
  • 网络traditional consumption
  1. 受传统消费观念的影响,旅游消费动机也受到影响。

    Tourists ' consumption motivation is also affected by traditional consumption ideas .

  2. 客家传统消费文化及其形成背景分析

    The Culture of Traditional Consumption of Hakka and Analysis about its Background

  3. 俄罗斯国内生产总值(gdp)年均增长7%,同时莫斯科和圣彼得堡等传统消费中心以外地区的消费支出稳步增长,俄罗斯已成为不容小觑的经济体,尽管最近该国因全球信贷危机而出现了市场动荡。

    With gross domestic product growth averaging 7 per cent per year and solid consumer spending trends spreading beyond the traditional centres of Moscow and St Petersburg , the Russian economy is a force to be reckoned with , in spite of recent market turmoil amid the global credit crunch .

  4. 接着进行了传统消费文化和技术的缺陷分析。

    Thereafter , it analyses the defects in the culture of traditional consumption and technology .

  5. 传统消费观念与假日经济之我见

    Holiday Economy and Traditional Concept

  6. 在这种新的消费情境下,消费者必然会有着与传统消费不同的顾客价值。

    Under this new environment of consumption , customer value may vary from that of traditional pattern .

  7. 文章探讨了网络技术对传统消费的巨大影响,并指出了网络消费过程中存在的相关问题。

    The great impact of Internet technology to the traditional consuming and the relevant problems are also discussed .

  8. 消费,不仅仅是传统消费,构成了人物们生活的重要部分。

    Consumption , more than the traditional one , constitutes a great part of the characters ' lives .

  9. 他们勤俭节约的传统消费观念尚未转变、承担风险的意识缺乏。

    Their view of traditional consumption has not changed , and their consciousness of the risk yet is scarce .

  10. 目前影响体育消费增长的因素主要有:传统消费观念的制约,居民收入增幅下降,收入差距扩大,体育消费环境不佳。

    At present , there are four main factors restrict the sports consumption : Limitation of the traditional consumption concept ;

  11. 网络技术的发展,特别是因特网的兴起,改变了人们的传统消费习惯。

    On Custom The development in Networking technology , especially the popularity of Internet has revolutionized the traditional consuming trends .

  12. 本文从孔子与老子的消费思想入手,对中国传统消费观作了考察。

    This article makes a research on the traditional Chinese consuming point of view from the consuming thought of Con Zi and Lao Zi .

  13. 它既是对传统消费模式的反思批判,也是实现可持续发展的重要环节。

    It is not only a kind of critique to consumption pattern in tradition , but also an important measure to realize sustainable development .

  14. 因此,构建全方位的制度体系,是实现由传统消费模式向现代生态消费模式转变的根本保证。

    Therefore , building an all-round regulation system is the guarantee of a transform from the traditional consumption mode to the modern ecological consumption mode .

  15. 研究结果表明:山西省知识分子的消费份额在总收入中所占比例较低,总体消费理念处于传统消费层面;

    It 's found that their sports consumption quotient accounts for a low proportion in the gross income and their consumption concept is relatively traditional .

  16. 这有助于解释为什么奥运会赞助商的身份不仅吸引了可口可乐和麦当劳(McDonald's)等传统消费品牌,还吸引了其他范围更广的公司。

    This helps to explain why Olympic sponsorship appeals to a wider range of companies than those behind classic consumer brands such as Coca-Cola and McDonald 's.

  17. 其次,从当前我国所面临的现实情况出发,论证了生态消费方式取代传统消费方式的必要性和可能性。

    Secondly , from the reality faced by our country , it demonstrated the necessity and possibility for ecological consumption patterns to replace the traditional ones .

  18. 通过对消费问题的理论透视,提出人类要摆脱环境问题就必须首先变革传统消费理念,消除和解脱不良消费模式。

    A theoretical perspective of the consumption problem is given to explain that human beings should eliminate traditional bad consumption behaviors firstly for solving environment problems .

  19. 为此,必须改变传统消费模式,建立一种符合生态规律要求的、生态化的消费模式&生态消费模式。

    Therefore , we should change the traditional consumption mode , build up a kind of consumption mode which accord with environment rule & ecotype consumption mode .

  20. 最后,就改变我国农民收入的不确定性、支出的不确定性、农业生产的社会化程度不高的现状和克服传统消费习惯的影响几个方面提出了政策建议。

    Finally , the writer give policy recommendations from the changing of uncertainty of the income , uncertainty of expenditure , unsocialized intensity and overcoming traditional influence .

  21. 与传统消费相比,金融消费属于一种层次和水平都比较高的消费形态,这也赋予了消费者知情权新的特征。

    Compared with traditional consumption , financial consumption is a kind of consumer profile with higher gradation and level which endows consumers ' right to information new characteristics .

  22. 目前,学界对怀旧消费的研究主要集中于传统消费环境,对网络体验环境下怀旧消费行为研究存在不足。

    Currently , Academic research on consumer nostalgia focused on traditional consumer environment , the lack of nostalgic consumer behavior research under the network environment of virtual experience .

  23. 较之传统消费环境,购物网站之间的竞争显得更加激烈,它们获得新顾客不仅更困难,而且成本更高。

    The competition among shopping sites has become more and more fierce . It is not only more difficult for the shopping sites to seek customers , but more costly .

  24. 目前传统消费品网络广告份额逐年上升,许多行业已经看好网络广告的巨大媒体潜力。

    Current market partition of the traditional consumer goods cyber advertising increased year by year , many industries have been thinking highly of the great potential in online advertising media .

  25. 21世纪,网络技术发展和应用的日益广泛,必将促进人们传统消费文化的急骤变革,形成一种网络时代的新型消费文化。

    Th century , with the development and wide application of the internet technology , the traditional consumption culture will rapidly change and will form a new one in the internet era .

  26. 网上消费者信息搜寻行为是网上消费者行为研究的重要方面,对消费者进一步的网上决策行为有着较传统消费环境下更为复杂和多变的影响,因而近年来一直受到学术界的关注。

    Compared with traditional consumption environment , online consumer behavior on information search casts more complicated and multi-variant influences on further decision-making of the consumers and thus caused great attention from academia .

  27. 近年来,随着消费水平的显著提高,我国居民的消费观念、消费方式、消费结构发生了重大变化,并与中国传统消费伦理观念产生冲突。

    In recent years , with the improving notably of consumption level , the consumption idea , pattern and structure has changed greatly , and conflicted with China 's traditional consumption ethics idea .

  28. 牛奶以其独有的风味深受消费者的青睐。牛奶风味已成为评价牛奶等级的重要指标,也在逐渐改变人们对牛奶的传统消费观念。

    Milk has become more and more popular because of its special flavor , which is an important quality index of milk grading , and has gradually changed the people 's traditional consumption concept also .

  29. 该文首先从内容上和特点上对传统消费模式与循环经济下的绿色消费模式进行了比较,再分析了制约我国绿色消费的几大因素并提出了相关的对策。

    The paper presents a contrast between the traditional consumption mode and the green consumption mode in circular economy , then expounds the obstacles in the way of Green Consumption in China and puts forward some countermeasures .

  30. 进城农民工虽然仍受到农村传统消费观念的深刻影响,但城市现代文明生活的经历,也使得该群体的消费行为和消费方式正在发生深刻的变革。

    The peasant-workers are still received strong influence of the countryside traditional consumption idea , but the life experience of the modern city-civilization also causes the consumption behavior and modes of this community to the transformation of the modern ones .