
chāo qián xiāo fèi
  • excessive consumption;unduly high levels of consumption;spending on luxuries rather than necessities
  1. 城镇青年住宅超前消费的理性思考

    Rational Consideration on the Youth 's Excessive Consumption in Terms of Residential Housing in Cities and Towns

  2. 当前其消费行为出现了一些新的变化,如快餐消费、超前消费、网络消费以及视觉消费等等。

    Some new trends , have arisen such as the fast food-consumption , the excessive consumption , Internet consumption , the vision consumption and so on .

  3. 对他们而言,超前消费是一种时尚。

    Ahead-of-time consumption is regarded fashionable among them .

  4. 相反,美国人倾向超前消费。

    In contrast , Americans tend to spend more than they have .

  5. 通货膨胀下的负利率又进一步诱发了超前消费。

    And the minus interest rate further induces overstep consumption .

  6. 有人鼓励他们超前消费或借款。

    They are encouraged to overspend and borrow money .

  7. 有关部门缺乏正确引导,部分居民存在超前消费、过度消费的现象。

    Lack of proper guidance departments , there are some people ahead of consumption , over-consumption .

  8. 之后,我们开始寻找捷径,开始超前消费,而不是节俭储蓄。

    We started taking shortcuts . We started living on credit instead of building up savings .

  9. 钢材涨价主要是国内钢材超前消费所致。

    This increase of steel price in China has been mainly caused by the exceeding domestic steel consumption .

  10. 这种超前消费能否成为贵州消费贷款领域的一个新增长点呢?

    Can the type of " look - ahead consumption " become a new favorable factor for Guizhou 's loaning business ?

  11. 在二元价值模式传播的影响下,建立在超前消费的基础上的消费主义文化价值观在中国建立起来。

    Influenced by the communication of the dual value model , consumerist cultural values based on advanced consuming has been established in China .

  12. 我们靠一个人的工资养大了三个孩子,在我看来,超前消费是不对的。

    We 've raised three kids on one salary , and it seemed wrong to me to spend money we don 't have .

  13. 但是,随着超前消费的西方经济体需求瓦解,拥有盈余的储蓄型国家找不到人来购买自己的商品。

    But , as demand from the conspicuous consumer economies has crumbled , the surplus Saver nations have no one to buy their goods .

  14. 审视青年住宅超前消费行为,探究其心理,并对青年住宅消费需求进行必要的引导迫在眉睫。

    This essay examines the youth excessive housing consumption , explores their psychology , and urges that necessary instructions be given to the youth housing consumers .

  15. 汽车产量很可能也已经触底,“旧车换现金”计划消除了过剩库存,尽管该计划鼓励人们超前消费,使这方面的形势较难解读。

    Auto production has also probably bottomed out , with cash-for-clunkers eliminating excess inventories , though the scheme pulled forward demand , making this harder to read .

  16. 大学生的身体消费、交往消费、信用卡消费、购物中心消费、时尚消费、炫耀消费、超前消费等等后现代性消费,与其相对理性、合理的现代性消费形成了鲜明的对比。

    The collegians ' body-consumption , communication-consumption , credit card-consumption , shopping center-consumption , fashion-consumption , and so on , is contrast with the relative rational modernity consumption .

  17. 倘若美国、英国及其它西方国家愚蠢到以超前消费的方式兜售他们的未来,他们所需要做的就是揽镜自照。

    If the US , UK and other westerners were foolish enough to hawk their future by spending unearned money , they need look no further than the mirror .

  18. 这些因素在一定程度上造成大学生身体消费和交往消费成本的增加、文化消费的大众化以及超前消费的可行性增强。

    These factors in some extent give rise to the increase of body-consumption cost and communication-consumption cost , the popularization of cultural consumption , and the practicable of advanced consumption .

  19. 通过调查研究,比较而言,当前90后女大学生消费观存在的突出问题表现在过度消费、超前消费和浪费行为。

    With the investigation and research , by comparison , the current " post90s " female college students ' consumption concept problems manifested in the excessive consumption , advance consumption and waste .

