
  • 网络industry shock
  1. 入世对中国汽车产业冲击的数量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of the Impact on China 's Automobile Industry after the Entry into WTO

  2. 冲击类型,包括共同的世界性冲击、特定国家冲击、特定产业冲击和特定冲击等;

    These factors generate external shocks including worldwide common shocks , nation-specific shocks , industry-specific shocks , idiosyncratic shocks , etc.

  3. 入世给我国带来了一定的环境压力,主要表现在资源消耗、污染进口和产业冲击三方面。通常克服电磁污染的方法有屏蔽和吸收。

    Environmental problems caused by China entry into WTO present in three aspects . They were resource consumption , pollution importing and impact on related industry .

  4. 在全球关税下降和数量限制措施受到WTO约束的趋势和背景下,发达国家纷纷采取技术性贸易壁垒措施保护本国产品和产业免受冲击。

    As there is the tendency of restriction of WTO on custom dudes and quantity limitation , the developed countries have turned to TBT to protect their domestic products and industries from competition of foreign countries .

  5. 本文通过数据、资料详细阐明了中国加入WTO的好处和由此面临的严峻挑战,特别是对我国主要产业的冲击,并对此提出了有针对性的应对策略。

    By analyzing some figures and data , the author expounds in detail the advantages of China 's return to WTO and the consequent severe challenge , especially the strong impact on China 's major industries , and finally puts forward some strategies in answer to it .

  6. 其二,生态保护在短期内对资源型产业有冲击。

    Second , ecological protection made short-term impact on resource-based industries .

  7. 基因工程的潜在影响及其对有机食品产业的冲击

    Potential impacts of genetically engineering on organic food industry

  8. 现代信息技术对文化产业的冲击和影响

    Impact of Modern Information Technology on the Culture Industry

  9. 对产业的冲击可能引发全局性结构调整;对农业的冲击可以由切实减轻农民负担来得以根本缓解;

    The impact of Tariff reduction can be alleviated by a enhanced custom , the impact to industrial sectors can be soothed by a holistic restructuring .

  10. 去年开始的金融危机对我国的房地产业的冲击力度非常大,房地产业潜在的风险已经显现出来。

    Global financial crisis happened last year exerts high influence on the real estate industry in China , and potential risk of real estate industry appears now .

  11. 从基因工程内涵和有机农业的要求及目标出发,讨论了基因工程的潜在影响及其对发展有机食品产业的冲击。

    In this paper , on the basis of the definition of genetically engineering and organic agriculture guidelines , potential impacts of genetically engineering on organic food industry are discussed .

  12. 以目前中国技术标准的竞争力,远不能满足国内外贸易发展的需要,这必将使我国的一些产业受到冲击。

    The competitiveness of technical standard now is far unable to meet the needs of domestic and international trade , which is bound to affect some industries of our country negatively .

  13. 尽管加入世界贸易组织可能使贫困地区现有产业受到冲击,但从长远看,有利于贫困地区劳动力转移和劳动密集型产品的出口。

    Though the existing industries in those areas may be adversely affected after China enters the wto , in the long run this will be good for the transfer of their workers and the export of their labor-intensive products .

  14. 面对两岸已经进入WTO后,有线电视产业能产生冲击以及影响之程度。

    The impact and effect of cable TV industry after joining WTO .

  15. 加入WTO以后中国的电信服务产业必将受到冲击,而电信制造业将泰然面对挑战。中国加入WTO,中国电信市场将形成激烈竞争的局面。

    The telecommunication service must be affected after China join the WTO , but telecommunication manufactures will face the competition .

  16. 加入WTO以后,中国市场进一步开放,这对我国中医药产业带来巨大冲击。

    Chinese market is opening further with entering WTO . It makes a notable impact on the industry of the traditional Chinese herbal medicine .

  17. 游戏产业准备接受冲击,谈到DS的影响力及如何冲击这块市场。

    The game industry is ready for disruption . Talks about the power of the DS and how it disrupted the market .

  18. 入世以后,根据WTO原则的要求,外国文化产品将会大量进入中国市场,对我国文化产业造成较大冲击。

    After China 's entering into the WTO the foreign cultural products will flow into China 's market in a great quantity according to the WTO principles and this will shock our cultural industry violently .

  19. 2008年我国电信业重组以来,由于产业融合的冲击、3G等全业务的市场竞争格局的形成,通信企业已步入规模运营黄金时代。

    Since the restructuring of the telecommunications industry in 2008 , due to the formation of the impact of industrial integration and 3G business market competition , communications companies have entered the golden age of operations .

  20. 并在此基础上向文化产业的顶峰冲击!

    And assault the culture industry peak here on the basis .

  21. 大众化高等教育推动下的传统就业观和知识产业问题受到冲击,值得重新审视。

    Thirdly , the traditional view of employment and intellective production should be reconsidered in the circumstance of mass higher education .

  22. 与此同时,许多外国产品以倾销的方式进入我国市场,对我国与其倾销相关的产业造成了冲击和损害。

    Meanwhile , many foreign products enter Chinese market through dumping , which causes the impact and damage to Chinese relevant industries .

  23. 对于可以预见的住宅需求的剧减,将会给我国房地产业带来巨大冲击。

    For the foreseeable drastic reduction of housing demand , it will give a huge impact on the Chinese real estate industry .

  24. 近年来,在媒介产业经营浪潮冲击和屏幕竞争日趋白热化的形势下,电视制播分离正越来越受到关注,我国电视行业对这一电视节目生产管理体制进行了有益的探索。

    In recent years , the tides of media industry and keen screen competition have drawn more and more attention toward the separation of TV making and broadcasting .

  25. 面对“入世”对国内产业带来的冲击与挑战,寻求保护国内产业的积极对策已是一个日显紧迫的现实课题。

    Facing the impact and challenge brought to the domestic industry by " entry to WTO ", it becomes urgenter and urgenter to seek positive countermeasures on protecting domestic industry .

  26. 具体地,直接对党的指导思想和执政地位,我国传统道德和社会主义道德以及文化产业直接形成冲击。

    It implies that the guiding ideology of our Party and its ruling position must meet challenges meanwhile traditional moral concepts , socialist morals and cultural industry are also shocked ;

  27. 新时代背景下,数字化通信为科技产业带来了冲击和革命,模拟电视在飞速发展的电子产品市场中份额一直在萎缩。

    Under the background of new era , digital communication has brought tremendous impact and revolution to technology industry , the market share of simulative TV has been shrinking in the rapid development of electronic products .

  28. 近几年,美国学者从中美贸易对美国国内产业竞争力的冲击角度来考察中美贸易,认为中美贸易损害了美国的产业利益。

    In the last few years , American scholar investigates US-China from the impact angle of US-China to American local industry competition ability , make the conclusion that US-China trade have injured the industry benefits of the United States .

  29. 从高校体育的功能分析后发现,高校体育产业化严重冲击着高校体育的育人功能、促进学生身体与心理健康的功能、娱乐功能、促进和加快学生社会化功能。

    College sports from the functional analysis found that the industrialization of college sports college sports serious impact on the function of educating people and promoting physical and mental health of students the function of entertainment , promote and accelerate student social functions .

  30. 我国已经度过了WTO过渡期,在经济全球化的背景下,国内油料产业遭受更大冲击。

    China has spent the WTO transition period , in the context of economic globalization , the domestic oil industry suffered a greater impact .