
  • 网络Industrial base;CAIB
  1. 高新技术产业基地与区域物流发展的互动关系研究

    Research on the Interaction between High-tech Industrial Base and Regional Logistics

  2. 营口沿海产业基地软土路基处理技术研究

    Technical Research on Soft Soil Subgrade of Yingkou Coastal Industrial Base

  3. 具体举措:做大做强先进制造业。建设智能制造、新材料、新能源汽车、电子信息等产业基地。

    Regarding promoting advanced manufacturing , the guideline urges the building of industrial bases focused on sectors including intelligent manufacturing , new materials , new-energy vehicles and electronic information .

  4. 国家软件产业基地制度效率与规模效率评价:基于DEA的方法

    Institutional efficiency and scale efficiency evaluation of China national software bases : dea method

  5. XH公司成立于1992年,坐落于国家火炬计划软件产业基地&大连软件园,是以大量的对日商业流程外包(BPO)为主要业务的信息技术公司。

    Established in 1992 in Dalian Software Park , the national software industry base of China , XH is a hi-tech company primarily focused on providing business process outsourcing ( BPO ) services to Japanese enterprises .

  6. 无锡投资三亿元建国家动画产业基地

    Wuxi invests RMB 300 million in building national animation industry base

  7. 循环经济之新地标&杭州能源与环境产业基地设计

    New Landmark of Recycling Economy the Hangzhou Energy Environment Industry Base

  8. 高新技术特色产业基地的评价问题研究

    Study on the Appraisal of New and High Technology Special Industry Base

  9. 正是在这种情况下能源科技产业基地应运而生。

    So the energy science and technology industrial base comes into being .

  10. 中国最大的欧美古典家具产业基地&玉环

    The Largest Manufacturing Base of Western-style Classical Furniture in China-Yuhuan

  11. 发展数控系统要建立现代化产业基地

    For Developing NC System Modernized Industrial Base Should be Established

  12. 以房地产发展助力机床打造国家级数控产业基地

    Create National CNC Base with the Gains from Real Estate

  13. 图为营口沿海产业基地开发建设现场。

    The picture shows Yingkou coastal industrial base under construction .

  14. 加强产业基地建设引领现代蚕业发展

    Strengthen the Industry Base Construction to Lead the Development of Modern Sericulture

  15. 中国环保产业基地发展的现状分析

    Development Analysis of China 's Environmental Protection Industry Base

  16. 建成先进制造业和高新技术产业基地、现代服务业中心、现代农业示范区。

    Advanced manufacturing industry and high-and-new technology industry base ;

  17. 黑龙江省医药特色产业基地发展对策研究

    The Countermeasures of Medical Industrial Base in Heilongjiang Province

  18. 中药现代化科技产业基地建设步伐加快。

    Development of sci-tech and industrial base for TCM modernization had been accelerated .

  19. 国家电子信息产业基地和产业园认定管理办法(试行)

    State Electronic Information Industry Base and Industrial Zone Certification Regulation ( Trial )

  20. 关于东北综合经济区提升为高新技术产业基地的现实论证

    Practical demonstration about upgrading the northeast comprehensive economic region to high-technology industrial base

  21. 建设宁夏石嘴山千吨级多晶硅产业基地的有利条件及优势研究

    Basic Conditions and Advantages for Ningxia Shizuishan to Build the Silicon Industry Base

  22. 基于二次孵化的孵化产业基地运行模式研究

    Research on the Operation Mode of Incubator Industrial Base Based on Secondary Incubating

  23. 科学发展我国大型煤化工产业基地的探讨

    Develop China ′ s large Coal Chemical Industry Base in a Scientific Way

  24. 高新技术产业基地的内涵、属性及演化机理分析

    Analysis on the Connotation , Characteristics and Evolution Mechanism of High-tech Industrial Base

  25. 大兴生物与医药产业基地标志性建筑群创作实践

    Landmark Building of Daxing Bioengineering & Pharmaceutical Industrial Base

  26. 建设如东新型能源产业基地动因初探

    The Reasons for Building a New Base of Energy Industry in Rudong , Jiangsu

  27. 国家火炬计划看中澄海成为国内唯一的智能玩具创意设计与制造产业基地

    National Torch Plan Settles on Chenghai as Creative and Manufacturing Base for Intellectual Toys

  28. 从营口沿海产业基地看城市空间结构性形态的优化调控

    Optimizing Structural Form of Urban Space Based on Case of Yingkou Coastal Industrial Base

  29. 面向中亚,发挥优势,打造新疆战略性矿产资源产业基地。

    On Building-up of Central Asia Oriented Strategic Mineral Resources Industrial Base in Xinjiang ;

  30. 进一步加强国家高技术产业基地和产业链建设。

    We will increase efforts to develop national high-tech industrial bases and industry chains .