
  1. 注:如选其他扒类只需补差价。

    Note : extra money needs to be paid if any other steak chosen .

  2. 被我发现你宰客的话,我就回来找你补差价。

    If you rip me off , I 'll come back and ask for a refund .

  3. 他到我的办公室来跪求让我撒个谎,让我说他把价格砍得更低,但他给我补了差价。

    He came groveling into my office and begged me to lie and say that he got the better price , but he paid me the difference .

  4. 出行者最大的担忧就是旅游开销,因为还要补单房差价,虽然节约开支也是人们选择个人游的原因之一。

    Cost was the biggest concern as travellers were worried about paying a singles supplement , despite the fact that money-saving was also one of the reason why people chose to go away on their own .