
chāo é lì rùn
  • excess profit
  1. 矿业投资项目的超额利润归矿主和业主共同所有。

    The excess profit of mining investment belongs to the owner and the proprietor .

  2. 本论文提出了分割剩余超额利润应该遵循的三个基本原则。

    The author put forward three fundamental principles that should be followed in distributing surplus excess profit .

  3. 公司巨头们企图压低工资以获得超额利润。

    The corporate giants try to drive down wages in order to make superprofits .

  4. 康纳觉得制造商通过出售PC游戏能够赚取超额利润。

    Connor felt manufacturers were making excessive profit from selling PC games .

  5. 正如乔治索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)所言,银行的超额利润,是公众赠予的礼物。

    As George Soros said , the banks ' super profits were public gifts .

  6. 规范的操纵定义来自H-S超额利润的封闭回路交易模型。

    The normal definition of the manipulation is from H-S Model which expresses the excess profits in the close circuit trade .

  7. 卖给加利福尼亚的造纸厂来获得超额利润?

    To some Carolina paper mill for a tidy profit ?

  8. 超额利润是资本主义发展动态中的重要现象。

    Extra profit is an important phenomenon in the development of capitalism .

  9. 人为垄断下的超额利润、趋同化竞争与业间合作&兼论中国投资银行业务的现状、趋势及对策

    Extra Profit , Assimilating Competition and Cooperation Between Industries under the Artificial Monopoly

  10. 应按转让者与受让者的全部投资比例分配超额利润余额。并对评估基准日、折现系数的计算进行修改。

    And the circulation for evaluation base day and coefficient should be revised .

  11. 在一定市场上占据优势地位的企业,可以通过有选择性地实施价格歧视战略,从而实现控制市场、获取超额利润的目的。

    A monopolizing enterprise can control a market and get superprofit by taking price discrimination .

  12. 在上海股市使用反转策略,可能无法保证一定获得超额利润。

    It probably can not guarantee abnormal profit to use contrarian strategy in Shanghai stock market .

  13. 企业无形资产营销的战略目标是通过有效的无形资产营销管理,使企业不仅取得正常利润,而且取得超额利润。

    The strategic goal of managing intangible assets is to bring companies profits through effective IAMM .

  14. 串通招投标是招投标领域发生的一种违法行为,这种行为通过限制自由竞争来谋取超额利润。

    Bidding collusion is an illegal behavior which seeks high profits through the limitation of competition .

  15. 技术创新与超额利润的来源&基于劳动价值论的各种解释

    Technological Innovation and Sources of Extra Profit : Explanations Based on the Labor Theory of Value

  16. 在半强态有效市场上,投资者无法利用可得到的任何公开信息获得经过风险调整后的超额利润。

    In the semi-strong market , we can 't get any extra profit by any public information .

  17. 本文讨论了在中国股票市场上,移动平均线是否具有获取超额利润的能力。

    This paper assesses whether moving average rules can gain excess profits in China 's stock market .

  18. 从经济意义上讲,市场有效性是指没有人能持续获得超额利润。

    In an economic sense , no one can always gain excess profit in an efficient market .

  19. 以及实现信息共享能使制造商与零售商获得超额利润,论证了信息共享的价值。

    To shopkeeper and manufacturer , the information sharing could make both of them get excess profit .

  20. 超限运输在给运输业主带来超额利润的同时,也把许多外部成本转嫁给了社会。

    Overloading transportation brings in excess profits to the owners , meanwhile causes many external costs to society .

  21. 为了获得超额利润,一个销售者可单方面大幅度提高某一商品的价格。

    A single seller can raise the price of a good sky-high in order to earn extra profits .

  22. 但是,目前社会上存在着商品经营者做虚假广告以追求超额利润的现象。

    But , nowadays in society , there is phenomenon which the managers do unreal advertisement to pursue superprofit .

  23. 地租来源于农业中的超额利润,也是剩余价值被分割的一种形态。

    Ground rent comes from the extra profit in agriculture and is one form of the divided surplus value .

  24. 产品的竞争优势来源于客户的满意度和超额利润的实现。

    The competitive advantage of products comes from the degree of the customers and the realization of extra profits .

  25. 从广义看高校因享受来自政府与社会的支出而可能存在超额利润。

    While from broad sense , university earns super profits because of enjoying the expenditure from government and society .

  26. 如果某个资产(合)在无风险的超额利润,就会产生套利行为。

    If an asset ( portfolio ) has riskless super profits , there is arbitrage opportunity in the market .

  27. 报告还指责苹果利用发展中国家环境管理体系的漏洞来攫取超额利润。

    It also blames Apple for taking advantage of loopholes in developing countries'environmental management systems to grab super profits .

  28. 管理劳动所创造的价值增值主要来源于管理创新所实现的超额利润。

    The added-value contributed by management labor is a part of the excess profit contributed originally by management innovation .

  29. 一旦技术丧失了其独占性,变为公共技术,其产生超额利润的价值也就随之丧失。

    Once a special technology loses its exclusive occupation , becoming common technology , it will lose its extra profits .

  30. 这家公司在拉丁美洲开办了几家装配工厂,以便从廉价劳动力中榨取超额利润。

    This company has spun off several assembly plants in Latin America to turn in super profits from cheaper labor .