
  1. C研究院是从事着军工产业配套的基础设施建设单位。

    C Research Institute is engaged in infrastructure construction of military industries supporting .

  2. 重点引进高科技产业配套项目。

    Put priority on introducing the supporting projects of high-tech industry .

  3. 计算机产业配套现状与发展前景研究&深圳市计算机产业配套能力实证研究

    Study on the Current Related Situation and Development Prospect of Computer Industry

  4. 完善远城区信息基础设施,实现能源、物流等产业配套;

    Consummate information infrastructure , energy industry ang logistics industry of far city area ;

  5. 我国加工贸易升级的瓶颈&相关产业配套能力的研究

    The Bottleneck of China 's Processing Trade & The Study of the Matching Capacity

  6. 深圳及其周边产业配套的环境可以说是最好的。

    Shenzhen and its surrounding areas have the most complete industrial chains in the nation .

  7. 宁波中小企业参与产业配套现状与发展对策研究

    Status Quo of Ningbo 's SMEs ' Participation in Supporting Production and Reflections on the Countermeasures

  8. 产业配套能力相对较强,区域旅游教育网络相对完善;

    The industry kit ability is opposite stronger , the network of regional tourism education is opposite perfect ;

  9. 中国服装凭借廉价的劳动力资源和强大的产业配套优势,在全球纺织服装业中占据特殊地位。

    Relying on its labor resources and a strong supporting industry advantages , China holds its special role in the global textile and apparel industry .

  10. 但由于前期投资较高、技术要求专业、产业配套薄弱、支持力度不足等一系列问题制约着绿色住宅项目的发展步伐。

    But due to the high investment , the professional technical requirements and the weak industrial supporting , that restricts the development of green housing projects .

  11. 但是从我国彩电业的发展历史和现状不难看出,企业的竞争优势是建立在劳动力低廉、技术工人多、产业配套能力较强、市场规模大和强大的大规模批量生产制造能力的基础上的。

    As we can see from the development and present situation of the Industry , the advantages of Chinese firms are mainly based on low labor cost , large numbers of technicians , huge market and large-scale production .

  12. 中国制造业凭借低成本制造优势以及比较强的产业配套能力吸引了大批跨国公司将其生产制造环节转移到中国。

    China 's manufacturing industry , by the advantages of low manufacturing cost as well as strong industrial association abilities , has attracted a great number of multinationals , which have transferred their production and manufacturing segment to China .

  13. 面对竞争激烈的国内外汽车市场和国际性金融危机,中国汽车工业还存在着规模小、布局分散、产业配套体系不完善等不利因素。

    Facing the intense competitive both in domestic and international car market and the international financial crisis , Chinese automotive industry , there are still several unfavorable factors such as small scale , scattered layout and imperfect matching system for industrial .

  14. 东部地区利用西部低成本劳动力优势及高度专业化分工基础上的产业配套条件,使中西部地区利用产业梯度转移理论发展经济的难度加大了。

    East area uses cheap labor cost of west area and industrial set condition on the basis of high specialized division of labor . The development of western economy will be more difficult in the use of theory of gradient transfer .

  15. 中国巨大的市场容量、不断完善的基础设施、日臻完备的产业配套能力、公平竞争的市场环境正在吸引越来越多跨国企业到中国投资兴业,也为亚太工商界提供了更多商机。

    With its huge market , better infrastructure , stronger industrial support capacity and fair market environment , China has attracted more and more multinational companies to invest in the country and offered more and more opportunities to businesses in the Asia-Pacific region .

  16. 主力竞争集团各主力企业的共同趋向是利用各国的优势建立生产经营全球网络,并将非主力企业作为网络成员进行产业配套,各自以产业链企业群的方式进行全球竞争。

    Major players of key competing group are commonly tending to build its global operation network by utilizing advantage of mother countries and to integrate minor key players as network members for its global competition based on a industrial chain and a cluster of firms .

