
chāo zhǔ quán huò bì
  • super-sovereign reserve currency
  1. 金融危机下对建立超主权货币问题的思考

    Thinking of constructing super right currency problem under financial crisis

  2. 实际上,多数央行需要的远不是一个新的“超主权货币”,而是需要更多美元。

    Indeed , far from needing a new " super-sovereign currency " most central banks need more US dollars .

  3. 在一篮子货币和大宗商品的基础上设立一种新的“超主权储备货币”并不是一个新想法,最初是经济学家约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes)在二战后提出的。

    The idea of establishing a new " super-sovereign reserve currency " , based on a basket of currencies and commodities , is an old one , originally pushed by John Maynard Keynes , the economist , after the Second World War .

  4. 周小川认为,长期答案是创造一种超主权储备货币。

    The long-term answer , he adds , is a super-sovereign reserve currency .

  5. 由此看来,建立超主权储备货币是国际货币体系改革的理想目标。

    So the establishment of super-sovereign reserve currency is the ideal goal of the international monetary system reforming .

  6. 当前,国际货币体系改革的思路有三种:一是重归金本位制;二是创造超主权储备货币;三是推动国际货币体系多极化。

    First , returning to the gold standard ; second creating a super sovereign reserve currency ; third promoting a multi-polar international monetary system .

  7. 超主权储备货币不仅克服了主权信用货币的内在风险,也为调节全球流动性提供了可能。

    A super-sovereign reserve currency not only eliminates the inherent risks of credit-based sovereign currency , but also makes it possible to manage global liquidity .

  8. 周小川此际提出「超主权的储备货币」之议,相信目的是要引发国际思考和讨论。

    Conceivably , it is to provoke debate in the world that Zhou Xiaochuan has put forward the idea of creating a super-sovereignty reserve currency .

  9. 如何改革国际货币体系,一是设立超国家主权的储备货币。

    How to reform the international monetary system , firstly we should establish supra-national sovereignty reserve currency .