
chuán tǒnɡ chǎn yè
  • traditional industry
  1. 西部传统产业政策所保护的产业及其保护方法,在加入WTO后会受到严峻的挑战。

    After entering into WTO , the industries protected by western traditional industry policy and the protecting method are facing serious challenge .

  2. 塔设备CAD(TCAD)是属于传统产业与信息技术相结合的课题。

    The Tower CAD ( TCAD ) is the combination of traditional industry and information technology .

  3. PLC是以微处理器为核心的工业控制装置,在工业控制、机电一体化、改造传统产业等方面得到普遍应用。

    Comprehensively used in the industrial controlling , electro-mechanical integration and conventional industries remolding , PLC serves as a neutral industrial devices in micro-procession .

  4. 结构-行为-绩效(structure-conduct-performance简称SCP)范式是传统产业组织理论的基本范式。

    The structure-conduct-performance model is the basic model of the traditional industrial organization theory .

  5. 美国哈佛大学教授波特(MichaelPorter)是第一位从产业层次研究国际竞争力的学者,他首先改变了传统产业的定义方法。

    Professor Michael Porter of the Harvard University is the first scholar who researched the international competitiveness from the Industrial levels , and changed the traditional industrial defined laws firstly .

  6. 在企业同质性假设条件下,无论是新古典经济学、传统产业组织理论的SCP分析范式,还是企业竞争战略的产业分析方法,都把企业的利润归结为外在的市场结构因素。

    On the assumption of homogeneity of firm , neo-classical economics , traditional theory of industry organization and Port 's five forces model all argue that firm 's profit come down to market structure .

  7. 虽然电子商务无法提供解决DotCom公司不能赢利的灵丹妙药,但是其能提供一套有效的工具帮助传统产业公司增加收入、降低成本、和提供更好的客户服务。

    Although e - commerce is not a magic remedy to make dot com companies profitable , however , it can be used a most valuable business tool to help traditional bricks-and-mortar companies to increase revenue , reduce costs , and provide better customer services .

  8. 信息技术对传统产业管理的影响问题研究

    On the Influence of Information Technology to the Traditional Industry Management

  9. 高技术产业与传统产业是一组相对的概念。

    High-tech industries and traditional industries are a set of opposite concepts .

  10. 青岛市高技术产业与传统产业融合研究

    Research on the Convergence between High-Tech Industry and Traditional Industry

  11. 文化产业解构传统产业:机制与路径

    Deconstruction of Traditional Industries with Cultural Industry : the Mechanism and Path

  12. 信息产业技术可以为提升传统产业做些什么?

    What can information technology do for advancing traditional industry ?

  13. 论信息技术对传统产业的渗透

    Discussing about the Infiltrate of Information Technology into Traditional Industry

  14. 微电子技术改造传统产业

    Use Microelectronic Technology to Impro the Traditional Industry in China

  15. 构建传统产业集群共性技术供给体系&一项对比研究

    Constructing the Supply-system of Generic Technology Based on Traditional Clusters-A Comparative Study

  16. 信息时代的传统产业与信息产业发展策略

    Developing strategy of traditional industry and informational industry in the information age

  17. 利用高新技术改造辽宁传统产业问题的研究

    Research on Applying High Technology to Reform Traditional Industries of Liaoning Province

  18. 发展传统产业和劳动力密集型产业;

    To center on the development of traditional industry and labor-intensive industry ;

  19. 传统产业集群小企业能力系统的研究

    Research of Traditional Industry 's Clusters of the Small Corporation 's Capabilities System

  20. 传统产业改造升级的根本出路

    Fundamental Way out of Traditional Estate Innovation Going Up

  21. 依靠现代科技改造传统产业;

    Rebuild traditional industry relying on the modern technology ;

  22. 传统产业集群空间指向的研究

    Study on Spatial Positional of the Traditional Industry Clusters

  23. 我国高科技产业和传统产业关系研究

    Relationship on High-tech Industries and Traditional Industries in China

  24. 传统产业集群与专业化市场发展

    The Development of Traditional Industrial Cluster and Specialized Markets

  25. 在我国,煤炭工业是重要的传统产业。

    In our country , coal industry is a major and traditional industry .

  26. 以信息化带动工业化,发挥后发优势,是促进传统产业优化升级,实现工业化和现代化的关键环节。

    The key to realizing industrialization and modernization is driving industrialization by informationization .

  27. 电子商务创造的就业机会促进了传统产业。

    Jobs created by e-commerce have upgraded traditional industries .

  28. 新型工业化是以先进的信息技术改造与提升传统产业。

    New-type industrialization is with advanced information technological transformation and promoting the traditional industry .

  29. ⑶提出了建设县域传统产业人才集聚环境对策。

    ⑶ Proposed the measures that constructing talent aggregating environment of county conventional industries .

  30. 敏捷制造技术对传统产业改造和发展的影响

    The influence of the agile manufacture on the traditional industries ' reclaiming and development