry advantages , but now the logistics industrial layout shows obviously the characteristics of territorialization and departmentalization .

  3. 地理信息技术与Web技术的结合,也推动了地理信息部门化、产业化和大众化的进程。

    Web technology brings geographic information so great impetus that it can be more open and popular to the public , industries and departments .

  4. 在组织的中下层,日子变得更加部门化。

    Further down the organisation , life gets more compartmentalised .

  5. 农业转型是指由传统农业向现代农业转变的过程。我国农业正在转型,处于农业小部门化阶段。

    Agriculture transformation means the process of the traditional agriculture changing into modern agriculture .

  6. 随着国家工业化进程的加快,农业小部门化趋势成为必然,但农业与国民经济互相推动、共同发展的关系则日趋紧密,农业在国民经济中的基础地位始终不可替代。

    With the accelerated industrialization , the value of the agriculture is dwindling as a department .

  7. 论新型工业化的中国特色&农业小部门化时期的中国农业工业化

    About Chinese Characteristics of New Model Industrialization & Agricultural Industrialization Strategy at Chinese Agriculture Small Department Period

  8. 压力型体制又促使乡镇利益的部门化与个人化。这一部分具体分析了乡政村治的乡村治理模式的形成过程;压力型体制下这种乡村治理模式所呈现的特征;

    Finally , under the pressure management system , the rural government favors in departmental and personal benefits .

  9. 因此,在农业小部门化时期,我国农业如何实现向现代农业的转型,是一个非常值得探讨的问题。

    Therefore , the problem about how to successfully implement traditional agriculture changing into modern agriculture is worth studying .

  10. 研究发现,旅游管理者内部政出多门,利益部门化且相互冲突,因而管理乏力,是旅游环境恶化的主要原因。

    Research found that tourism managers , internal politics out conflicting interests and conflicts between thus departmentalization inadaptable , tourism management is the main cause of environmental degradation .

  11. 第二,有一个广阔的工业意识,那就是部门化的信息技术(IT)系统并不是一个孤岛,必须最好与商业价值看齐。

    Second , there is a broad industry realization that departmental information technology ( IT ) systems are not islands and must be better aligned to business value .

  12. 二元经济结构对我国现行的社会保障制度造成管理体系的部门化、区域与水平以及内容等方面的差异,在一定程度上阻碍了保障制度对经济与社会发展的安全网作用。

    The dual economic structure in China causes the sectoral difference , regional difference and horizontal difference existing in social security system , which prevents social security system from playing its role in economic and social development .

  13. 目前我国法律法规对自由裁量的规定有些过于疏忽,在许多方面缺乏实施细则,以致某些行政机关存在行政行为不当、职务侵权、行政权力部门化、部门权力利益化等现象。

    At present , there exist so many unreasonable phenomenons , including improper administrative action , duty tort , power departmentalization and power benefit maximum , because of the lack of enforcement regulations and the careless regulations .

  14. 行政立法程序的随意性和立法过程中产生的立法部门化和地方化使得对完善行政立法程序的呼声越来越高,行政法学者适时将行政立法回避制度引入到中国。

    Executive legislation procedural randomness and legislative departmentalization and localization generated in the process of legislation consummate executive legislative procedure for increasing demands , administrative law scholars with timely introduced of the executive legislative avoidance system to China .

  15. 作为商法规范对象的商事关系直接决定着商法部门化、商法法域性质、商法价值理念以及商法的法技术方法,因此,商事关系事实上处于商法体系的基础地位。

    As the regulating object of commercial law , commercial relation determines the branch 、 field character 、 value idea and technique means of commercial law , so , commercial relation is the foundation of commercial law system actually .

  16. 摘要城市商业银行财务管理目标模糊化、责任部门化、理念陈旧化、方法简单化,严重削弱了自身的竞争力和抗风险能力,值得关注和思考。

    The status quo that city commercial bank 's financial management existing questions as target fuzzification , responsibility branch-rization , idea obsolescence-rizaticn , method over-simplication , which heavily weaken its own competitiveness and resisting risk ability is worth us paying attention and thinking .

  17. 本论文实现的政务督查系统采用J2EE技术和B/S架构,将传统的电话督查、文件督查、会议督查等方式通过网络实现,贴合当前政府部门电子化、网络化办公的实际需要。

    Administrative supervision of this thesis to achieve the system using J2EE technology and B / S architecture , the traditional telephone supervision , inspection documents , meetings , etc. through the network supervision , fit the current e-government , the actual network office needs .

  18. 举例来说,我们Homeaway的IT部门标准化了Nagios和Cacti用于系统监控,这两个工具都支持把MBeans作为数据源查询。

    For example , here at Homeaway our IT department has standardized on Nagios and Cacti for system monitoring ; both of these tools support querying MBeans as a data source .

  19. 西方公共部门民营化改革探寻

    The Probe into Privatization Reform of Public Departments in Western Countries

  20. 试论高等教育服务营销高校后勤部门社会化是提高办学效益的主要出路

    Higher Education Services Socialization is the Way of Enhancing Educational Effeciency

  21. 发展中国家非正规部门正规化问题研究

    Study on the Regularization of Informal Sector in Developing Country

  22. 正确运用激励机制做好部门科学化管理

    Understanding and Recognition on Department Scientific Management of Correct Incentives

  23. 他们已经决定将会计部门计算机化。

    They have decided to computerise the accounts department .

  24. 第3章,政府部门利益化问题的形成原因。

    The third chapter refers to the forming reasons of the benefiting problem .

  25. 在行政立法实践中,部门利益化的现象已经成为一个比较突出的问题,引起了各方的关注。

    In administrative legislation practice , tending to department interests has become a notable problem , so it has been concerned .

  26. 资本项目开放是一国经济部门自由化的重要内容。

    Opening the capital account is one of the most important tasks in the process of a nation 's economic liberalization .

  27. 整合营销的理念顺应了市场的变化情况,能够有效解决市场反应迟钝、部门本位化等问题。

    Integrated marketing concept to the market changes , can effectively address market reaction retardation , sector-based , and other issues .

  28. 知识产权法学不仅应当部门法化,而且应当构建自己独立的立法体例。

    Intellectual property law should not only become a law department , but should construct single legislation system of its own .

  29. 这些年来,各国已经减少了贸易的关税和非关税壁垒,为外国投资开放门户,并使许多部门私有化。

    For years the countries have reduced tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade , opened doors to foreign investment , and privatized many sectors .

  30. 浅谈后勤面向市场实行有偿收费服务环保科研机构后勤部门企业化管理的思考

    DISCUSSION ON REAR SERVICE FACING TOWARDS MARKET , PERFORMING THE COMPENSABLE SERVICE Study on Mechanism of Enterprise Management for Logistical Section of Research Institute of Environmental Protection Sciences