  20. 摘要当今社会存在消费异化现象,表现为盲目超前消费、奢侈消费以及公款消费。它们对社会造成危害,应从伦理道德上加以调节和规范。

    The harmful consumption alienation can find expressions in such current factors as blind consumption , luxurious consumption and official consumption , which might be regulated and standardized from an ethical perspective .

  21. 其实行至今已十年有余,在调节消费结构、抑制超前消费、正确引导消费方向和增加财政收入等方面发挥了积极作用。

    It has been ten years since it was set up and it has a bad effect on consumption structure , controlling the conspicuous consumption , leading the correct consumption and increasing financial revenue .

  22. 奢侈消费、符号消费、超前消费等不正确的消费观念给社会、经济、生态带来危机,造成消费者过于追求物质生活而放任来自灵魂深处的私欲,陷入拜物教的泥潭阻碍了人的全面发展。

    Incorrect consumption viewpoints such as luxurious consumption , semiotic consumption , premature consumption bring about danger to society , economy and ecology and induce people to purchase the material well-being life , to indulges the desire from the origin of soul .

  23. 奥巴马称,美国人一直在超前消费,而美国必须削减一些开支项目。我相信量入为出的生活方式,他表示,我们需要削减一大堆不起作用的开支项目。

    Mr Obama said Americans had been living beyond their means and some programmes would have to be cut . I 'm a believer in pay as you go * we need to eliminate a whole host of programmes that don 't work .

  24. 随着社会发展与文明进步,大学生作为一个特殊的消费群体,他们的消费观念和消费行为发生了较大的变化,并由此产生了一些不良的消费观念,如盲目消费、攀比消费、超前消费等。

    Following social development and civil progress , as a special consumer group , collegiate consuming ideas and consuming behavior have changed greatly , from this produced some unhealthy consuming ideas , such as blind consumption , jealous consumption , pre-consuming and so on .

  25. 人们可在中国看到信贷泡沫的所有典型症状:房价收入比攀升至荒谬的水平,非金融公司越来越多地从事金融和大宗商品投机,老百姓购买奢侈品、在住房方面超前消费。

    All the classic symptoms of a credit bubble have been visible in China , as property prices spiral to absurd income ratios , non-financial companies increasingly engage in financial and commodity speculations and households engage in consumption of luxury items and over-consumption of housing .

  26. 有趣的是,虽然消费者“超前消费”给那些每个超支消费家庭的收支薄带来负面的影响,但它却有助于刺激整个经济,从而也给每个家庭带来好处。

    Paradoxically , that " deficit spending " by consumers was good for the overall economy , and thus for all households taken together , although it definitely had a negative impact on the balance sheets of every individual household that spent beyond its means .

  27. 商业的繁荣一定程度上引起了美国政治的保守主义,超前消费的盛行,以及经济的虚假繁荣,由此构成美国在1929年发生大萧条的部分原因。第六章是结论。

    To some extent , the prosperity of commerce causes the conservatism in politics , the prevalence of exaggerated consumption , and the fake prosperity in economy , which constitute part of reason for the Great Depression of America in 1929.Chapter 6 is the conclusion .

  28. 超前的消费得到了超前的享受。

    Excessive consumption leads to excessive enjoyment .

  29. 我国应当选择适当时机制定个人破产法限制过度超前贷款消费,以保证金融市场稳定运行。

    It is necessary for our country to constitute " personal bankruptcy law " so as to restrict the extra-consumption by loan and ensure the stability of financial market .

  30. 而都市女性作为女性中的杰出群体,由于其较高的经济收入、超前的消费观念和自由的消费选择,使她们表现出强大的消费能力和潜力,成为当今城市经济中的一个新亮点。

    As the elite of the females , urban woman exhibit strong consumption ability and potential because of their large incomes , advanced consumption concepts and unrestricted consumption choices . They have become the high light of present urban economy .