
  • 网络Traditional Business;Traditional commerce
  1. 目的和意义:随着互联网的出现,给传统商务注入了新的动力。

    Purpose and meaning : The Internet is stirring up the traditional commerce .

  2. 电子商务比传统商务更具有吸引消费者的优势。

    The electronic commerce has advantages of drawing on the consumer more than the traditional commerce .

  3. 作为internet的一个崭新应用的电子商务已经渗透到传统商务活动的各个环节和各个领域,并对社会生活的各个方面产生直接影响。

    E-commerce as a new application of internet have go to all aspects of traditional business activities and all areas , and directly influence and change all aspects of social and economic life .

  4. 随着Internet的快速发展,基于网络的电子商务显示出比传统商务的巨大优势,极大提高了传统商务活动的效益和效率。

    Along with the Internet fast development , the electronic commerce based on the network displays the more huge than traditional business ' advantage , raises the performance and the efficiency of the traditional business activity biggest .

  5. 电子商务的交易流程与方法与传统商务不同。

    The commercial means and flows are different from traditional ones .

  6. 网络销售相对于传统商务而言是一次质的飞跃。

    Compared with traditional network marketing business case is a qualitative leap .

  7. 电子商务能极大地提高传统商务活动的效率。

    E-Commerce has immensely made traditional commercial activities more efficient .

  8. 电子商务较之传统商务模式的优越性也逐渐体现出来。

    The advantage of electronic commerce is recognized by us more and more .

  9. 电子商务带来传统商务模式的革新,也创造了一些新的经济增长点。

    The E-business leads the traditional business mode reformation and some new increasing area of economy .

  10. 协同电子商务是整个电子商务的一个组成部分,它与传统商务相比具有明显优势。

    Collaborative commerce website is a part of collaborative commerce and has obvious superiority to traditional commerce .

  11. 本文的第二部分详尽分析了跨国电子商务对传统商务活动下税收管辖权理论的挑战。

    First , the section expounds the theory of the tax jurisdiction in the traditional commerce activities .

  12. 电子商务是电子网络技术跟传统商务模式的结合,并且正在迅速发展。

    E-Business is the incorporate of the IT technology and traditional Business pattern , and it is going quickly .

  13. 电子商务从发展之初至今,已经对我们传统商务生活带来了巨大的改变。

    The electronic commerce development from the beginning until now has brought about great changes to our traditional business life .

  14. 相对于传统商务活动,电子商务具有不受地域限制、节省成本等众多优点。

    Compared with traditional commercial activities it has advantages such as cost saving and it is unrestricted by the zone .

  15. 电子商务与传统商务相比具有许多优势,给企业带来了巨大的商机,许多企业都开始涉足电子商务。

    Compared with the traditional commerce , the Electric Commerce has lots of advantages , bringing the corporation vast commercial changes .

  16. 电子商务是建立在计算机网络基础上的商务经济活动,它比传统商务活动更加依赖健全的信用体系。

    Electronic commerce is based on the on-line business activities . It depends on credit system much more than traditional commerce .

  17. 电子商务和资讯网络化彻底改变了传统商务赖以生存的基础,形成了对传统营销策略和市场理念的冲击和挑战。

    Electronic Commerce and the Information Network have thoroughly changed the foundation of traditional business and challenge the traditional market strategy .

  18. 这种冲突很复杂,相互依赖,相互影响,是以往的传统商务谈判和自动谈判系统所不能解决的。

    The conflicts are so complex , interdependent and interacting that the traditional negotiation and the automatic negotiation can not resolve them .

  19. 最后提出了坚持传统商务与电子商务相结合战略和分层递进战略。

    At last , the author brings paying equal attention to tradition business and Electronic Business strategy and delaminating and progressing strategy .

  20. 传统商务模式正在转向以企业信息化和社会信息化为基础的移动电子商务模式。

    The traditional business mode has been changed to the mobile business mode , which based on industrial information and social information .

  21. 从传统商务到电子商务,就出现为实现电子商务活动而实施的电子商务项目。

    From the traditional commerce to the electronic commerce , appears to realize the electronic commerce project which the electronic commerce activity implements .

  22. 从发展的角度来说,电子商务是传统商务一种崭新的表现形式,但借助互联网中信息的高速传递,电子商务在一些表现形式上与以往的商务有所不同,特别是在促销方面。

    However , with the information highway , the e-commerce differs from the traditional one in some parts , especially in sales promotion .

  23. 逻辑思路和基本内容:本文主要围绕着这样的逻辑思路进行讨论:国内电子商务的营销环境,传统商务与互联网结合孕育的电子商务有何特点,与传统商务相比有何优缺点。

    Logics and contents : The rationale and logics of this thesis are listed as follows : the domestic e-commerce marketing circumstance surveying ;

  24. 企业用户享受的是按需服务的体验,避免了购买传统商务智能软件中往往有一些功能并不需要的情况。

    The enterprise users will enjoy the on-demand service experience without extra wasted budget paid for some useless functions in traditional BI software applications .

  25. 电子商务是借助数字化手段实现商品和服务交易的过程。同传统商务方式比较具有明显的优势。

    Electronic business refers to the process to realize the transaction of merchandise and service bearing a striking advantage over the traditional business patten .

  26. 电子商务不是传统商务在信息网络上的简单移植,商务的电子化需要涉及商务活动的各个方面。

    The application E-Commercial is not just simple transplant traditional business on information network , E-Business need involved in all aspects of commercial business .

  27. 电子商务对传统商务法律规范产生强大的冲击,同时引发一系列新的法律问题。

    Electronic commerce has effected a great challenge to the laws over traditional commerce , giving rise to a series of new legislature problems .

  28. 计算机信息网络技术应用于商业领域促成了电子商务的诞生,这是对传统商务的伟大变革。

    The application of technology on computer network and telecommunications to commercial field facilitates the emergence of E-business , which is a significant evolution .

  29. 传统商务环境下信息的传递会产生断点和阻隔,严重影响到企业的生产和销售环节。

    In traditional commercial environment , the transmission of information will have break and obstruction which inevitably influence the production and sales of an enterprise .

  30. 随着社会的进步,互联网技术与传统商务完美融合在一起并催生了一种全新的经济形态,即电子商务。

    Especially since the 90s , the Internet technology and traditional business combination gave birth to a new economic form , that is , e-commerce .