  17. 因此,西部地区必须通过提高政府服务水平,完善市场运行机制,重视构建人力资源优势,提高产业配套能力,改善交通运输条件等手段降低投资者总体运营成本,以提高招商引资的竞争力。

    Therefore , the western region must play down the total operational cost of investment by improving governmental service , perfecting market operational mechanism , building the advantage of human resource , enhancing the ability of industry matching , improving the traffic condition and so on .

  18. 但无论是有利的还是不利的影响,都是以一定的条件为基础,所以论文进而归纳了发挥外商直接投资积极影响的三大关键因素:区域市场结构、区域产业配套水平和区域外资管理政策。

    However , whether these influences are beneficial or harmful rely on certain prerequisites . Therefore , this paper concludes three major crucial factors for bringing FDI into full paly & regional market structure , the right mix of regional industries and the managerial policy on foreign investment .

  19. 绿色食品肉猪产业化配套生产技术

    Technical Production Equipments and Facilities of Green Food Pork

  20. 我国移动通信产业及其配套小型电源的发展

    Development of mobile communication industry and its concerned small portable batteries in China

  21. 促进支撑产业和配套设施发展;

    It can prompt the development of supporting industries and constructions of specialized facilities ;

  22. 其中,关联产业是否配套是台商集聚的重要因素之一。

    Among them , correlative industry is one of the key factors . 3 .

  23. 中部地区体育用品产业集群配套发展的现状及对策

    Current status of and measures for the aggregated matching development of the sports supplies industry in the central region

  24. 城市住房系统包括住房建设系统、住房消费系统、物业管理系统、产业政策配套系统。

    The city housing system includes the housing construction system , the housing consumption , the property management system and the complete policy system of industry .

  25. 物业管理作为一种与房地产业相配套的综合管理方式,与社会经济的发展相适应,物业管理的内容涉及到各种专门的领域。

    Property management as a match with the real estate industry of the integrated management , and social and economic development , the realty management of the contents of the various specialized areas .

  26. 第七部分介绍与减税政策相关的配套政策措施,包括与产业政策配套,就业政策配套,与消费信贷配套及与规范税务执法、加强税收征管相配套。

    Section 7 introduces the policy correlating with the tax reduction , such as the industrial policy , the employment policy , the consumptive credit and strengthening the revenue management , and so on .

  27. 主要包括政府行为、协会工作、科研机构、种植管理技术、营销网络建设、服务和保障体系、延伸产业、配套产业、闽台合作等方面的分析和对策。

    Include the government behavior , association work , research organization , the management , the marketing network construction , serve and guarantee system , extend mainly with kit industry , the counterplan with Taiwan etc.

  28. 目前,高精度高速微孔印制电路板数控钻床是制约和影响我国电子制造业水平和电子信息产业基础配套能力的重要因素,是我国电子制造业与世界先进水平差距体现的重要环节之一。

    Nowadays , the high accuracy and speed PCB NC drilling machine has become a confined factor of level of electronic manufacturing industry and embodiment between our electronic manufacturing industry and advanced level in world margin .

  29. 化工物流园区为化工产业提供配套的物流服务,具有监管部门多、安全性要求高等特点,有多种物流运营模式可供选择,目前对它的研究尚不成熟。

    Chemical logistics park provides matching logistics services for chemical industry , involving many supervision departments , higher safety requirements and other characteristics , there are many logistics operation modes to choose , currently study on it is still not mature .

  30. 研究芡实加工技术及商品产业化配套机具,突破种植容易加工难的制约瓶颈,将带动芡实生产产业化,扩大种植面积,发展绿色创汇农业,给芡实产区带来无可估量的经济和社会效益。

    The research of processing technology and industrialization of machinery for gorgon fruit can break through the restricting bottleneck of planting easily and processing difficulty , which can bring gorgon fruit mechanization , enlarge planting area , develop green & export agriculture and bring beyond measure economic and social benefit .