
  1. ‘消费互联网’市场的蓬勃发展以及中国新兴的‘产业互联网’市场将为我们提供巨大的市场潜力。

    The booming development of the " Consumption Internet " market along with the emerging " Industrial Internet " market in China will provide us with vast market potential .

  2. 他说:“中国经济已进入一种中高水平增长的‘新常态’,创新将成为未来发展的主要推动力。‘消费互联网’市场的蓬勃发展以及中国新兴的‘产业互联网’市场将为我们提供巨大的市场潜力。”

    At present , China 's economy has entered into the " new normal " of medium-high-level growth , and innovation will be the key driver for future development . The booming development of the " Consumption Internet " market along with the emerging " Industrial Internet " market in China will provide us with vast market potential .

  3. 搜索引擎产业在互联网行业中越来越处于核心地位。

    Search engine industry is increasingly at the heart of the Internet industry .

  4. 随着信息产业和互联网技术的不断飞速发展,信息数据随之成爆炸性的增长,数据中心也变得日益重要和繁杂,从而使得管理工作面临巨大的挑战。

    With the constantly rapid development of information industry and the Internet technology , information data is in a explosive growth and the data center is becoming increasingly important and complex , making the management of huge challenges .

  5. 数字出版是出版产业伴随互联网的快速发展而出现的一种出版业态,近几年来,其发展速度相当惊人,被公认为21世纪出版业的发展方向。

    Digital publishing is a kind of the publishing industry along with the rapid development of the Internet . In last few years , its development speed is quite breathtaking . Digital publishing is recognized as the direction of development of the twenty-first Century publishing industry .

  6. 随着宽带接入的普及,宽带应用产业将成为互联网产业发展的主导和趋势。

    With the popularization of broadband access , the broadband application industry will play a leading role in Internet industry .

  7. 与传统产业不同,互联网产业具有双边市场特性、较强的网络效应、技术创新性和全球性等特征。

    Unlike traditional industries , Internet industry has the characteristics of two-sided markets characteristics , strong network effects , technological innovation and globalization .

  8. 在体育转播、体育商务与体育营销中应充分发挥互联网作用,以期使我国体育产业尽快与互联网结合并产生新的效益。

    This paper puts forth that we should give full play to internet in sports broadcasting , sports business and sports marketing in order to bring better results to the sports industry .

  9. 2020年世界互联网发展指数排名是基于对以下6个方面的综合评估:信息基础设施、创新能力、产业发展、互联网应用、网络安全和网络治理。

    According to the latest Global Internet Development Index , the ranking was based on six parameters : infrastructure , innovation capacity , industrial development , internet application , cybersecurity , and cyberspace governance .

  10. 那么,动漫产业如何在移动互联网上布局呢?

    So , the animation industry in the mobile Internet on how the layout of it ?

  11. 随着现代科技和信息产业的发展,互联网的诸多优势促使传统酒店服务业发生了巨大变化。在线酒店预订在中国迈入快速发展的阶段。

    With the development of the modern technology and information industry , the Internet has SO many advantages that the online hotel industry is being changed dramatically .

  12. 近年来,随着互联网产业不断发展,互联网中的信息也越来越多,搜索引擎逐渐发展为网民使用的重要应用。

    In recent years , with the development of Internet industry , the information in the Internet is more and more , and the search engine gradually becomes an important application in the Internet .

  13. 它通过电信网、广播电视网、互联网的融合带动电视产业、电信产业和互联网业的技术融合及产业融合,符合信息化发展趋势,符合电视产业发展的客观规律。

    By combining the telecommunication network , major broadcast networks and internet drives TV industry , the integration of technology and industry between telecommunication and the internet accord with the trend of information development and also it is objective laws of the development of TV industry .

  14. 网络游戏产业(简称网游产业)作为随着互联网的兴起、普及而发展起来的新型数字娱乐方式,同时也形成了一种新的文化艺术形态。

    The network game industry is the new digital entertainment forms and the new kind of cultural modality which along with the Internet develops .

  15. 近年来,虽然信息产业利润增长缓慢,后劲不足,然而随着云计算产业的兴起,互联网热潮再次出现兴起的迹象。

    In recent years , the profit growth more and more slowly in information industry , however with the rise of cloud computing industry , the dotcom boom was going to happen again .