
  • 网络traditional accounting
  1. 传统会计是全面核算了人力资源价值v与m的;

    Traditional accounting accounts both the V and M of the value of human resources .

  2. EVA与传统会计指标的比较&中国证券市场的实证分析

    EVA vs traditional accounting indexes & Empirical analysis in China stock market

  3. INTERNET对传统会计模式的挑战与对策

    The Internet And The Traditional Acconting Model

  4. 本章先从传统会计业务流程解析到ERP下的会计业务流程,解构会计业务流程下会计核算方法的构成。

    This chapter analyzes from the traditional accounting business process to the accounting business process under ERP .

  5. 提出了基于Real模式开发会计信息系统的思想,从根本上解决了传统会计信息系统存在的信息单一、过于汇总等问题。

    This paper introduces the idea to develop accounting information system based on Real mode . The system can resolve those problems of the traditional AIS such as information is simplex and convergent .

  6. 研究结论表明,在中国资本市场,EVA并不比传统会计绩效测度具有更好的价值相关性;

    The result shows : in the Chinese capital market , EVA is not more valuable to the traditional profit target .

  7. 从2010年起,国资委将EVA指标定为考核我国央企负责人经营业绩的最主要指标,替代原来的传统会计指标。

    Starting in 2010 , the SAC will assess EVA targets as head of the central enterprises the most important business performance indicators , to replace the original traditional accounting indicators .

  8. 在思考TIMS方面,记住,我们就必须链接到传统会计的应用。

    In thinking about TIMS , remember that we 'll have to link to legacy accounting applications .

  9. 然而在传统会计原则之架构下,衍生性金融商品的资产负债表外(off-balance-sheet)特性,使得财务报表无法充份反映其经济实质的相关信息。

    Nevertheless , under conventional accounting principles , the characteristics of the off-balance-sheet won 't enable financial statements to adequately reflect the real-term information of the economy .

  10. 传统会计适应知识经济发展的探讨

    Studying on the developing of traditional accounting in the knowledge economy

  11. 企业价值评估是传统会计领域之外的一项特殊工作。

    Business valuation is a special task beyond the traditional accountancy .

  12. 本文分为五部分第一部分:知识经济对传统会计模式的冲击。

    Part one : Challenge of knowledge economy to traditional accounting .

  13. 人力资源会计假设对传统会计假设的修正

    The Revision of Traditional Accounting Assumption by Human Resources Accounting Assumption

  14. 国际企业绿色会计对传统会计成本概念的冲击

    Impact on Traditional Accounting Concepts from Green Accounting of International Corporations

  15. 试论我国环境会计对传统会计理论的发展

    On How Environment Accounting to Develop the Theory of Traditional Accounting

  16. 作业基础成本制度对传统会计理论的影响及应用探讨

    Work Foundation Cost System to Traditional Accountant Theory Influence and Application Discussion

  17. 知识经济对传统会计的冲击与会计工作的创新

    The Impact of Knowledge Economy on the Traditional Accounting and Accounting Innovation

  18. 知识经济的到来,对传统会计提出了挑战。

    The knowledge economy brings up the challenge to the traditional accountancy .

  19. 浅议知识经济对传统会计的冲击和影响

    Talking about the Impact and Influence of Knowledge Economy on Traditional Accountancy

  20. 浅谈金融衍生工具及其对传统会计的影响

    On Derivative Financial Instruments and Its Influence on Traditional Accounting

  21. 论网络经济对传统会计假设的挑战

    On the Challenge of Network Economy for the Hypothesis of Traditional Accounting

  22. 本文将环境会计的基本假设归纳为6个方面,并论述了环境会计基本假设的基本内容以及与传统会计基本假设的异同。

    It presents six accounting assumptions for the environment .

  23. 网络财务的发展对传统会计的影响及对策

    Influence of network finance development upon the traditional accounting

  24. 会计电算化对传统会计及审计的冲击

    The Impact of EDP on General Counting and Auditing

  25. 与此同时,也对传统会计理论提出了新的挑战。

    At the same time , they were challenging the traditional accounting theories .

  26. 新经济的发展,新的经济业务,新的思想方法,对传统会计带来了机遇和挑战。

    The development of new economy brings about opportunity and challenge for accounting .

  27. 从传统会计看金融商品会计的处理

    On Processing of Financial Commodity Accounting From Traditional Accounting

  28. 它的产生使传统会计无论是理论方面还是实务方面都受到了巨大的冲击。

    It has a great impact on traditional accounting in theory and practice .

  29. 实行绿色会计是必然趋势,绿色会计对传统会计造成了一定的冲击,本文就绿色会计理论体系及核算体系做一些分析和探讨。

    It is necessary to implement green accounting , which lashes the traditional accounting .

  30. 浅析知识经济对传统会计体系的冲击

    On the Poundings in the Traditional System of Accounting Carried by the Knowledge-based Economy