
  1. 从PCB行业演变和PCB产业竞争结构两个方面来剖析目前PCB行业环境,了解目前的竞争形势。

    This paper from two aspects of trade evolvement and industry competition structure , analyzes current PCB trade environment , comprehend current competition situation .

  2. 煤炭产业竞争结构分析

    A structural analysis about the competition in the coal sector

  3. 国家创新系统理论是用于分析研究国家竞争力、产业竞争结构的重要理论,在指导国家宏观政策方面有着十分重要的作用。

    The Theory of National Innovation System is the theory that is used to analyze the national competitiveness and industrial competitive structure ; it is useful in directing the macro-policy .

  4. 继而对影响我国证券公司竞争力的环境要素进行分析,阐述我国证券公司所处国际、国内经济环境,利用迈克尔·波特提出的产业竞争结构模型分析了我国证券业产业结构。

    And then the international and domestic environments of the securities firms were analyzed . Utilizing Michael Potter 's model of industry 's competition structure was used for analyzing the industrial structure and environment of the securities business .

  5. 产业市场竞争结构分析方法及其应用

    A Study on the Approach for the Industry Competitive Structure Analyzing And It 's application

  6. 首先,本文对产业竞争与资本结构相关性理论进行了阐述。

    First of all , the theoretical foundations of industrial competition and capital structure are expounded in this paper .

  7. 信息产业竞争性垄断市场结构正是信息经济条件下,垄断与竞争关系发展的新内涵。

    The competitiveness monopolizes market structure of information industries is precisely , under the information economy condition , the new connotation of development of relations between monopolizes and competition .

  8. 从产业组织理论和贸易类型两个角度看,目前中国电子信息产业属于垄断竞争市场结构,不适宜实施战略性贸易政策。

    From the perspective of industrial organization and trade type , the current market structure of Chinas electronics and information industry is monopolistic competition , for which STP isn t applicable .