
zhì hòu zhǐ biāo
  • lagging indicator
  1. 计算扩散指数、领先、同步、滞后指标综合指数。

    Calculation of diffusion index , a leading , synchronization , lagging indicator composite index .

  2. 但就业是滞后指标。

    But employment is a lagging indicator .

  3. 船舶操纵性阻尼增益和滞后指标及分析

    Indices of Damping , Gain and Time Lag of Ship Maneuverability

  4. 可以作为滞后指标的包括:年终销售额、周转期、市场占有率等。

    Examples include : Year-end Sales , Cycle Time , and Market Share .

  5. 但词汇是滞后指标。

    But words are lagging indicators .

  6. 而失业率往往是一个滞后指标,比其它经济因素复苏得晚。

    And unemployment tends to be a lagging indicator , recovering later than other economic factors .

  7. 即使经济开始复苏,就业增长也往往是一个滞后指标。

    Even if the economy begins to recover , job growth tends to be a lagging indicator .

  8. 平衡计分卡与企业战略管理之间主要是通过财务目标和非财务目标、领先指标和滞后指标链接起来的。

    The Balanced Scorecard and the enterprises ' strategy are linked mainly by financial and non-financial objectives 、 lagging and leading measures .

  9. 投资人明白失业率是个滞后指标但很少有人意识到它也可能成为危险的指标。

    Investors know that the unemployment rate is a lagging indicator yet few realise it could be a dangerous one as well .

  10. 失业率在传统上被定性为一项滞后指标,因此,人们认为它的前瞻能力有限。

    The unemployment rate is traditionally characterised as a lagging indicator and , as such , is viewed as having limited predictive power .

  11. 但就业率是滞后指标,是否会出现无就业复苏还需进一步观望。

    However , the employment rate was a lagging indicator , whether there will be a jobless economic recovery has needs a further wait .

  12. 以如此多的国家失业率骇人地持续攀升为由,或许有失公平,因为失业率被公认是一个滞后指标。

    Except that it isn 't. It is perhaps unfair to cite the continuing horrifying rise in unemployment in so many countries . For that is admittedly a lagging indicator .

  13. 第二步,进行时差相关分析,遴选出有预警作用的指标,保留提前指标和同步指标,删除滞后指标。

    The second step , the time difference correlation analysis , I selected the early warning indicators , preserved early indicators and coincident indicators in advance , removed the lagging indicators .

  14. 他发现,这类设备的销量实际上是个滞后指标,原因可能是企业在建设项目中往往等到超负荷运转时才会投资购置新机器。

    He found that sales of such equipment were in fact a lagging indicator , probably because companies wait till they are maxed out on building projects before they invest in new machines .

  15. 经济运行的滞后指标——出口增长强劲,增长率达到11.4%;而经济运行的先行指标——进口则表现得疲软得多,增长率仅略高于6%。

    Exports , a lagging indicator , came in at a relatively strong 11.4 per cent while far weaker imports , a leading indicator , at just over 6 per cent , suggest as much .

  16. 在极少数情况下,例如目前,我们就不应把失业率仅仅看作一项滞后指标,因为它有可能会影响到未来的经济行为和经济前景。

    There are rare occasions , such as today , when we should think of the unemployment rate as much more than a lagging indicator ; it has the potential to influence future economic behaviours and outlooks .

  17. 感叹句后面的标点(!)。滞后经济指标综合指数

    A punctuation mark (!) used after an exclamation . composite index of lagging indicators

  18. 公众对商业趋势的认识是最滞后的指标之一。

    Public awareness of trends in business is among the most lagging of lagging indicators .

  19. 评级变动通常只是反应滞后的指标,它是经济困难的产物,而不是它的原因。

    Changes in ratings are usually lagging indicators , following rather than causing economic hardship .

  20. 失业率是一个滞后经济指标,因为大多数企业在开始增加或削减人员之前都将调整员工的工作小时数或工资。

    The unemployment rate is a lagging economic indicator , since most businesses will alter workers ? hours or pay before they begin to add or drop employees .

  21. 这样它综合考虑了各个关键因素,使用滞后和超前指标,协调了长期和短期目标,平衡了财务和非财务指标,满足了内部和外部的多方需要。

    So it is seen as the balance between : long-term and short-term objectives , financial and the non-financial measures , lagging and the leading indictor , and external and internal performance perspectives .

  22. 建立了一套裂缝性油藏应力敏感性和裂缝滞后效应评价实验程序,提出了评价应力敏感性和裂缝滞后效应的量化指标。

    A test program is established to evaluate the stress sensitivity and fracture lag-effect of fractured reservoir , and the qualified indexes are proposed thereby .