
  1. 结合历史和中国特色来研究产业更新和城市化,意义是十分重大的。

    Therefore , combining the history and Chinese characteristics to study industrial upgrade and urbanization is of great signality .

  2. 在社会转型和经济全球化的背景下,产业更新与城市化始终是围绕社会发展的两个重要话题。

    Under the background of social transition and economic globalization , industrial upgrade and urbanization are two significant topics about social development .

  3. 根据4个生态经济区的特点,分别讨论了草业发展与生态建设的关系。牧区生态保护与草业开发和草地畜牧业的产业更新;

    According to the situation of 4 ecological economic zones , the relationship between the ecological protection and prataculture development was discussed in this paper .

  4. 信息科技产业更新的速度非常快,如何进行有效的研发活动对信息科技企业来说就显得尤其重要。

    Updated by the Information Technology industry is very fast , how to conduct effective research and development activities is particularly important for information technology companies .

  5. 本文将城市化作为一个综合体系,通过理论与实践分析,推导出产业更新与城市化之间的内在作用机制。

    This article takes urbanization as a synthetical system . By analyzing theory and practice , it deduces the internal interactive mechanism between industrial upgrade and urbanization .

  6. 再通过产业更新与城市化的国际比较,归纳出二者互动的一般规律,探索符合中国国情的城市化发展道路,促进产业更新与城市化的历史推进。

    Then , by international comparison of the two processes , it concludes the general law that will guide us to explore the road of industrial upgrade and urbanization in China according to its own delicate situation .

  7. 引进先进设备和技术,加快基础工程产业的更新换代

    Introduce Advanced Equipment and Technology , Speed-UP Foundation Industry

  8. 现代产业的更新趋向与人性资源

    The renewal of modern industry and the human resources

  9. 天津产业建筑更新中创意产业类型选择和布局研究

    The Research on the Type Selection and Layout of Creative Industries in The Regeneration of Tianjin Industrial Buildings

  10. 大都市近郊工业区的转型研究&以广州黄埔区产业布局更新为例

    The Transformation of Industry Zone in Metropolitan Suburbs : A Case Study of Industrial Distribution in Huangpu District of Guangzhou

  11. 随着技术水平的提高,中国正处于产业结构更新和升级的过程,深入研究附加价值来源的这种转化,对于我国的产业升级具有重要意义。

    In the course of industrial upgrading , researching the transformation of origin of added-value deeply has huge influence on the industrial upgrading of China .

  12. 以歧江公园为例谈产业用地更新设计

    Taking Qijiang Park as example to discuss the renewal design of industry land

  13. 创意产业与旧城更新的互动关系研究

    Creative Industries and Renewal Old Cities ' Relation Research

  14. 长远看来,经济增长靠的是生产方式的优胜劣汰,靠的是产业结构的更新换代。

    In the long run growth depends on replacing obsolete methods of production with better ones , and supplanting old industries with new ones .

  15. 同时,具有网络外部性的产业往往产品更新换代速度较快,产业内知识流动较为频繁,研发溢出现象比较普遍,而企业间合作研发现象也比较常见。

    Meanwhile , the products with net externalities generally have a marked feature of frequent product update knowledge flow , and R D spillover . Cooperative R Ds are relatively common .

  16. 随着传统工业经济向知识经济的转变,城市需要寻找新的经济增长点,创意产业是城市更新和转型的关键。

    With the transfer of traditional industrial economy to the knowledge economy , cities need to find new economic growth point , and creative industry play an important role of urban renew and transformation .

  17. 超越传统历史层面的思考&关于上海苏州河沿岸产业类遗产有机更新的探讨

    Exploration of organic renewal of industrial heritage along the Suzhou River

  18. 高等教育产业化的观念更新和体制创新

    The renewal of concept and innovation of system for industrialization of Higher Education

  19. 创意产业园与城市更新的互动发展机制研究

    A Study of the Interactive Mechanism between the Creative Industrial District and Urban Renewal

  20. 新经济产业发展与旧城更新机制创新

    The development of new economy and the innovation of the mechanism of old city renewal

  21. 在中国,住宅面临着产业大发展及更新换代的机遇与挑战。

    In China , the residential building faces the opportunity and the challenge of fast development and renewal .

  22. 人类科学技术的发展带动着一切产业和事业的更新和进步,建筑也不例外。

    Promote the development of human science and technology with industry and the cause of all the updates and progress of construction is no exception .

  23. 从传统工业区到创意产业园的建筑更新浅谈关于创意产业园区集群内部多样性模式

    Research on Architecture Reconstruction for Transition from Traditional Industrial Area to Creative Industrial Park ; On diversity model of group inner of originality industrial garden area

  24. 任何地区只要能够预见性地运用动态的方法和科学的标准来抉择地区的主导产业群,及时更新衰退产业,持久保持经济的活力和区域的可持续发展是完全有可能的。

    If any region can use dynamic method and scientific standard to select leading industry clusters foresightedly , and upgrade the declining in time , it is possible to keep the development of economic .

  25. 通过创意产业集群与城市更新的互动过程以及集群中企业对大学空间依赖性的研究,揭示一个大学周边创意产业集群的空间结构规律,指出了其对大学周边城市更新的指导意义。

    Through the interactive process between the clusters and urban renewal , and also through enterprises ' space-dependence on universities , we have found out the law of spatial structures for clusters of creative industries surrounding universities and its significance to urban renewal . 3 .

  26. 第二,高新技术在其自身产业化的同时,也会带动传统产业的更新换代。

    Secondly , while high and new technology is realizing its own industrialization , it will also bring along the upgrading of traditional industries .

  27. 在煤炭产业转型模式上共分三种模式:产业延伸模式、产业更新模式、复合模式。

    In the coal industry in transition mode is divided into three modes : extended model industry , industry update mode , composite model .

  28. 因此,创业投资产业发展的好坏,直接影响着高新技术产业的发展,影响着国民经济中其他产业部门的技术更新和生产率的提高。

    Therefore , the venture capital industry will have a direct impact on the development of high-tech industries , on the national economy as well as other industries .

  29. 创意产业是目前全球化经济发展中新兴的产业类型,并迅速成为知识经济时代的支柱产业,随着我国城市的社会经济发展与转型,创意产业在城市更新同样扮演着较为重要的角色。

    Creative industry is currently globalization economy development in the emerging industrial types and quickly became the pillar industry in the time of knowledge economy . With Chinese social and economic development , the transformation of creative industries in urban renewal also plays an important role .

  30. 软件产业是信息技术革命的基础,它具有很强的渗透性,几乎可以与所有的传统产业结合,能极大地推动传统产业的改造和装备水平的提高,从而促进产业的更新换代。

    Software industry is the foundation of information and technological revolution . It combines with almost all the traditional industry and therefore is very permeable . The development of software industry greatly accelerates the improvement of equipment level and enhances the transformation of traditional industries .